[RELz] Enhanced Economy

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:58 am

So I tried your suggestion as mentioned in the Map Marker thread and it works. You might want to include that info in the ini file.

Yes, I will, and also add it as an option in the omod installation script.
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Alexandra Louise Taylor
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:29 am

Yes, I will, and also add it as an option in the omod installation script.

One thing though. It doesn't work if you make the change mid-game. I had to deactivate the mod, do a clean save, then reactivate it before the change would occur.
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XPidgex Jefferson
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:51 am

So I've been running into a problem with this mod. A couple of times now I've had merchants that have had no gold at all, the value is 0. Here are my settings and I don't see how that can be possible. They should have at least some, maybe slightly less than the default values or even twice as much:

; Maximum gold a merchant can have compared to Oblivion's standard merchant gold scheme - before any of the other factors belowset tnoEE.max_gold to 2.0; Multiplier of the merchant's gold compared to what he normally has. Setting this to 1.5 means that a merchant that normally has 800 gold will instead have 1200 gold.set tnoEE.base_multiplier to 2.0; Additional barter gold per merchant when the player is a master in mercantilism set tnoEE.extraBarterGoldMaster to 500; Changes the effect of the Journeyman mercantile perk. If 0, the perk works as normal (You can buy or sell any item with any merchant); If higher than zero, you can only sell to the correct merchant type, but merchants will receive additional barter gold equal to this settingset tnoEE.extraBarterGoldJourneyman to 1; Randomization factor of the merchant's base gold. 0 means no randomization, 0.5 means 50% randomization (a merchant that normally has 800 gold can have anything from 400-1200)set tnoEE.start_random_factor to 0.5; The part of the merchant's gold that will normally change during the day. 0.2 means that the merchant normally has 20% less gold in the morning than in the evening.set tnoEE.time_factor to 0.2; How much of the gold that changes during the day that will go above the merchant's base gold.; With time_factor of 0.2, time_threshold of 0 means that a merchant with 1000 base gold goes from 800 to 1000.; time_treshold of 0.2 means 740-1040, time_treshold of 0.5 means 900-1100 and time_treshold of 1 means 1000-1200.  set tnoEE.time_threshold to 1.0; Randomization factor of the gold the merchant receives during the day to simulate trade with NPCs.; If the above settings result in a calculation that the merchant's gold should increase by 100 gold, update_random_factor will have the following effect:; 0: increase by 100. 0.5: increase by 50-150. 1: increase by 0-200. 1.5: change by -50 - +250 2: change by -100 - +300.set tnoEE.update_random_factor to 2.0; Number of hours since last trade before a merchant's gold is completely resetset tnoEE.merchant_reset_interval to 24

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daniel royle
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:36 am

So I've been running into a problem with this mod. A couple of times now I've had merchants that have had no gold at all, the value is 0. Here are my settings and I don't see how that can be possible. They should have at least some, maybe slightly less than the default values or even twice as much:
Is this when the merchant's gold is completely reset (first time trade, manually reset, or waited more than the reset period), or when it is merely updated? You are correct that if the gold is completely reset, it should vary from around default, to around 3 x default with your ini settings.

I can see one possible reason that I'm afraid that I haven't tested well enough: That is if your investment gold is higher than the vanilla gold value. Investment gold works quite peculiarly, so I had to do some tricks to get it to work as intended with the dynamic barter gold, and I guess I only tested it with merchants that had more base barter gold than the investment gold value. And from your previous question I guess you may have high investment gold?

I will look into it, and am pretty sure that it will be quite easy to fix.

But if you don't think this is the case for the merchants with zero barter gold, can you please help me by setting debug to 1 in the ini file, and then if you encounter a merchant with zero gold, open the console and report (or take screenshot of) EE's messages, starting with "EE:Adjusted max barter gold by ..."
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Laura Hicks
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:39 am

Is this when the merchant's gold is completely reset (first time trade, manually reset, or waited more than the reset period), or when it is merely updated?

This is with a brand new game. After leaving the sewers and sleeping in the Merchants Inn for a few hours, I went to The Best Defence to sell some of the stuff I had picked up in the tutorial dungeon. Neither Mario Rufus or Varnaldo had any gold at all. I later went to Red Diamond Jewellers and he didn't have any gold either. Later that day I went back to The Best Defence and both Mario and Varnaldo had gold then, but The Red Diamond never did. The next day, after sleeping in the Bloated Float and doing the quest there, I went back to The Best Defence and this time Varnaldo had gold but Mario Rufus still didn't. I checked the Red Diamond and once again his value was 0. Since I have the reset value at 24, there should have been some gold in both places both days.

That is if your investment gold is higher than the vanilla gold value. Investment gold works quite peculiarly, so I had to do some tricks to get it to work as intended with the dynamic barter gold, and I guess I only tested it with merchants that had more base barter gold than the investment gold value. And from your previous question I guess you may have high investment gold?

Well as I mentioned, it was a brand new game so I had no investment gold at the time.

But if you don't think this is the case for the merchants with zero barter gold, can you please help me by setting debug to 1 in the ini file, and then if you encounter a merchant with zero gold, open the console and report (or take screenshot of) EE's messages, starting with "EE:Adjusted max barter gold by ..."

Sorry, but I've already removed the mod from my list, so I'm not going to be of much help with beta testing. After a few years of trying this mod and that, with mixed results at times, I'm a bit impatient to just the play the game for a change.
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danni Marchant
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:27 am

Same here but I am still at 2.01. My workaround for the zero gold issue is to reset merchants every morning, or just before I trade for the first time of the day. Not sure if the calculations are correct then...
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Sweet Blighty
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:57 am

Same here but I am still at 2.01. My workaround for the zero gold issue is to reset merchants every morning, or just before I trade for the first time of the day. Not sure if the calculations are correct then...

Can you then please do what I asked Belanos? Set debug to 1 in EE's ini file. Then when you start trading with a merchant and think the gold is wrong, open the console and give me EE's output, starting from:

"EE:Found merchant at index ..." (if having traded with the merchant earlier within the reset interval), or "EE:Adding at ..." (if the merchant's gold is reset, or not having traded before).

Take a screenshot, or write down the output, and I can look into it and see if there's something wrong, or the values are reasonable. Thanks :)
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Pawel Platek
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 11:45 pm

One issues I'm finding is that whenever I sell or buy something I hear a quick series of the message box pop up sounds. Nothing game breaking, but a little annoying.
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Alada Vaginah
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:41 am

One issues I'm finding is that whenever I sell or buy something I hear a quick series of the message box pop up sounds. Nothing game breaking, but a little annoying.

The sound is coming from EE opening and closing an invisible haggle menu, and it is done to force new haggle settings on the merchants, and to update the prices. You should not hear this too often, but there are two situations where EE does something that will lead to this sound.

The first, and most common is every time the sell/buy percentages is changed in the middle of bartering due to either your mercantile skill increasing, or the merchant's disposition increasing - where especially the first will happen quite often early in the game, but very seldom later on. This is essentially the situations where you would have to open the haggle menu yourself to get a better deal.

The second is when trading with certain mod-added merchants (alternatively, if you have another, later-loading mod that alters the merchant's barter responses). Those are the exact same merchants for which Living Economy's barter gold doesn't work at all. If this is the case, please give me name of mod, and I can look into making a patch for it to get rid of the sounds.

I have asked the OBSE team for a function that refreshes the barter screen without having to open/close the haggle menu, but they haven't made any so far.

I may add a setting that turns off the mid-barter update (case one). With this enabled, you will not benefit from better mercantile skill or increased disposition during that same trade session, until you close and reopen the barter menu, or the former haggle menu - now details menu.

If you think you hear the sound even when none of the two cases above apply, then please set debug to 1 in the ini. Then, if you hear the sound when you think it should not be playing (vanilla merchant and no disposition/skill change), open the console and report the latest debug messages written by EE.
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CSar L
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 10:49 pm

The sound is coming from EE opening and closing an invisible haggle menu, and it is done to force new haggle settings on the merchants, and to update the prices. You should not hear this too often, but there are two situations where EE does something that will lead to this sound.

I dont find that annoying, we have just accept as is. At least it's far less annoying then loosing 30 sec of game play each time we adjust manually the hagglers.
Something similar happens also with the mod "Toggeable Quantity Prompt".
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:12 am

The second is when trading with certain mod-added merchants (alternatively, if you have another, later-loading mod that alters the merchant's barter responses). Those are the exact same merchants for which Living Economy's barter gold doesn't work at all. If this is the case, please give me name of mod, and I can look into making a patch for it to get rid of the sounds.

I can hear the sounds whenever i make a transaction with Bosso from Thieves Arsenal.
However, I agree with Ayleid_people its no big deal :)
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Avril Louise
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:18 am

The sound is coming from EE opening and closing an invisible haggle menu, and it is done to force new haggle settings on the merchants, and to update the prices. You should not hear this too often, but there are two situations where EE does something that will lead to this sound.

The first, and most common is every time the sell/buy percentages is changed in the middle of bartering due to either your mercantile skill increasing, or the merchant's disposition increasing - where especially the first will happen quite often early in the game, but very seldom later on. This is essentially the situations where you would have to open the haggle menu yourself to get a better deal.

The second is when trading with certain mod-added merchants (alternatively, if you have another, later-loading mod that alters the merchant's barter responses). Those are the exact same merchants for which Living Economy's barter gold doesn't work at all. If this is the case, please give me name of mod, and I can look into making a patch for it to get rid of the sounds.

I have asked the OBSE team for a function that refreshes the barter screen without having to open/close the haggle menu, but they haven't made any so far.

I may add a setting that turns off the mid-barter update (case one). With this enabled, you will not benefit from better mercantile skill or increased disposition during that same trade session, until you close and reopen the barter menu, or the former haggle menu - now details menu.

If you think you hear the sound even when none of the two cases above apply, then please set debug to 1 in the ini. Then, if you hear the sound when you think it should not be playing (vanilla merchant and no disposition/skill change), open the console and report the latest debug messages written by EE.

Oh ok. It's a mod added merchant but nothing worth patching though.
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Doniesha World
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:11 am

Same here but I am still at 2.01. My workaround for the zero gold issue is to reset merchants every morning, or just before I trade for the first time of the day. Not sure if the calculations are correct then...

Well I had it set so that the merchant's gold resets every 24 hours, so they should have at least some gold every day. With the other values, they should have anywhere from between just slightly less than the game default to slightly more than double it. 0 gold should not be an option.
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Ana Torrecilla Cabeza
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:08 am

With "Reset" I mean the manual reset (F2 menu, then R-key), that works.

@TheNiceOne: Yes, I plan to help with some data, but it may take some time... hm, what about conscribe logs? Lemme take a look at this...
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Emily Shackleton
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 8:50 pm

With "Reset" I mean the manual reset (F2 menu, then R-key), that works.

Well I had disabled that function so it wasn't an option at the time. I could have lived with it happening the odd time, but I had 2 merchants where it happened 2 days in a row. I hope you guys can solve the problem so I can try the mod again. I kind of liked it, especially the part about not having to haggle. I didn't realize how annoying that could be until I no longer had to do it anymore. AFAIK, this is the only mod that removes that from the game.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:16 am

This is with a brand new game. After leaving the sewers and sleeping in the Merchants Inn for a few hours, I went to The Best Defence to sell some of the stuff I had picked up in the tutorial dungeon. Neither Mario Rufus or Varnaldo had any gold at all. I later went to Red Diamond Jewellers and he didn't have any gold either. Later that day I went back to The Best Defence and both Mario and Varnaldo had gold then, but The Red Diamond never did. The next day, after sleeping in the Bloated Float and doing the quest there, I went back to The Best Defence and this time Varnaldo had gold but Mario Rufus still didn't. I checked the Red Diamond and once again his value was 0. Since I have the reset value at 24, there should have been some gold in both places both days.

A couple of points. If this was the absolutely first time you met those merchants, then they should definately have had some gold.

But a reset timer of 24 doesn't mean that the merchants' gold are reset every 24 hours, but that they are reset if there is more than 24 hours since your last visit. So if you visit a merchant early in the morning, then come back late in the evening, and then again at noon next day, there will not have been any reset at all, and will never be if you continue to visit him a couple of times each day.

Having said that, the gold usually replenish at a rate that will normally give him back full after a few days even if not reset. This is controlled by "tnoEE.time_factor", which with the default 0.2 means that it takes 1/0.2 = 5 days for a full replenishment from 0 gold even if you visit too often for the full reset. With full reset in 24 hours, you may consider upping this one to be closer to 1, in order to match.

To muddle it further, a time_factor of 0.2 means that the merchant normally gets back 20% of full gold each day, but what it actually get is randomized by

Well as I mentioned, it was a brand new game so I had no investment gold at the time. "tnoEE.update_random_factor". With this set to 2.0 as you had, it means that in one day the merchant may get anywhere from -20% to +60 % of its gold each day, and if it had little gold, this may easily end up with a merchant having zero gold the next day. If you reduce tnoEE.update_random_factor from 2.0 to 1.0, the merchant will get from 0% to 40% instead.

So it is possible that much of what you saw was indeed working as intended. I have those factors this way in order to really create the impression of a merchant that trades with many other customers and therefore is quite unpredictable, yet with a general pattern. You cannot know for sure that his gold increase if you come back some hours (or a day) later. While it usually does, it may happen that another adventurer has come by and sold all his loot before you :)

But all this can be adjusted in the ini. If you want to be sure that the merchants replenish their gold each day even if you visit often, set thoEE.time_factor to 1 and tnoEE.update_random_factor to 0 - or set merchant_reset_interval down to 12 or so.

Sorry, but I've already removed the mod from my list, so I'm not going to be of much help with beta testing. After a few years of trying this mod and that, with mixed results at times, I'm a bit impatient to just the play the game for a change.
Understood. If you change your mind later, please try with debug set to 1, and report here the console output if things still seem not to work as intended.
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Kat Stewart
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:56 am

Yesterday I met the fence from Dunbarrow Cave for the very first time and he had 0 gold. I think he usually should have around 900 gold - which he has after the forced reset. But I was not able to reproduce the glitch yet.
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Alessandra Botham
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:15 am

Yesterday I met the fence from Dunbarrow Cave for the very first time and he had 0 gold. I think he usually should have around 900 gold - which he has after the forced reset. But I was not able to reproduce the glitch yet.
I hope you can reproduce it with debug to 1 in the ini. And please also write "show tnoEEM.investment_gold" and write the value (note tnoEEM with an M).
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Everardo Montano
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:47 am

So it is possible that much of what you saw was indeed working as intended.

I don't see how frankly. I had it set so that they would start with twice as much gold as default, but with a randomization of 50%, which would put it back at default again. Then with the "set tnoEE.update_random_factor" at 1.5, they could have up to -100 from there. So they still should have had lots of gold. In the case of Red Diamond, I think he starts at 800 default so even at 700 and a few transactions on my part, there should still be at least 500-600 left by the next day, if he hadn't actually reset as you mention. And based on what DWS is mentioning it looks like there is indeed a problem somewhere.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:39 am

I don't see how frankly. I had it set so that they would start with twice as much gold as default, but with a randomization of 50%, which would put it back at default again. Then with the "set tnoEE.update_random_factor" at 1.5, they could have up to -100 from there. So they still should have had lots of gold. In the case of Red Diamond, I think he starts at 800 default so even at 700 and a few transactions on my part, there should still be at least 500-600 left by the next day, if he hadn't actually reset as you mention. And based on what DWS is mentioning it looks like there is indeed a problem somewhere.

For merchants that you haven't traded with before, or that have been reset since last trade, there shall indeed not be any chance of zero gold with close to default settings. So I will look out for the reason, but also appreciate if anyone who encounter this can turn debug on in the ini and send me the output.
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Ellie English
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:21 pm

BTW, in the case of Mario Rufus in The Best Defence I went back to the shop later in the day the first time it happened wondering if he had acquired some gold in the meantime. At that time he had about 1400 gold. But when I went back there the next morning he was back to 0 again. As for Red Diamond, I can't be postive but I think it had been a full 24 hours since I had been there. Possibly there's a problem with the way the morning cash flow is being calculated.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:20 am

There's something I've been thinking about Nice One. As I mentioned earlier, this is the only mod I know of that does away with the Haggling feature. I kind of like that as it reduces some of the micromanagement I have to deal with in the game. Is there any chance you could release a standalone mod that deals only with this? There's probably lots of players that don't really want a fundamental change to the game's economy but would appreciate a mod like that.
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XPidgex Jefferson
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:22 am

Is there any chance you could release a standalone mod that deals only with this?

It sounds like you might be happier using Gold Adjustment. There are fewer extras and they can easily be disabled in the .ini.
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Emmie Cate
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 8:50 pm

It sounds like you might be happier using Gold Adjustment. There are fewer extras and they can easily be disabled in the .ini.

Except it's no longer available. The Nice One has replaced it with this version.
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dean Cutler
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:53 am

You can find Gold Adjustment 1.12.2 & 1.13.1 at TesNexus.
Same place you download Enchanted Economy from
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