Makes the economic game much more immersive. Merchants' gold is now changed dynamically, both by your trades and due to other customers. Lets you control the difficulty of the economic game. Removes the haggle slider and computes correct haggle values for you. Has the option of reducing the value or amount of enchanted items found, for those wanting a harder game.
Author: Ole B?e, a.k.a. TheNiceOne
Date: October 06, 2009
OBSE v 18b4 or newer required!
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Enhanced Economy is a complete overhaul of Oblivion's economic game, in order to achieve two goals: To make it more immersive, and to make it possible to adjust the economic difficulty to each player's taste. Dynamic Barter Gold and Haggle Overhaul can be tweaked, and all other features can be disabled or tweaked, so it is very easy to adjust the mod to your taste. The mod comes with a most advanced OMOD installation script, so you get to tweak it exactly as you like by answering some questions.
**** Dynamic Barter Gold ****
Merchants no longer have infinite gold: When you buy/sell something, the merchant's barter gold is adjusted accordingly. The merchant's barter gold also varies during the day, normally with less gold early in the morning, and more gold later when other customers have visited their shops.
You can easily adjust the amount of gold merchants normally have and the randomness factors involved, so you can get an easier game where merchants have twice as much gold as in vanilla Oblivion, or a game where the amount is very random.
You can also choose to disable the Journeyman Mercantile perk that lets you buy or sell any item with any merchant, and replace it with a perk that gives each merchant additional barter gold.
The Dynamic Barter Gold feature is essentially similar to Living Economy's main feature, but with the following main improvements:
* Works for all merchants, also those added by mods like Bartholm, Blood&Mud and Thievery in the Imperial City
* No 65K bug! The merchant's will not suddenly start to have 65000 barter gold.
* More immersive barter gold. In LE, if you visted a merchant in the morning, and then came back in the evening, he would have exactly the same amount of gold. With EE, chances are that the merchant has received a good amount of gold from other customers.
* Higher compatibility with other mods due to changes in far less Oblivion.esm records
To completely reset the barter gold of all merchants, press "R" while in the Inventory (F2) menu.
**** Haggle Overhaul ****
EE completely disables the haggle slider, and automatically gives you the correct barter value. Instead of the Haggle button, you have a Details button that gives you the details of what affects the prices.
You can choose the exact difficulty of the barter game, by freely setting the minimum & maximum buy & sell percentages that merchants will offer, dependin on your and the merchant's mercantile skills and the merchant's disposition.
The merchants' barter buy/sell minimum & maximum percentages are defined in the ini file. So you can choose vanilla settings (with a sell percentage from 30-90%), Cutthroat Merchant settings (10-95%), a hard setting (0-50%), a setting where merchants always give you full value (100-100%) or something else.
You can also decide whether masters in mercantile skill always trade at 100% value, or use the sellMax and buyMin values.
**** Gold Adjustment ****
Fully optional: Enhanced Economy lets you adjust how much money you will receive in different situations as a percentage of the amount normally received. If you think quest rewards are generally too small, you can set it up to give you twice the amount of gold (or any other amount) from quest rewards - from any quest in any mod. If you think there is too much gold to be gained from looting, you can set it to only have half the amount of gold in containers you loot.
You can use Enhanced Economy to individually adjust the gold received in the following situations:
* In dialogues (quest rewards)
* In-game (quest rewards)
* Looting dead actors
* Looting containers
* Oickpocketing NPCs
You can also set the gold value of gold coins picked up ingame (one coin can be worth 0, 1, 2, 10 or whatever value you want).
**** Item Removal ****
Fully optional: Many players (myself included) think there are way too many enchanted, expensive items found when looting, so when I find a valuable enchanted ring there's just no exitement. Enhanced Economy therefore has an optional Item removal feature. With this, you set the chance of finding any individual type of item, in percent of the normal chance.
Ex: By setting ringAdjustment to 30, you will only find 30% of the normal amount of enchanted rings.
To not break quests, any quest items or scripted items will not be removed. If an item is removed, the mod writes its name and id to the console. So if you suspect an important item has been removed, open the console and check (or look in the log file). If you have many mods writing to the console, you can use Page Up to scroll. The mod can also write removal information to a log file stored in "My Documents\My Games\Oblivion\Pluggy\User Files\", provided you have Pluggy installed.
If you want back a removed item, or want to loot a special container/actor without getting any items removed, just hold down left shift while activating it. All items will then be visible for looting as normal, even items that were already removed if you eralier activated it without shift held down.
**** Global Economy ****
Fully optional: The global economy in Tamriel (but not in the Shivering Isles) will be affected by the Oblivion Crisis if you enable this feature. Negative factors will make mercants have less gold available and give you worse deals, while positive factors will make them have more gold and give better deals. Negative factors are assasination of the king, the attack on Kvatch and opening of random gates. Positive factors are destruction of gates and the end of the Oblivion crisis.
Each factor is a percentage value and the sum will be shown in the Details (Haggle) menu. If the sum of the factors are -10, it means that a merchant which normally has 1000 gold available now has only 900 gold. If he otherwise sold items at 150% and bought at 80%, he will now sell at 165% and buy at 72%.
**** Repricing of magical equipment ****
Fully optional: The value of magical equipment that are enchanted by constant effects, can get very high, especially as many mods increase the value of constant magic effects in order to make enchanting more expensive, but with the side effect that all enchanted items become much more valuable. As an example, a 4% Chameleon enchantment will increase the item's barter value by 260 (base 65 x 4 without mods), by 2240 (base 560 x 4 if using OOO) or by 12000 (base 3000 x 4 if using L.A.M.E.). On the other hand, some effects can become cheaper; a Fortify Fatigue enhcantment is reduced if using L.A.M.E.
Enhanced Economy can combat the extremely high barter values of items enchanted with constant effects - without affecting the enchantment cost at the enchantment altars. You can choose whether the barter values will be based on the vanilla values, on the current value from installed mods, or on the lowest of the two for each separate enchantment. If no enhantment-altering mods are installed, the three choices all result in prices based on vanilla values.
Choosing vanilla or lowest, will be enough to reduce the extreme barter values (The 4% chameleon ring will get its barter value reduced from 12200 (L.A.M.E.) to 460, but there are also two additional factors. First, each magic effect's value is modified by "base to the power of magicPow", where magicPow is a value between 0 and 1. Ex: 3000^0.9 = 1347, 560^0.9 = 297, thus reducing the 4% chameleon enchantment barter value to 5388 (LAME) or 1189 (OOO). Setting this to 1, means no modification (since X^1 = X). Secondly, each value is multiplied by a magicMult factor, where again 1 means no modification.
A note of caution when enabling this feature: Both the enhchantment cost values and the reduced barter values are stored in your savegame, but will be updated every time you restart your game only. So if you 1. save a game with this feature on, 2. (de)installs some plugins that change the enchantment values, 3. Start Oblivion and load the savegame - then the new values will be applied correctly. But if you then, without restarting Oblivion, reloads the savegame saved in step 1, the old values will be applied. This will automatically correct itself again the next time you restart the game though.
Some players have reported that merchants sometimes incorrectly have 0 barter gold. If this happens, please open your console and report the debug messages you see from EE. Then, exit the merchant's barter and dialog menus, and hold down left shift when activating the merchant again, as this will completely reset the merchant's barter gold.
This mod is not compatible with "Living Economy.esp", since Enhanced Economy improves on LE's main feature. It is however fully compatible with "Living Economy - Items.esp", "Merchant and Loot Overhaul" or any other mod that changes item prices.
There is full compatibility with za_bankmod - any gold withdrawn from the bank will be unaffected by Gold Adjustment.
Gold added by other mods will be adjusted by Enhanced Economy's Gold Adjustment feature. But it is very easy for other OBSE-dependant mods to prevent this. By adding the line - RunScriptLine "Set GoldAdjustment.disabled to 1" - to your script on the line before any gold addition, Enhanced Economy will not adjust any gold received during the next second. This will not make your mod dependant on Enhanced Economy in any way.
Enhanced Economy installs its own version of Menus\Negotiate_menu.xml, something other mods (Darnified UI etc.) also does. It is important to use EE's version if you want to avoid flicker when starting to barter with a merchant.
The mod is OMOD-ready, with an install script that sets all values according to your choices, so installing with OBMM is adviced. For non-OBMM installation, copy "Enhanced Economy.esp", "Enhanced ini and the "menus\" folder to your Oblivion\data folder.
Before uninstalling Enhanced Economy, it is very important that you reset the barter gold, by disabling the feature in the ini, or by pressing "R" while in the Inventory menu. If you uninstall before doing this, all merchants will be stuck with the gold they had at the time of uninstallation. It is also very important to remove the installed negotiate_menu.xml, if you don't, your haggle menu will be invisible and therefore seem to hang the game since it waits for you to click on the invisible close button.
========= CREDITS
creepyfellow for the excellent Living Economy that is the inspiration for the dynamic barter gold feature.
========= CHANGELOG
Added a way to reset a single merchant's barter gold, by holding down left shift (can be changed) when activating the merchant.
Fixed an investment gold but introduced in 2.1
Added more debug info messages.
Fixed one error in the omod installation script (selecting a barter reset time of 12 resulted in 96).
Modified dialog menu script in order to make the mod more robust and to avoid the 0 gold barter bug that a few people have reported.
Added Global economy feature.
Added Enchantment barter value reprising feature.
Added an option to install a script.xml file with "Haggle" changed to "Debug", and removed the dynamic change in-game.
Removed saleAdjustment modifier as it got superfluous with the optional mercantile master perk added by 2.0.1.
Rewrote the omod installation script to make installation a bit simpler.
Fixed a couple of bugs related to goldAdjustment settings.
Changed handling of barter gold beween trading sessions to make it more compatible with Tamriel Travellers and other mods that can change merchants' barter gold.
Added an ini setting to select key for invoking the "Reset merchant gold" menu while in the Inventory menu.
Fixed a bug in the reset merchant gold script for people NOT having SI installed.
Fixed a bug that allowed item removal from player-owned containers if removeFromNonSpawnable was 1.
Added optional changes to the Mercantile Journeyman and Master perks.
Added an optional patch for thievery.esp
Changed name from Gold Adjustment to Enhanced Economy
Dynamic Barter Gold feature added
Haggle menu flicker and welcome speech cut-off when starting barter is removed
Haggle button changed to Details button, and no longer displays the haggle slider