Enhanced economy and LAME - the price of enchanted items

Post » Sat Sep 13, 2014 6:06 pm

Does anyone here use both LAME and Enhanced Economy?

If so, then you must have noticed that enchanted items have a HUGE price, making it almost impossible to buy anything magic-related (also spells, right?) and, on the other hand, making you very rich if you have a high Merchantile skill/NPC disposition and you sell some magic loot you found in your adventures.

The suggested action is to modify the settings of the Enhanced economy.ini found in Data/ini.

Specifically, the following section:

; ================== Settings to control value of enchanted items =====================

; Enables or disables adjustment of barter values for enhanted non-weapon items
set tnoEE.adjustMagicValue to 1

; Set whether value of items with constant magic effects are calculated from vanilla cost (0), from the current, modded values in your game (1), or the lowest of the two (2)
set tnoEE.baseMagicValue to 0

; Set exponent used to in a magicValue^exp calculation. 1 means no exponential change in value.
set tnoEE.magicEffectPow to 1

; Set the multiplier for value from constant magic effects
set tnoEE.magicEffectMult to 1

The obvious question is:

what values did you set? did you find a good balance? did you change other settings in the ini?

It's kinda difficult to achieve, so let's see what the opinions are.

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Lory Da Costa
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Joined: Fri Dec 15, 2006 12:30 pm

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