Yes, I will, and also add it as an option in the omod installation script.
; Maximum gold a merchant can have compared to Oblivion's standard merchant gold scheme - before any of the other factors belowset tnoEE.max_gold to 2.0; Multiplier of the merchant's gold compared to what he normally has. Setting this to 1.5 means that a merchant that normally has 800 gold will instead have 1200 gold.set tnoEE.base_multiplier to 2.0; Additional barter gold per merchant when the player is a master in mercantilism set tnoEE.extraBarterGoldMaster to 500; Changes the effect of the Journeyman mercantile perk. If 0, the perk works as normal (You can buy or sell any item with any merchant); If higher than zero, you can only sell to the correct merchant type, but merchants will receive additional barter gold equal to this settingset tnoEE.extraBarterGoldJourneyman to 1; Randomization factor of the merchant's base gold. 0 means no randomization, 0.5 means 50% randomization (a merchant that normally has 800 gold can have anything from 400-1200)set tnoEE.start_random_factor to 0.5; The part of the merchant's gold that will normally change during the day. 0.2 means that the merchant normally has 20% less gold in the morning than in the evening.set tnoEE.time_factor to 0.2; How much of the gold that changes during the day that will go above the merchant's base gold.; With time_factor of 0.2, time_threshold of 0 means that a merchant with 1000 base gold goes from 800 to 1000.; time_treshold of 0.2 means 740-1040, time_treshold of 0.5 means 900-1100 and time_treshold of 1 means 1000-1200. set tnoEE.time_threshold to 1.0; Randomization factor of the gold the merchant receives during the day to simulate trade with NPCs.; If the above settings result in a calculation that the merchant's gold should increase by 100 gold, update_random_factor will have the following effect:; 0: increase by 100. 0.5: increase by 50-150. 1: increase by 0-200. 1.5: change by -50 - +250 2: change by -100 - +300.set tnoEE.update_random_factor to 2.0; Number of hours since last trade before a merchant's gold is completely resetset tnoEE.merchant_reset_interval to 24