A few things before the lesson...
LASER is actually an acronym. Most people probably don't know this. It stands for Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation.
Light is just energy that is propagated from atoms absorbing and releasing energy.
A LASER is really just throwing radiation out into the world to stimulate amplified light. For it to do some significant damage, there needs to be a LOT of radiation present. Or... Energy.
Finally... acceleration is just one of the biproducts seen from recoil.
Recoil as a physics phenomenon is the change in momentum between two contacting masses. Recoil is also a product of any form of change in momentum between bodies created by magnetic, and electrical fields. As that energy also moves mass around if it's massive enough. A common hand held laser won't generate any notable recoil or change in momentum. But it's technically present. Once again, just too miniscule to notice.
But for a weaponized laser pistol? Massive amounts of energy is probably being manipulated and sent through transformers, transistors, what ever the heck is in that thing. The recoil is possibly caused by an internal magnetic field created by moving energy.
The more you know!
PS: Light, even lasers can't be seen without refracting off of some medium. So either the world's air is lousy with smog, dust, or moisture... or the gun is dumping out enough energy that it's capable of turning an entire line in space into plasma instantaneously. Would explain a lot really...
EDIT: Now that I think about it... the energy weapons are actually really well designed. They don't have a lens for a laser to be emitted. The thing basically is a radiation cannon.