- Added a new feature where Aela knows the locations of several campsites around Skyrim, and can lead you to them if you're in the general vicinity. She will http://static.skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/images/11450-1-1347326534.jpg if you're close to one during the nighttime hours, and the choice to have her lead you there will appear in "Let's talk about this place" if there is a campsite nearby.
- Added more unvoiced comments when visiting cities and other locations.
- Added a Dawnguard/Serana-like AI package for Aela where she'll wander around if the player stops moving--but only in "friendly" locations, and only while you're not sneaking or have a weapon drawn. Can be turned off in her tactics dialogue.
- Added a custom class for Aela to avoid snafus with the Unofficial Skyrim Patch after it changed her class's armor specialty to heavy armor.
- Added a fix--I hope--for an issue where Aela would sometimes not attack in combat even when set to do so.
- Added a fix for setting her custom home markers--she should actually travel to them now instead of just standing still.
Two notes for existing users of the mod upgrading to 0.4.3:
1) To enable the new wander behavior, you must first dismiss Aela back to Jorrvaskr, then after she starts walking away, ask her to follow you again. She will then start wandering when you enter a new location.
2) If you had used the ability to set custom homes to send Aela to, you will need to re-set those homes, due to some changes in the game engine with Skyrim 1.7.
Edit: I should add that I did select a voice actress for Aela, from among a good number of quality candidates. The plan is that we're going to focus first on re-voicing Aela's existing lines, release that, and then move on to voicing my additions. Aela has around 600 lines in her vanilla dialogue, so it will be a few months before that first update is ready. After that, I'll hope to release voiced additions more regularly, monthly or thereabouts.