Angry much? Guns also fire bullets. Energy weapons fire plasma/laser/fire/electricity - all stuff that is much more damaging to a weapon than, say, bullets. And you're talking about a single gun, to which I mention the Holorifle as a single gun that can be INDESTRUCTIBLE. Really, people are demanding "ZOMG give me exactly what I want"...heck, be thankful we have what we have. They could have given us no energy weapons instead.
No, I'm not angry. I apologize if my exclamation marks were overused. :blush2:
Energy weapons were built to fire lasers/plasma/fire/electricity. You can't really say that that's more damaging to the weapon than bullets, I mean if a normal Gun was modded to fired lasers and that made it degrade faster, fair enough. The gun wasn't built to fire lasers. But these weapons were created with the purpose to fire the stuff.
The Holorifle is fine, it's a good weapon, but it's the only reliable DLC EW. I mean Guns have the Automatron Rifle (this is what I call the Automatic Rifle), The Survivalists Rifle & K9000 Cyberdog Gun, to name a few. Each of these weapons are like great, I don't think there's a major fault about them! You could carry them with you for a long time. You can use them knowing they won't get decimated when fighting Brush-Gun wielding lobotomites (I'm looking at you LAER :stare: !)
Why would they scrap EW? That'd just be silly. EW have been in all the Fallout games, so it's kinda like a basic thing. Would they scrap guns? No, it's something you'd expect to see in a Fallout Game.