Author: Ole B?e, a.k.a. TheNiceOne
Date: Oct 07, 2010
OBSE v 18 (or newer) required. v 3 (or newer) required for Wheel HUD icon.
========= Enhances hotkey functionality by giving you more and better hotkeys!
* Assign items to 30 hotkeys, with up to 4 wheels for a total of up to 120 hotkeys!
* Allows auto-casting of spells. Cast one or more spells by tapping a hotkey, without changing your current spell.
* Assign more than one item to the same hotkey, for cycling through the items, or casting them all at the same time (if spells).
* All hotkeys and their bound items can be viewed and easily changed.
* Will equip all arrows of a type if bound to a hotkey.
* Improved User Interface.
========= More hotkeys
The hotkey wheel has been increased to 3 x 10 visible keys. See them in the wheel, and add/use them like any other hotkey.
The 3 x 10 visible keys (you see 10 at a time) are:
1: Keys 0-9
2: Letters YUIOPGHJKL (the rightmost 5 of the two upper rows in a English keyboard).
3: Numpad 0-9
You can disable any of those 3 sets you don't want to use for hotkeys in the ini file.
When in the Inventory/Magic menu, tapping any of the hotkeys will open up a wheel displaying the 10 keys for that set, with the key you pressed being selected. The wheel then stays open until you tap the key for the selected hotkey again.
Switch selected hotkey by either tapping a new hotkey button, or by mouse clicking on the new hotkey's icon. Tapping a hotkey for one of the other 2 sets will make the wheel display the 10 keys for that set instead.
========= Multiple wheels:
Enhanced Hotkey supports up to 4 different wheels, controlled by configurable wheel selector keys. The wheel can be set to be sticky (you switch wheels by tapping the wheel-selector key), or non-sticky (you hold down the specific wheel-selector key for that wheel when tapping the hotkey).
If having sticky wheels, a Wheel icon in the HUD can display the active wheel number. The wheel icon is fully configurable in the ini, including its size, position, opaqueness and how long it is displayed after a wheel switch. MenuQue v 3 (or newer) is required for the Wheel HUD icon.
When the wheel is open in the Inventory/Magic menu, the active wheel number is displayed in the top right area of the wheel (between hotkey 1 and 2). Click on that wheel display to switch wheel.
========= Multiple items bound to one hotkey
When the wheel is open, you can add more items to one hotkey by holding down left Ctrl (configurable) when mouse clicking on an item in the Inventory/Spell menu. The text above the hotkey wheel will display hotkey mode, the name of the last added item and the number of items added to the hotkey.
You can remove an item from a hotkey by holding down left Alt (configurable) when clicking on the item in the Inventory/Spell menu. Clicking on an item in the Invnetory/Magic menu without holding down Ctrl or Alt, will replace all the content of that hotkey with the item you clicked on.
To view which items that are bound to a hotkey, hold down left Ctrl (configurable) and click on the hotkey's item icon. The icon will then switch to the one for the next item bound to the hotkey, and the text above the wheel will display that item's name and its position in the hotkey. Repeat this to cycle through all items in the hotkey. This has no ingame effect, but is simply a way to easily see the multiple items bound to the key, and their order.
========= Different hotkey modes
A hotkey can have one of several modes. To switch mode for a hotkey, click on the hotkey's icon. That will make the hotkey switch between the different hotkey modes, but only the modes that are applicable for the items bound to that hotkey. The following modes are applicable:
* Normal: Single item of any type
* Auto cast: Single spell/scroll
* Cycler (all three types): Multiple items of any type
* Multi cast: Multiple spells/scrolls
If a hotkey is set to any mode other than normal, its inner section of the wheel will display a letter indicating the mode, followed by the number of items (if more than one), and the text above the hotkey wheel will display mode the mode and number of items as well.
The functionality of the different modes are:
* Normal: As an unmodded hotkey, with two exceptions:
- - An item you no longer possess will not be removed from the hotkey. Instead, the hotkey icon will be dimmed, making it easy to see that the hotkey cannot currently be used. So if you have bound your repair hammers to a hotkey and then break all repair hammers, the hotkey will start work again as soon as you acquire new repair hammers.
- - Arrows bound to a hotkey will equip all arrows of that type and not only one when the key is used.
* Auto cast: Will switch to that spell, cast it, and then instantly switch back to your old spell. In effect cast the spell without making it active. If the item is a scroll, that scroll is selected, then cast.
* Multi cast: Same as Auto cast, but will cast multiple spells/scrolls in the set's order by one tap of the hotkey.
* Cycler: Will select one item/spell in the set, and activate that. Which item that is selected is dependent on Cycler mode (see below).
========= Cycler hotkeys
When multiple items are added to one single hotkey, the hotkey becomes a cycler hotkey.
Default cycle mode is (auto) Cycle. Click on the hotkey's icon to switch between three cycler modes. When you do that, the inner section of the wheel will display either C#, L# or N# (where # being the number of items) to indicate cycler mode for that hotkey. The functionality of the cycler modes are:
* Cycler (auto): If an item in the cycler is currently active (equipped item or selected spell), the next after that will be selected. If none are active, the first will be selected.
* Cycler-Last: If an item in the cycler is currently active (equipped item or selected spell), the next after that will be selected. If none are active, the last activated by the hotkey will be activated again.
* Cycler-Next: The last activated item by the hotkey is remembered, and the next after that will be selected, regardless of whether any is currently active.
Note that since Cycler (auto) and Cycler-Last looks for currently equipped item/active spell in order to determine which item to cycle to, they will probably not function as you intend if you add non-equippable non-spell items to them. Cycler-Next has no such restriciton.
When the wheel is open in the Inventory/Spell menu, hold down left Ctrl (configurable) and click on the hotkey icon, to cycle between the different items bound to that hotkey. This has no effect on the hotkey or the order of the items, but it will let you easily see the items bound to that key. The item you currently view is the item that will be affected by the Delete or Move item functions (see Hotkey command buttons below).
========= Auto cast hotkeys
If a single spell or scroll is bound to a hotkey, clicking on that hotkey icon will toggle the hotkey between Normal and Auto cast. If a hotkey is Auto cast, tapping the hotkey button will cast the spell/scroll without changing your active spell. The inner section of the wheel will display "A" for Auto cast hotkeys.
You can also use auto cast for multiple spells/scrolls bound to the same hotkey. Add the spells/scrolls to the same hotkey as for cyclers. When switching cycler mode, if all the items bound to a hotkey are spells, a fourth mode will be available: Multi Cast. The inner section of the wheel will display "M#" for a Multi Cast key. When the hotkey is tapped during gameplay, all the spells bound to the key will be cast in turn, without changing your active spell.
If one spell in a Multi Cast cannot be cast (not enough mana, too high level) that spell is simply bypassed, going to the next on the list, etc.
You can bind multiple instances of the same spell to a Multi Cast key. Adding the same Healing spell 3 times, will make you cast that spell 3 times by a single tap of the hotkey.
========= Hotkey command buttons
In the top left and right area of the wheel (between number 0 & 1, and 1 & 2), there are a number of hotkey command buttons. On the right is the wheel switcher button explained above (that lets you switch wheel while it is open). On the left are three buttons:
* Delete item: x
Will delete the viewed item of the selected hotkey. So if you have a cycler hotkey with 1. Sword, 2. Bow, 3. Staff, and the Bow is viewed, clicking on the Delete item button once will make the order 1. Sword, 2. Staff. If the item only has one item, the hotkey will be cleared.
The Delete item button is visible if the selected hotkey has one or more items.
* Move item: <
Will move the viewed item of the selected cycler/multi cast hotkey one position earlier in the group. So if you have a cycler hotkey with 1. Sword, 2. Bow, 3. Staff, and the Staff is viewed, clicking on the Move item button once will make the order 1. Sword, 2. Staff, 3. Bow.
The Move item button is only visible if the viewed item is not the first item in its hotkey group.
* Undo last change: <-
Clicking on the undo button will undo the last change to a hotkey, but only as long as the current key set of the current wheel has not been changed/closed. Any single Add/Delete item, Change mode or Move item change can be undone - and the Undo change can be Undone as well. So multiple clicking will toggle the last change on/off.
The Undo button is only visible if having done a change after opening the wheel or changing wheel/keyset.
Enhanced Hotkeys is compatible with all User Interface mods. Just ensure that Enhanced Hotkey's version of quickkeys_menu.xml overwrites any installed by Darnified UI or other UI mods.
Enhanced Hotkeys is also compatible with mods that use one or more of the hotkeys for other purposes. Just don't assign any item to that hotkey button, and the other mod will work as normal - or just disable one of the 3 key sets in the ini.
Enhanced Hotkeys does not use Oblivion.esm as master and is fully compatible with Nehrim and other total conversion mods.
Enhanced Hotkeys is NOT compatible with any other hotkey mod, but should be fully compatible with mods that adds (clutter) items that work similar to hotkeys. If you want gear hotkeys, install Fast Equipping and assign its gear clutter items to hotkeys.
Partial incompatibility with Supreme Magicka has been reported. SM has special handling of Summon spells, so if you bind summon spells to Auto Cast/Multi Cast keys when using SM, it causes lockup for some players. If this happens with SM installed, avoid binding Summon spells to Auto Cast/Multi cast hotkeys.
Partial incompatibility with Audacious Magery has been reported. If using Auto Cast/Multi Cast spells, AM may not be fast enough, and think that wrong spell is cast, and make incorrect decision about spell penalties.
The mod is OMOD-ready, so installing with OBMM will ensure that you get correct setup. It should also be BAIN friendly, so using OBMM or BAIN is adviced. For manual install, extract the archive, and copy Enhanced Hotkeys.esp and the three folders except "omod conversion data" to your Oblivion/Data folder.
If un-installing Enhanced Hotkeys, one special step must be taken afterwards: The keyboard buttons bound to the 8 standard hotkeys must be re-assigned to keyboard buttons 1-8. To do so, download the EH Uninstallation zip file and unzip the contents (one txt file without any .txt tag, named EHuninstall) to your Oblivion (not Oblivion/data) folder.
Then, after having disabled Enhanced Hotkeys.esp, start up your game, open the console and type RunBatchScript EHuninstall. This will re-adjust your hotkeys back to 1-8, and you can delete the EHuninstall file afterwards.
========= CREDITS
The OBSE team for OBSE - an absolutely necessary tool for this mod
kyoma for MenuQue, a powerful OBSE plugin for handling menu/hud elements
shadeMe for ConScribe, which is just necessary when debugging
skyranger-1 for Super Hotkeys, which was my main inspiration
========= CHANGELOG
* Added possibility of seeing hotkey wheel in gamemode (hold down a hotkey)
* Scrolls can now be bound to Auto cast / Multi cast keys
* Added option of whether to see Cast messages when using Auto cast or Multi cast
* Removed incorrect icon from cast message (now always displays standard Oblivion icon)
* Changed code to allow more keys as wheel modifier keys (numeric keys, etc.)
* Changed how waiting for each individual multi-cast spell work. This should fix multi-cast problem for some users
* Added buttons for Delete (item from hotkey), Move (item earlier in Cycler/Multi cast group) and Undo (last hotkey change)
* Numpad keys can now be used as non-sticky wheel selector keys (they could be used for sticky already).
* The Wheel HUD icon is changed to use MenuQue for its display. This fixes the Streamline incompatibility
* Fixed OBMM installation script
* The wheel number will now be displayed when the wheel is open. You can also change wheel without closing it, by clicking on the wheel number display.
* A new wheel number icon can be displayed in the HUD if sticky wheels are enabled.
* There is now an option to not display any message when weapon/arrows/armor/clothing is (un)equipped using a hotkey. If the message is displayed, equipping arrows will display the number of arrows equipped in addition to their name, and selecting a spell will display its name.
* There is an option for setting the position of the open wheel.
* The message saying "Cast
* Fixed one OMOD installation script bug
* Addition of 10 letters and 10 numpad keys as fully functioning hotkeys.
* Reduced the number of wheels from 6 to 4.
* Changed behaviour of sticky wheels. You now use one key to cycle between all the wheels.
* Switched default modifier keys for hotkey mode switching (now only a click) and icon cycling (now ctrl-click)
* Various bugfixes and improvements. Most important was that the one that would make the mod stop working if trying to use a Cycler-Last hotkey.
* Added Omod installation script
* Various bugfixes. Most important was that the mod could stop working, especially if using key 8. This is hopefully fixed now.
* Added Multi-cast option. Now you can cast multiple spells with one key.
* The icon for equipments not in your inventory will now be dimmed.
* Initial version