Thanks for the positive comments, and also thanks for any suggestions. It was ripple's quesion whether it was possible to see the effect of a non-100 sellAdjustment, that gave me the idea to do something about the Mercantile Master perk, and then when that worked, to do something about the Journeyman perk as well.
Just switched from LE to EE! Just wondering, as a suggestion, would be possible to also add support to Basso from Thieves Arsenal? If so, would be feasible to make these detections, from thievery.esp and Thieves Arsenal.esp to work from inside the main Enhanced Economy mod or as a Wrye Bash patch, so a few slots would be spared? There are so many great mods being released lately that is getting tough to find slots >_<
I guess Thieves Arsenal should be possible to make a patch for. I don't have TA installed myself, but can look into it.
Have you tried trading with its merchant after switching to EE? As stated before, EE's dynamic barter gold is supposed to work with every merchant added by any mod, but if the mod has new/changed barter pvssyr records, there may be some slight flicker in the item list, and cut-off of spoken barter pvssyr. Is this noticeable with TA?
As for working inside EE or making it Bash mergeable - that is unfortunately not possible. What the patch do, is to change the dialog topic result records, and that is only possible to do at load time, which makes the patch dependant on the mods it patches. It would of course be possible to merge the patch into EE, or into TA (or any other such mod), but that would make TA a master of EE or vice versa. As for merging it ino the bashed patch. For some reason, Wrye Bash doesn't consider DIAL records as mergeable and I have idea why. It may be so simple that it hasn't been any demand for that before, and that it is easy to add it to Wrye Bash. If this is done, the patch will automatically be mergeable.