Un-Enhanced Skyrim is awesome ( mods are used)

Post » Sun Jul 07, 2013 12:30 pm

OK I'm using about a hundred different mods right now but i still consider it un-enhanced skyrim bear with me and please allow me to explain myself.I have been buying Bethesda's game since about 2003 when i first bought morrowind and since then i modded the hell out of them they only vaguely resembled what they had been originally and have kept on doing so for oblivion, fallout 3, fa;;out new vegas and then skyrim.

I got skyrim like most elder scrolls fans on 11/11/2011 and the first thing i did before playing was downloading as many mods as i could find installing them and then playing only to develop restartitis along with different combinations of mods this continued until about a month ago when i decided suddenly that i hated skyrim and did the following things: (1) deleted the game (2) reformatted both my laptop and desktop (3) blew up the external hdd ( a Molotov cocktail is surprisingly easy to make { i live in a country where while things exploding aren't questioned as long as its on private property} ).

So there i am going about my business until yesterday when i went to the bookstore ( its the kind of mega-store franchise chain where they sell games computers office supplies as well as books and other things) and saw an offer for Skyrim LE and on a whim bought the thing it was about 40 dollars american { i'm translating currencies here by the way i am not in Europe or the Americas otherwise i'd be in a jail cell for detonating an ied within city limits}.

Anyway so i go home and what do i do but download about 30 gbs of mods but then just before i start my installation of aforementioned mods this weird idea hits me what if for once in my life i don't nuke the game just go for the bare essentials and so my list of 400 mods with 254 esps goes down to 100 mods and 90 esps. I load them, clean them with tes5edit, sort them with boss and load them with wrye bash and it was beautiful.

Alternate start mods aside from the unofficial patches to me are the most essential mods because they do two important things : 1) you skip the carriage ride and the obligatory tutorial (2) you start somewhere other than helgen. Anyway my favorite is random alternate start located at the skyrim nexus and you can start in one of 400+ locations and to my luck i started on some godforsaken mountain range and within a minute was killed by grumpy mr. frost troll.

I absolutely loved it I mean he came out of nowhere and was on me and then i was dead because at level 1 i had only an iron bow and arrows

and i remembered why i had so loved morrowind ( that it was hard and the struggle made it worth it ) all those mods had given me cool but stronger weapons and i used things that were basically cheats like skytweak and skill config where you could change your skills imagine at level 1 having 100 smithing and being able to crank out legendary armor and weapons or having summons that didn't go away after a time limit and so you become a god in your game and thus eventually you end up hating it after it being awesome to have a giant's strength and sending him into orbit for a change.

Anyway now that i have rediscovered my love of skyrim i just had to go into a monologue and get it off my chest and now please give me your comments on my insanity or lack thereof if you decide i'm sane. By the way how is my english? I'm not a native speaker and it's the third language i learned to speak and write ( i'm not telling the other two just yet because it would allow you to guess country of origin and god no i am most certainly not an iranian though i do have a couple of iranian friends.

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Wane Peters
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Post » Sun Jul 07, 2013 5:59 am


I'm content with the console version. Can't wait to be on PC one day.
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..xX Vin Xx..
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Post » Sun Jul 07, 2013 10:36 am

well that was an Interesting read.
I'm glad your enjoying the game.

I find Non modded Skyrim to be amazing. (console user)
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Post » Sun Jul 07, 2013 2:31 pm

I use the console and it's pretty fun, but I do often transfer saves to my PC and mod some things when I'm bored. Downloaded this awesome Frozen Blood modded RP gamesave. Extremely fun.

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Marine x
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Post » Sun Jul 07, 2013 11:12 am

I had a very difficult time reading your post. It had words, period AND paragraphs, but I just couldn't understand. I do love mods as well though, but I wouldn't call it Un-Enhanced. It is very much enhanced.

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Chase McAbee
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Post » Sun Jul 07, 2013 7:57 pm

I found that mods are the single biggest reason why I didn't quit playing Skyrim within the first month after I got the game (11-11-11). Eventually, not even mods could hold my attention. By the time I reached this point I had already realized that not even mods could fix what (IMO) ailed Skyrim the most...bad writing, poorly planned and executed quests, and the continued watering down of the series.

For some odd reason I still have a small glimmer of hope for Fallout 4 and TES VI, despite the outcome of TES V.

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Mark Hepworth
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Post » Sun Jul 07, 2013 6:19 pm

For a third language in impressed. I speak only two, English and Tagalog, and I write Tagalog like a 2nd grader.
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Roberta Obrien
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Post » Sun Jul 07, 2013 8:43 am

I try to play Skyrim unmodded time and again. It usually lasts until i need to equip a weapon for the first time:

Oh, right. "User Hinderface". Let me just add SkyUI. And while i'm here, i might as well add the unofficial patches too. Oh, and i didn't like how that works... Ah screw it. Why am i punishiming myself? I'll just install all of them :teehee:
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Glu Glu
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Post » Sun Jul 07, 2013 5:09 am

You must be from Russia.

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james kite
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