Now can we assume that the number keys will work similar to, because if so I would love to get rid of that with something that is, in my opinion, a much better solution.
I haven't tested that mod, but from the description it looks like it gives you a number of hotkeys that work just like the Auto Cast keys of Enhanced Hotkeys. So if I understand it correctly, the answer is yes - just bind one spell to a hotkey and ctrl-click on the hotkey icon to make it an auto-cast spell.
And of course, Enhanced Hotkeys allow you to add several spells to the same hotkey, and ctrl-clicking on the hotkey icon to make it a multi cast hotkey - which will chain-cast all the spells. Note that you can even add multiples of the
same spell to one multi cast hotkey, which will auto-cast that same spell multiple times when you press the key. If you only have a minor healing spell, you can add it 3 times to a multi-cast hotkey, and get it cast 3 times by tapping the hotkey once

Can we expect that when pressing Num 1, for example, the "Number Pad Wheel" will show up and show us what is assigned to those keys right? We can also cycle through them just like all the other wheels?
And in terms of auto-casting I have a question regarding Supreme Magicka. Any hotkey mod that doesn't first equip a conjure spell doesnt seem to work with Supreme Magicka's conjure system and will instead conjure a regular creature. Is there anyway you can ensure compatability with his mod? He did include a way on how to make sure that the call goes through his conjure script, but it seemed slightly confusing to me to implement in Hotkey Casting. I also have not yet tried it with your current hotkey mod which is why I ask.
I have never used SM, so don't really know what the problem is. But if there is a problem, I am sure I can make EH SM-aware.
How the auto cast work is that EH temporarily assigns the selected spell as the active player spell, then simulates that you hold down the cast key until the spell get cast, then release the key and restore the old player spell. In theory that should be completely compatible, but it is of course possible SM does something special.
The last question I have is regarding functionality. The one thing that bugs me is always having to click the control key. I guess I dont mind having to do it to add items to the hotkey, but to also change the cycle type seems like a bit much. Do you think there is anyway to add an option to click the inside wheel and change the cycle type that way? Similar to how clicking the hotkey cycles through whats in it?
Yes. Open Enhanced Hotkey's ini file. Look for this section:
; Set modifier key used for cycling the item icons to see the different items bound to one key (cycler key); Set to 0, if this is to be default behaviour (without any modifier key) when clicking on a key iconset tnoEH.cycleKey to 0; Set modifier key used for switching between different key modes (normal - auto cast for single spells, cycler type for multiple items); Set to 0, if this is to be default behaviour when clicking on a key icon. Don't set both this and cycle key to 0!set tnoEH.modeKey to 29
By setting modeKey to 0, you will now switch hotkey mode by simply clicking on the icon (without ctrl down), but you will then have to set cycleKey to something (ex 29), which will be the key you need to hold down to cycle the icons.
I consider switching the default ini values of those two, so that you cycle modes with a pure click, and cycle icons by ctrl-clicking. From your question I understand that you agree, but I also like the opinion of others