Before patch they held there own if you used the right weapon for the right job, or just took a laser RCW as your main gun, a multiplas as a close - medium hitter.
A plasma caster or gauss rifle as a big guy, end game boss killer, and a plasma defender as a back up that can kill multipule deathclaws with the right perks.
Hell any weapon was great to use for killing most things pre patch normal hardcoe,, as long as some thought went into its use.
Post patch yet to try, but as they added rather than removed stuff to stats and placed more items in game, I see them as more than holding their own.
Pros: lots.
Cons: meh.
Pro's: meh.
Cons: "I want to play as a Guns character instead".
A little bit over simplified but that's about it.
Guns have too many Pro's but not enough Con's.
And EW has an equal amount of Con's as they have Pro's which in the end makes Guns better.
And explosives only have Con's while not having any Pro's to make up for it.
Balance == Fail.
:violin: just kidding as well as all below is a joke.
I vote all EW's get given 100000000000000000 damage and
one shot only.
Second EW char, post-patch, 30 hours. (I'm on a hold at the moment so I can play some Undead Nightmare and Torment.)
Damn I take it back, with the Torment playing comment, you now are to be given everything you wish for ( as long as you like the game and declare it the beast ever ) not kidding.