English Voicing for Nehrim

Post » Sat May 28, 2011 9:21 pm

This may be a too ambitious of a project but hey we all try for the impossible. Many expressed an interest in this so I contacted SureAi and asked them for permission to attempt an English Voice mod for Nehrim. They have given their ok with the stipulation that it is quality work and they are interested in what kind of results we get. So, I am putting a feeler out to see if there are any voice actors that would be interested in attempting this project or those of you who know of any voice actors and want this maybe you can put some pressure on them.

I'm not quite sure how to go about this so any help in that regard will be appreciated.

If anyone is intersted you can PM me or contact me at 'mystara99@live.com".

Here is a list of their voice actors and who they voiced which will give you an idea of some of the overlap. I think I counted 53 voice actor names. Having helped with the translation I know some parts are short and others are quite long.

Voice actors:

Alexander Grimm - Tyr
Alexander Schottky - Leutnant Trimack
Alexander Turrek - Erik
Alessandro Alioto - Wachsoldat Wolff
Andi K?nigsmann - Handor der Axtschwinger, Rafael
Andreas Denk - Arkt
Andreas Kr?sing - Merzul, Minenwache, Kalrador, Soldaten
Andreas Otto - Narel
Andreas W. Schmidt - Barateon, Rodrigues, Fredo
Arndt Schm?le - Melvin
Bastian von Daake - Duras
Benno Lehmann - Celebro, Maat Christian, Menschen
Bettina Blum - Intro-Sprecherin
Bj?rn Henschel - Südreich-Offizier
Carmen Molinar - Arma, Helene, Mathilda
Carsten Wilhelm - Hauptmann Dratis
Christian Balser - Porim
Christian Birko-Flemming - Korn, Julius
Christina Puciata - Antoinette Boddenbruuk
Daniel Langer - Tomah
Daniela Brabetz-Thuar - Sarantha
David Riedel - Kim (male)
Detlef Tams - Reman
Dominik Schott - Taranor
Gabi Franke - Vivien, H?ndlerinnen
Gerd Naumann - Callisto, Markus
Gerhard Acktun - K?nig des Sternenvolkes
Gerrit Stratmann - Schaffner, Tealor Arantheal
Gilles Karolyi - Elward, Maltin
Gordon Piedesack - Prediger
Mathias Bauer - K?pt'n Blei
Karen Schulz-Vobach - Irlanda
Katharina von Daake - Lehrerinnen
Katharina Weyland - Amanda
Kim Hasper - Arazdor
Kristine Mauersberger - Esara, Marianne
Lutz Harder - Aratornias, Jagal
Mario Hassert - Kreo
Martin Magestro - Grenzposten
Martin Sabel - Narathzul Arantheal
Michael Krüger - Hirre
Nils Weyland - Sch?fer Andrusch
Pascal Simon Grote - Aspheron
Peter Brück - Morten
Rieke Werner - Nicci
Roman Ewert - Acorias
Rubina Kuraoka - Kim (female)
Sebastian Liebich - Gabor Gaboff, Merre, Solran
Stefan Naas - Malphas
Stella Lindler - Menschen
Sven Hasper - Akarus
Tanja Niehoff - Vanmiria
Thomas C. Gass - Gervasius, Theophil
Tino Kie?ling - Lehrer, Saldrin
Tobias Diakow - Karick, Wirt Klaus, H?ndler
Tom Vogt - Haimon
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Olga Xx
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 6:53 pm

It's quite an achievement how they managed to get all that voice acting done. I have my doubts about whether people will be able to form a similar group of english voice actors, but I wish you luck with this ambitious project!
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Sami Blackburn
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 10:39 am

Germans are masters at voice acting. Here in the Netherlands we are used to subtitles for every movie, series or program that isn't in Dutch. In Germany however, dubbing is common practice for almost everything released that isn't spoken in german. This isn't to start a discussions about that being a bad thing or not, but it does make it clear that voice acting is concidered a serious bussiness in Germany, so finding able and willing voice actors should be less difficult than in most other countries.
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Dominic Vaughan
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:47 pm

I've seen a few mods that have had voice actors, but nothing as well voice acted as Nehrim so far. The only think I can think of is http://www.invision.tesalliance.org/forums/index.php?/forum/74-voice-actors-project/ but that's about it.
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Chad Holloway
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 4:28 pm

Nehrim had a whole studio do the acting.
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Matt Terry
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 9:09 pm

Nehrim had a whole studio do the acting.

Is that directed at me? I'm well aware that they did.

I was just stating what I've seen in the english voice acting community (or lack there-of), and giving a recommendation on the most current group of english voice actors that I know about.
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Kim Bradley
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 6:00 pm

I've played a number of mods that had voice acting and have hated every single one except Nehrim. Most are over acted or the sound quality svcks. Nehrim had professional actors who were willing to donate their time. They also had a sound studio that they could use. I don't want to rain on your parade, but unless you have similar resources available, you may have a tough time matching Nehrim's standards.

I happen to have some friends in the theatre community (i.e. professional actors). I will ask, but I don't think I will be able to recruit anybody. I will enquire about a sound studio as well, but that may be out of reach. This is a super-duper long shot, so don't get your hopes up. It is something I've been comtemplating for a while though...
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:08 pm

Even if you can't get professional voice actors and a sound studio, i'm pretty sure there will be enough people voice, even if the voicings won't be as good as the german ones...
I, for one, would do it.
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Shianne Donato
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:03 am

My suggestion is that you don't limit your search for voice actors to TES related sites. Try asking on some popular general forums that have lots of visitors of various interest. And present the mod with videos etc.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 2:34 pm

Edit: accidental double post.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 6:28 pm

Another thing that may help (or hinder) getting volunteers for this is an idea of the size of each voice part. Is that information easily available?
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Mrs Pooh
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 10:44 pm

Try looking http://www.invision.tesalliance.org/forums/index.php?/forum/74-voice-actors-project/
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jeremey wisor
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 1:09 pm

In reply as to the size of the voice parts, I can get that without a problem since I did all of the dialogue translation. I just don't have the proof-read copy right now. So I'll start checking that out and some of the other sites suggested. Also I think I need to figure out how many female and male actors are needed.

I know many might think they cannot voice act or if your equipment will do a good job. Well, you'll never know unless you try it. If I let that type of thinking stop me; Arktwend, Myar, and Nehrim would never have gotten translated. I do not know a lick of German, never had a class in High School or college yet people are enjoying Arktwend and Myar and you are about to get Nehrim with subtitles.

If you want something to practice on use the little EnglishBeta for Nehrim I made, it has short dialogue parts.

So if you are interested even for a one-liner please PM or e-mail me at "mystara99@live.com" and include a clip if you have one.
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