Engineer Abilities Discussion

Post » Wed Nov 10, 2010 5:45 pm

oh god, this is a nightmare.. are there really going to be mines? PLEASE SAY NO!! PLLEEEASSSEE!!!!
and if you're wondering why i hate them so much it's 'cause

1. they take zero skill
2. by the time you spot 'em you're already dead
3. they take zero skill!!
4. feeding noobs temptation to camp with a soldier and just refill and plant effing mines everywhere or just replant where it exploded
5. they take zero skill!!!!
6. they will slowdown the pace of the game SIGNIFICANTLY with players CONSTANTLY having to check EVERY FREAKING CORNER
7. they'll make players afraid to FREERUN over ANY wall which they can't see the other side!!

the only mines i can think off that would be "balanced" would be detection "mines" that beeps on the map when someone walks pass it.. otherwise, NO THANK YOU!

if the guys at SD are gonna put 'em in i will be damn well impressed if they made it balanced! 'cause MINES TAKE NO SKILL!

1. Not true
2. Pay attention where you are going
3. Not true
4. Noobs use GL not mines oh and Engineers use mines not soldiers
5. Not true
6. Play a light and take to the roof tops
7. No they won't
8. Wow really it takes plenty of skill to place mines in useful places

Mines are supposed to cut of areas of movement that is the point and its not like you can spam them easily.
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Crystal Clarke
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Post » Wed Nov 10, 2010 9:38 pm

1. They won't in Brink, getting a well placed mine, on a small map, in the heat of battle, will take skill, especially as you'll have to vary where you place the mines as people will get used to avoiding "hot spots"
2. No, I think, once you stand on them they click, but they don't go off until you've stepped off them, giving your sides engineers time to defuse them.
4. They're purchased with your PIPs, and are not ammo, so this cannot happen.
6. They're one specialization of one class, they won't be that common.
7. Maybe, but since when's having to take chances been a bad thing? (It's Parkour not Free Running, they're completely different sports.)

1. yeah 'cause running around a corner and dropping one in less than a second takes MAAADD skillz
2. 'cause you'll be able to stop in time when they click? Lolz.. they're not giant metal plates
4. fair enough
6. yeah, 'cause not everyone can pick engineer? this stuff isn't confirmed yet.. kill wh0res DO exist.. you know? people who wh0re out kills for a nice KDR ignoring the objective? Thus sticking to an engineer class for EASY mine kills..
7. lolz, not everyone's stupid enough to leave things up to chance.. "chance" is the thing that's feeding noobs the mentality to think they have skill thus not being interested in anolyzing their mistakes and [censored]ing over the microphone when they die.. (i don't give a sh!t what you wanna call it people b!tch about it enough, keep on topic)
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Miss K
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Post » Wed Nov 10, 2010 6:52 pm

1. yeah 'cause running around a corner and dropping one in less than a second takes MAAADD skillz
2. 'cause you'll be able to stop in time when they click? Lolz.. they're not giant metal plates
4. fair enough
6. yeah, 'cause not everyone can pick engineer? this stuff isn't confirmed yet.. kill wh0res DO exist.. you know? people who wh0re out kills for a nice KDR ignoring the objective? Thus sticking to an engineer class for EASY mine kills..
7. lolz, not everyone's stupid enough to leave things up to chance.. "chance" is the thing that's feeding noobs the mentality to think they have skill thus not being interested in anolyzing their mistakes and [censored]ing over the microphone when they die.. (i don't give a sh!t what you wanna call it people b!tch about it enough, keep on topic)

6. Yea killing enemies trying to take the objective, those self centered (censored), also its not confirmed what are you complaining about?

How does a Mad Skillz player play?
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Post » Wed Nov 10, 2010 10:58 am

Your obviously just hating on mines because your gameplay style is careless. Mines bring strategic gameplay and from your rant the only reason you hate them so much is because you do not look where you are walking and get killed alot by them. If they take zero skill then they shouldnt be an issue for you to pay attention to where you are going and not get blown up by them.

Mines in Brink will be balanced very well because you have a point gauge and a cooldown on it so you cannot just lay down mines one after the other. Also you do not just start out with them they have to be purchased at a control pannel (correct me if I am wrong Horse lol). Mines that beep is just plain stupid there would be no point how about instead you quite trying to running around like your playing MW2 and actually pay attention to where you are going.

first of all, i can't run around in mw2 'cause of freaking mines?

secondly, "watch where you're going" doesn't help if it's in a blind spot (depending on how big the mine is)..

third, i KNOW it takes no skill 'cause i've used them and gotten A LOT of free kills, and it doesn't feel right. i'm a hardcoe FPS player and FPS = First Person Shooter, not "look around every corner and door way(which brink should have A LOT OF) before you get in"

the only reason i can come up with for you wanting mines in the game so much is for the easy kill.. where you can go "wow, i just killed someone" ignoring the fact that you didn't do jack [censored] but press a button while aiming your crosshair beside a door..
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Marquis deVille
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Post » Wed Nov 10, 2010 7:52 am

1. yeah 'cause running around a corner and dropping one in less than a second takes MAAADD skillz
2. 'cause you'll be able to stop in time when they click? Lolz.. they're not giant metal plates
4. fair enough
6. yeah, 'cause not everyone can pick engineer? this stuff isn't confirmed yet.. kill wh0res DO exist.. you know? people who wh0re out kills for a nice KDR ignoring the objective? Thus sticking to an engineer class for EASY mine kills..
7. lolz, not everyone's stupid enough to leave things up to chance.. "chance" is the thing that's feeding noobs the mentality to think they have skill thus not being interested in anolyzing their mistakes and [censored]ing over the microphone when they die.. (i don't give a sh!t what you wanna call it people b!tch about it enough, keep on topic)

1. You need to arm the mine, not just drop it real fast
2. You could stop in time in ET.
6. If the game doesn't have global leaderboards (which it doesn't) and doesn't track KDR, why would players care? Are they so determined that they are keeping their own stats own a pad a paper? Besides, on defense, killing players is before they complete objectives is pivotal.
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Ilona Neumann
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Post » Wed Nov 10, 2010 11:10 am

6. Yea killing enemies trying to take the objective, those self centered (censored), also its not confirmed what are you complaining about?

How does a Mad Skillz player play?

IT'S NOT CONFIRMED?!?! i love you.. best news of the week.. x)

uh.. mad skillz player? do things that take skill? Lolz, for instance,
holding down your left trigger and waiting for someone to run into your sights = no skill
quick scoping = skill
hiding in the bushes so you can knife someone in the back = no skill
shoot to kill = skill
noob tubing = no skill
throwing mines = NO SKILL

as you can see, the trend is, things that require "no skill" can be done by ANYONE and i mean ANYONE.. and thus, requires no skill.. the only reason people don't do it is simply out of principle (i'd like to think so) 'cause if you do any of the following (but not limited to) "noob things" and think you have skill, then you are an even bigger noob than the guy who doesn't know what "X" on the controller does.
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Jeremy Kenney
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Post » Wed Nov 10, 2010 2:02 pm

1. You need to arm the mine, not just drop it real fast
2. You could stop in time in ET.
6. If the game doesn't have global leaderboards (which it doesn't) and doesn't track KDR, why would players care? Are they so determined that they are keeping their own stats own a pad a paper? Besides, on defense, killing players is before they complete objectives is pivotal.

1. you sure about that? i thought it wasn't confirmed?
2. never played ET can't really say about that
6. i was not aware they wouldn't have global leaderboards.. good to hear it..
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Connie Thomas
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Post » Wed Nov 10, 2010 6:02 pm

IT'S NOT CONFIRMED?!?! i love you.. best news of the week.. x)

uh.. mad skillz player? do things that take skill? Lolz, for instance,
holding down your left trigger and waiting for someone to run into your sights = no skill
quick scoping = skill
hiding in the bushes so you can knife someone in the back = no skill
shoot to kill = skill
noob tubing = no skill
throwing mines = NO SKILL

as you can see, the trend is, things that require "no skill" can be done by ANYONE and i mean ANYONE.. and thus, requires no skill.. the only reason people don't do it is simply out of principle (i'd like to think so) 'cause if you do any of the following (but not limited to) "noob things" and think you have skill, then you are an even bigger noob than the guy who doesn't know what "X" on the controller does.

Out of curiousity which part did you think I referred to not confirmed?

How about stalking someone then knifing them in the back.

That fact that you can even quickscope is [censored].
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Post » Wed Nov 10, 2010 4:24 pm

I think mines should be a OHK on unbuffed lights but nobody else. For mediums and heavies it should do a large amount of damage and mark their location for 30 seconds or so. This would make it so that you have a chance to survive but have to either fall back or deal with many, many enemies to do so.
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Lynne Hinton
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Post » Wed Nov 10, 2010 10:41 am

Out of curiousity which part did you think I referred to not confirmed?

How about stalking someone then knifing them in the back.

That fact that you can even quickscope is [censored].

the part where i quoted? "it's not confirmed yet what are you complaining about" or something

as long as by "stalking" you don't mean sitting around in the corner waiting for someone to walk pass so you can knife 'em i'm fine.. and cammanDON'T! xD

LMAO! you ever quick scoped? you're pretty much handicapping the enemy.. you have 1 shot(pressure) and it has to be the first shot(reflex), on the spot(accuracy), and has to kill(pressure and accuracy).. even if a quickscoper was using an assault rifle that pretty much means you're screwed 'cause he has his crosshairs on you has the first hit at the chest or higher.. go try it before crapping dude.. and yes, i HAVE used mines in the past.. it's cheap as hell..
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Roberta Obrien
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Post » Wed Nov 10, 2010 10:46 am

quick scoping = skill

lol, you complain about mines because they take "no skill," but then say quickscoping (practically a game exploit) is skillful. It may take more "skill," but it is extremely frowned down upon. Mines are just mines.

noob tubing = no skill

"noob tube" is a game specific term. It doesn't apply to all Grenade Launchers.

throwing mines = NO SKILL

walking over armed mines = idiot.
If it takes no skill to throw a mine, it takes even less skill to watch where you're walking.

You seem to have "Modern Warfare 2-itis." Your complaints seem to stem from problems in that game (like noob tubes) and your frustration is translating over to Brink.
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Post » Wed Nov 10, 2010 6:15 pm

lol, you complain about mines because they take "no skill," but then say quickscoping (practically a game exploit) is skillful. It may take more "skill," but it is extremely frowned down upon. Mines are just mines.

"noob tube" is a game specific term. It doesn't apply to all Grenade Launchers.

walking over armed mines = idiot.
If it takes no skill to throw a mine, it takes even less skill to watch where you're walking.

You seem to have "Modern Warfare 2-itis." Your complaints seem to stem from problems in that game (like noob tubes) and your frustration is translating over to Brink.

quickscoping does take skill? read the previous reply i made.. it's pretty much giving your opponent the advantage.. -.- have you even tried it? i highly doubt it..

most people who [censored] about quickscoping have either never tried it or tried it, died a lot and never bothered improving(noob mentality).. i'm willing to bet anyone who can kill you with quickscoping can do it even more efficiently with an assault rifle..

let's say (hypothetically) you svck balls and can't shoot for sh!t, would you pick a rifle or a grenade launcher if you want more kills/XP? the answer's in your face.
now let's say you have skills what the easiest way to get kills/XP, GL or rifle? again, GL.. 'cause it takes less work/skill/aim..

it depends, 'cause i have no idea how their mines would work if you could see them before you actually trigger them or would it be like claymores where it's got a detection radius in front of it.. i wouldn't mind it as much if it's like a giant round plate.. LuhLz xD (still stopping me from jumping over walls though) and let's face it, parkour is one of the main sauces this game will be bringing a long, putting something in the game that would cap that main sauce would be kind of... counter productive eh?
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Romy Welsch
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Post » Wed Nov 10, 2010 9:40 am

the part where i quoted? "it's not confirmed yet what are you complaining about" or something

as long as by "stalking" you don't mean sitting around in the corner waiting for someone to walk pass so you can knife 'em i'm fine.. and cammanDON'T! xD

LMAO! you ever quick scoped? you're pretty much handicapping the enemy.. you have 1 shot(pressure) and it has to be the first shot(reflex), on the spot(accuracy), and has to kill(pressure and accuracy).. even if a quickscoper was using an assault rifle that pretty much means you're screwed 'cause he has his crosshairs on you has the first hit at the chest or higher.. go try it before crapping dude.. and yes, i HAVE used mines in the past.. it's cheap as hell..

The whole point of a sniper rifle is its supposed to be the deadliest long range weapon. Quickscoping turns its greatest weaknest into a strength. Its stupid.

lol, you complain about mines because they take "no skill," but then say quickscoping (practically a game exploit) is skillful. It may take more "skill," but it is extremely frowned down upon. Mines are just mines.

"noob tube" is a game specific term. It doesn't apply to all Grenade Launchers.

walking over armed mines = idiot.
If it takes no skill to throw a mine, it takes even less skill to watch where you're walking.

Also if you keep running over the same mine you are an idiot.

Or keep getting stabbed by that same bush you are an idiot.
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Captian Caveman
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Post » Wed Nov 10, 2010 7:56 pm

the part where i quoted? "it's not confirmed yet what are you complaining about" or something

as long as by "stalking" you don't mean sitting around in the corner waiting for someone to walk pass so you can knife 'em i'm fine.. and cammanDON'T! xD

LMAO! you ever quick scoped? you're pretty much handicapping the enemy.. you have 1 shot(pressure) and it has to be the first shot(reflex), on the spot(accuracy), and has to kill(pressure and accuracy).. even if a quickscoper was using an assault rifle that pretty much means you're screwed 'cause he has his crosshairs on you has the first hit at the chest or higher.. go try it before crapping dude.. and yes, i HAVE used mines in the past.. it's cheap as hell..

You won't be able to quickscope in this game. End of story. This isn't MW2 so don't drag any of that [censored] here. We don't want this game to be like MW2.

And quickscopers in MW2, about half of them fail.
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Post » Wed Nov 10, 2010 8:58 am


You won't be able to quickscope in this game. End of story. This isn't MW2 so don't drag any of that Bull**** here. We don't want this game to be like MW2.

And quickscopers in MW2, about half of them fail.

i know there won't be any quickscoping in this game, read the replies before or shut up dude.. you're making yourself look like a fool..

half of the quickscopers on mw2 fail? you expect them to get good over night? 'cause that's how everyone improves? try once and godlike after? i'm amazed at your level of stupidity..

in my opinion, the fact that quisckscopers are willing to ignore the easy way and try improving at something is what makes them better, it's not the guns or the skills, it's the mentality, unlike most peopl who have tried it, svcked at it, and is too embarrassed to try it again and come to forums [censored]ing about how "bullsh!t it is" even though they can't pull it off themselves.. what's so [censored] about it? you give me a valid argument and we'll see where this goes ya? but before you do, go try it out, and tell me it was easy running towards the guys with assult rifles and taking them out with just a bolt-action sniper..
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Red Bevinz
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Post » Wed Nov 10, 2010 11:36 am

yeah it turns the weakness into a strength IF YOU ARE GOOD ENOUGH!! what makes a good FPS player (ignoring tactics/teamwork)? reflexes and accuracy.. huh, i wonder what makes a good quickscoper so good?

In a game like MW2 or Halo, there is a higher emphasis on cognitive skills, but in a game like Brink, where reflexes and killing will only go so far, a players skills much be must more versatile. I used to play comp in RTCW and ET, and my main role was a Medic, and although I was good at aiming and killing, I didn't really fire my gun all that much. My skills as a Medic and working on a team, was good enough so I didn't have to be a "crackshot." I had quick, accurate revives, kept my team alive, and baited enemies.

if the mines are like MW2 i'm going to be a very unhappy camper (i don't camp, but you get what i mean).. but i don't see any other way of making a mine that can be as "effective"..

Well, seeing how you didn't play ET, and probably not QW or RTCW as well, you really haven't seen how they can be done "effectively."

i used to play competitively, think i know a little more about strats and exploitation.

lol, your attitude is less than professional, so "competitive" experience or not, it's hard to take you seriously. What games did you play competitively anyway? Because if they aren't SD style, class-based objective games, your experience means little here.
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Jacob Phillips
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Post » Wed Nov 10, 2010 9:08 pm

In a game like MW2 or Halo, there is a higher emphasis on cognitive skills, but in a game like Brink, where reflexes and killing will only go so far, a players skills much be must more versatile. I used to play comp in RTCW and ET, and my main role was a Medic, and although I was good at aiming and killing, I didn't really fire my gun all that much. My skills as a Medic and working on a team, was good enough so I didn't have to be a "crackshot." I had quick, accurate revives, kept my team alive, and baited enemies.

Well, seeing how you didn't play ET, and probably not QW or RTCW as well, you really haven't seen how they can be done "effectively."

lol, your attitude is less than professional, so "competitive" experience or not, it's hard to take you seriously. What games did you play competitively anyway? Because if they aren't SD style, class-based objective games, your experience means little here.

first off, i said "ignore skill and team play" 'cause we're comparing what takes skill and what doesn't between mines and quickscoping? You seem to be leading the topic further from what it actually is.. you said quick scoping takes no skill and planting mines do.. then that was what i was comparing.. the now you're moving to teamplay and stuff.. i r teh cunfusumz

i'll admit it's nothing from SD.. but i know how to exploit certain elements of a game.. or can see how they will probably be expoited..

and i'll admit to being a little "unprofessional" if that's what you wanna call it, 'cause people place arguments that aren't very logic-based, it can get considerably frustrating at times.. if you're gonna put up a counter argument at least give a legitimate reason.. for instance, you can tell me why quickscoping is "[censored]" or "cheap" in a logically structured argument with valid points, then we can have a civil debate.

i just saw a video on ET:QW's mines.. they seem fair.. fairly easy to avoid except when you've jumped over a wall and realize you're falling to your doom because someone poped a mine there, and no matter how sklled you are, you can't do anything about it.. and jumping over walls is what SMART is for.. a system developed just for this game..
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Steven Hardman
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Post » Wed Nov 10, 2010 10:25 pm

i know there won't be any quickscoping in this game, read the replies before or shut up dude.. you're making yourself look like a fool..

half of the quickscopers on mw2 fail? you expect them to get good over night? 'cause that's how everyone improves? try once and godlike after? i'm amazed at your level of stupidity..

in my opinion, the fact that quisckscopers are willing to ignore the easy way and try improving at something is what makes them better, it's not the guns or the skills, it's the mentality, unlike most peopl who have tried it, svcked at it, and is too embarrassed to try it again and come to forums [censored]ing about how "bullsh!t it is" even though they can't pull it off themselves.. what's so [censored] about it? you give me a valid argument and we'll see where this goes ya? but before you do, go try it out, and tell me it was easy running towards the guys with assult rifles and taking them out with just a bolt-action sniper..

I don't expect them to get good over night. I expect them to keep in private matches or FFA and away from team deathmatch and search and destroy. I don't mind quickscopers on the other team or in FFA. They give me more kills. I fail at quickscoping, but am I one of the hundreds of thousands who drags it into team deathmatch or search? No. Do I whine when I get quickscoped? No. I'm just tired of all these guys just ruining the game like that. A tactic is a tactic. I just don't want the tactic affecting me negatively.

Anyway, before I stray too much off topic. I don't think we can use the mines like a claymore in Modern warfare 2. If it has splash damage, it would hit you in small areas. You'll just have to either back up or wait for an engineer to defuse them, so I think it would be fair in this game for it to be a OHK.
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Roy Harris
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Post » Wed Nov 10, 2010 8:43 am

I don't expect them to get good over night. I expect them to keep in private matches or FFA and away from team deathmatch and search and destroy. I don't mind quickscopers on the other team or in FFA. They give me more kills. I fail at quickscoping, but am I one of the hundreds of thousands who drags it into team deathmatch or search? No. Do I whine when I get quickscoped? No. I'm just tired of all these guys just ruining the game like that. A tactic is a tactic. I just don't want the tactic affecting me negatively.

Anyway, before I stray too much off topic. I don't think we can use the mines like a claymore in Modern warfare 2. If it has splash damage, it would hit you in small areas. You'll just have to either back up or wait for an engineer to defuse them, so I think it would be fair in this game for it to be a OHK.

well that's fair enough.. can't blame a guy for wanting some montage clips though.. xD

it really depends on many things.. all we can do now is hope SD gets it right if they're putting it in.. or NOT put it in., x)
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Maya Maya
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Post » Wed Nov 10, 2010 2:53 pm

takes no skill and planting mines do.. then that was what i was comparing.. the now you're moving to teamplay and stuff.. i r teh cunfusumz

I never said mines take skill and quickscoping doesn't. This is what I said:
"lol, you complain about mines because they take "no skill," but then say quickscoping (practically a game exploit) is skillful. It may take more "skill," but it is extremely frowned down upon. Mines are just mines."

i'll admit it's nothing from SD.. but i know how to exploit certain elements of a game.. or can see how they will probably be expoited..

you mean like quickscoping?

for instance, you can tell me why quickscoping is "[censored]" or "cheap" in a logically structured argument with valid points, then we can have a civil debate.

This has already been explained - The whole point of a sniper rifle is its supposed to be the deadliest long range weapon. Quickscoping turns its greatest weakness into a strength.
I would say that constitutes as "cheap," regardless if it takes "skill."

i just saw a video on ET:QW's mines.. they seem fair.. fairly easy to avoid except when you've jumped over a wall and realize you're falling to your doom because someone poped a mine there,

lol, you want some cheese with that whine?

In ET:
1. Operatives can spot mines
2. It's a landmine - you're not supposed to be able to see it.
3. You can only plant mines on natural surfaces, like dirt or sand.
4. Engineers can defuse mines
5. Grenades can detonate mines
6. You have a set amount of mines. Every mine you plant over the amount, cancels out a previously planted mine.

In QW, mines are noticeable by everyone, since they are just placed on surfaces, rather than buried.

using "not being able to see landmines," as a reason for them being unfair, is like complaining about the sniper that just killed you is "unfair," because he didn't give away his position after he killed you.

and no matter how sklled you are, you can't do anything about it..

Yes there is - don't go that way....
After you start playing ET for so long, you start to figure out all the "hotspots" for landmines. You learn where to expect landmines, and probable areas where they will be. This goes hand in hand with being a skilled player -it's called battlefield and situational severeness. Whether the mines are like they are in ET (buried underground, not noticeable) or QW (stuck to surfaces, noticeable) they will be fair either way. I know, because I have played both games and experienced them first hand, both on the giving and receiving end.
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Post » Wed Nov 10, 2010 5:30 pm

Mines don't require skill. They require strategy.
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Stryke Force
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Post » Wed Nov 10, 2010 6:08 pm

it really depends on many things.. all we can do now is hope SD gets it right if they're putting it in.. or NOT put it in., x)

You mean like quickscoping. I just hope the game is balanced.

Mines don't require skill. They require strategy.

Well put sir. Strategy will be required in this game as much as skill and reflexes if not more.
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Lucie H
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Post » Wed Nov 10, 2010 10:01 am

... I'll reopen this after a bit of clean up.
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James Hate
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Post » Wed Nov 10, 2010 11:23 am

And we're decently clean. Try to move back to the stuff about engineers and not whether or not mines are cheap.
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Post » Wed Nov 10, 2010 3:26 pm

considering the amount of players playing operative, mines shouldnt be a problem
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