[Relz] Enhanced Stealth (MWE)

Post » Tue Mar 22, 2011 9:02 am

I just figured out what was happening - another mod was somehow interfering with enhanced_stealth. I started a new game, no plug-ins whatsoever (I was using about 50 or so plug-ins) and the mod worked just how it should: maximum sneak penalty 25 (in the lighthouse in Seyda Neen, on the steps), sneak bonuses and penalties depending on the time of day (I didn't check all the bonuses/penalties, but at 11pm I got a 15 points sneak bonus, like it says in the readme).
Thanks very much for the help, and I appreciate you being so prompt to answer my posts. :thumbsup:
Do you have know if super adventurers 302 was interfering with your mod? In tespcd it says there are mo conflicts, but super adventurers modifies the way sneak skill advances (from what I've read in the readme) and maybe it modifies the way sneak is handled (just a thought, I'll check if I'm right).
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Devils Cheek
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Post » Tue Mar 22, 2011 11:54 am

Do you have know if super adventurers 302 was interfering with your mod? In tespcd it says there are mo conflicts, but super adventurers modifies the way sneak skill advances (from what I've read in the readme) and maybe it modifies the way sneak is handled (just a thought, I'll check if I'm right).

No, I use super adventurers 302 as well, it just changes the training-percentage added for successful avoiding detection and picking pockets. Is the "restore sneak" effect now removed correctly, even with the old v1.1 or v1.1b? If it is I'll remove that delay I added this morning.

I just found a way to identify quasi-exterior cells like Mournhold, after a bit of testing I will release v1.2 (the variable-count of the script is the same as in the original v1.1).
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Alyesha Neufeld
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Post » Tue Mar 22, 2011 2:07 am

Now THIS is something you don't see every day! I've started the game with only the .esm's, mw_base.esp, enhanced_blocking.esp and super_adventurers302 checked and all worked together like a charm! Then I've checked adventurers_tribunal and while outdoors most of the time the "restore sneak skill" didn't disappear after I've stopped sneaking. 'So all of this is because of adventurers tribunal', I've said to myself, unchecking the .esp and checking all my other mods. I've started a new game and outdoors the "restore sneak skill" didn't disappear like it should, and sometimes indoors, but not that often. 'No problem', I've said, unchecking all other plug-ins and thinking I will find by trial and error which one is causing the problem. But guess what? Even when I started a game with NO plug-ins active (except for mw_base and enhanced_stealth, of course) this problem didn't disappear! :banghead: I think my computer has gremlins inside! :poke:
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Alessandra Botham
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Post » Tue Mar 22, 2011 2:02 am

I must apologize for all the fuss I made, the mod is running perfectly, it was my toaster of a computer's fault. :brokencomputer:

UPDATE: the new version (version 1.2a) works perfectly even on my computer.
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Post » Tue Mar 22, 2011 9:05 am

So without further ado, here's v1.2:
  • Quasi-Exterior Cells like Mournhold are now identified as exterior cells and the script behaves accordingly.

  • Some speed-optimizations especially for slower PCs.

  • Default influence of ambience light is reduced a bit (from 70% to 66%) thus bonuses will be a bit higher and penalties due to ambient light a bit lower. Penalties caused by light-sources are unchanged.

  • Added global variables to customize several settings.

Download Enhanced Stealth v1.2:


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Post » Tue Mar 22, 2011 12:21 pm

Ok, iv gotten it to work some how. Thanks for your help, sorry for taking up your time

What went wrong? Some improvement for the readme required?

I've tested it with a killing-spree trough Balmora, at sneak 100 only one of 15+ critical hits wasn't an assassination, because the "Critical Hit" sound didn't play, but that's fine for me, that's just a bit of bad luck.
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Post » Tue Mar 22, 2011 9:08 am

Does this mod work like the Light Based Sneaking mod in that you can turn lights on and off?
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Dagan Wilkin
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Post » Tue Mar 22, 2011 5:14 am

Does this mod work like the Light Based Sneaking mod in that you can turn lights on and off?

No, what LBS does is attaching a script to every (vanilla) light source in the game, that check all 20 frames if the player is close enough to get an effect. Enhanced Stealth only adds one script that's checking twice per second if the player is illuminated by any lightsource or ambient light (MWE function)

It is possible, though, to make a placeable "light source" that is emitting Darkness and thus negates the effects of other light sources. Here's a demo of how it can be done http://home.tiscali.de/jo.ge1/dark_light.esp

It's simply a bunch of torches with maximum-intensity "negative" light in a barrel at the door to Seyda Neen Census Warehouse.

If you experiment a bit with that you can also see a glitch in my mod: Torches carried by NPCs have an effect on you but a torch or lantern you carry yourself has no effect on your sneak-skill. The later can't be fixed unless Aerelorn starts working on MWE again, or light-detection functionality is added to MWSE.
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Sista Sila
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Post » Tue Mar 22, 2011 2:43 pm

^ Would you be interest, if I tell you that TLM mod adds a -100 sneak if you carrying a light source? thus I've never noticed that glitch? ;)

Anyway, I'm facing a little bit of mystery here.. this mod adds a restore sneak 100pt ability right... it shows up when you coming in to an interior or going out to exterior.. The mystery is.. it works ..sometimes O_O'' .. for example, I could be in house A, then go out, that restore sneak shows up, and wont go away ... If I get inside again, it updates and sometimes go away ... then out again, same behaviour, sometimes it stays, sometimes it just flicker once then gets removed (I assumed that this is what the correct behaviour - flicker once, then removed).. :unsure: So, sometimes, I dont get any penalty sneaking in broad daylight, the dynamic drain sneak shows up, but its nullified by the restore sneak ability =/
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Michelle Chau
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Post » Tue Mar 22, 2011 9:58 am

^ Would you be interest, if I tell you that TLM mod adds a -100 sneak if you carrying a light source? thus I've never noticed that glitch? ;)

Any light or justs vanilla-morrowind lights? I'll have a look at TLM, but I'm not going to scan for every possible carryable light-source, just to get a bug report that it doesn't work with the lamp from mod X

Anyway, I'm facing a little bit of mystery here.. this mod adds a restore sneak 100pt ability right... it shows up when you coming in to an interior or going out to exterior.. The mystery is.. it works ..sometimes O_O'' .. for example, I could be in house A, then go out, that restore sneak shows up, and wont go away ...

Uhm... You *ARE* using v1.2, right? Even with the slowest machine in the world, there should be no way that the script can continue to work as long as the "restore sneak" effect is still active (which I just added to fix the problems with Morrowind's bugs and other mods that fortify sneak :sigh:)

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Tanya Parra
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Post » Tue Mar 22, 2011 5:03 am

Opps.. v1.1 here :blush:

Regarding TLM, I've never used any other light source besides the vanilla torches (and candles).. so I'm not sure about light source from mod X =x

mystery solved :D
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maria Dwyer
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Post » Tue Mar 22, 2011 5:42 am

Regarding TLM, I've never used any other light source besides the vanilla torches (and candles).. so I'm not sure about light source from mod X =x

Just checked it, TLM adds scripts to all carriable torches and lanterns (not candles) in vanilla morrowind and these scipts cause the penalty to be added when you equip the item. Nothing I'm going to add to my mod, so if anyone doesn't want to be able to sneak with a torch in your hand, he needs to use TLM as well.
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Michael Korkia
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Post » Tue Mar 22, 2011 9:20 am

I had an interesting effect today.

I was fighting while pressing the sneak-button and got a sneak-attack bonus in the same moment as I was hit (and lost it again) but apparently the spell-effect wasn't added completely yet, so it couldn't be removed correctly, the result was a Sneak Attack bonus that was active even when I wasn't sneaking.

If this ever happens to you, just crouch down for 10 seconds so that you get another Sneak Attack Bonus, and when you stand up again it will be removed, I'll take care of this when (if) the next version comes out, meanwhile try not to abuse this issue for cheating.
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Post » Tue Mar 22, 2011 4:58 am

(I think) I saw a flickering sanctuary effect while sneaking when using a spell like "shadow wave" (sanctuary+chameleon)...
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Bethany Watkin
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Post » Tue Mar 22, 2011 6:42 am

I.. I.. I haven't played Morrowind in so long.. all the wonderful mods like this have utterly pwnt me into silence... thank you. :')
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Robert Jackson
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Post » Tue Mar 22, 2011 3:34 am

An addition to the stealth system (without the annoying speed and agility penalties, mind you. :flame: ) is always welcome in this community. I always felt it was unrealistic that heavy and medium armor would increase the player's susceptibilty to knockdowns...
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KRistina Karlsson
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Post » Tue Mar 22, 2011 9:40 am

Allways like MWE mod. glad to see one more come out. I will replay morrowind just for this mod.

thank you JOG.

will you make more MWE mod ?
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Post » Tue Mar 22, 2011 2:02 pm


Do the mod check for sneak key being press, or the PC stance? Because there's a toggle sneak mod that I like to try it on o_o
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Makenna Nomad
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Post » Tue Mar 22, 2011 2:04 pm

Do the mod check for sneak key being press, or the PC stance? Because there's a toggle sneak mod that I like to try it on o_o

The toggle-sneak mod is most likely using MWSE to virtually press the key (you could also use MGE to do this without a mod), so it should make no difference, but Enhanced Stealth is using the vanilla getsneak-function anyway.

BTW: the toggle-sneak key in Oblivion bothered me so, that I made a mod that among a few other things changes it to the setting used in Morrowind and most other games :)
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Shannon Lockwood
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Post » Tue Mar 22, 2011 3:29 pm

hmmm.. encounter a very weird bug here.. my top post above says that the refreshing sneak skill sometimes go away... Now in my current game.... it it always show up no matter when if i'm outside... its only get removed if I stay indoor... Sneak, stand, run, stay still... it just wont go away. Its just get added as soon as I step outside.

Is there a way to completely stop the main script? then restarting it back again? I tried removing the spell itself, JOG_restore_sneak , and it didnt work... didnt even flicker to show that it got removed :(

hmm... weird.. comparing the filesize, the esp i have is 17.5kb, but the esp in 1.2 zip is 18.5 :P

Consider this as unnecessary bump... I dont know who revert my esp to v1.1 back =_=
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Katey Meyer
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Post » Tue Mar 22, 2011 3:41 pm

Well done! Particularly elegant is using MWE to have just the one script check if the player's illuminated or not. I've been a fan of LBS but its scripts are only placed on vanilla lights. What I do miss about LBS though is the ability to turn lights on and off. It's very Thiefy. Any way to merge the two, I wonder, without getting double the penalty?
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Darren Chandler
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Post » Tue Mar 22, 2011 3:45 am

Thanks for this, JOG. Elegant. :goodjob:
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Queen Bitch
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Post » Tue Mar 22, 2011 10:26 am

Looks really cool, I've never tried sneaking enhancers. I'm guessing here is where to start.
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Post » Tue Mar 22, 2011 8:06 am

Thanks for this, JOG. Elegant. :goodjob:

Whoa, digging out this poor old thread after almost a year?

Very well, in this case...

My Morrowind-site has moved to http://mods.jo-ge.net/mw

This mod is now at http://mods.jo-ge.net/mw/dl/enhanced_stealth_v1.2.rar
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Alexander Lee
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Post » Tue Mar 22, 2011 10:48 am

Hi Jog
May i just say how much i appreciate Havish and Haldenshore that are so imaginative. My brother epsecially plays a thief and is half way through the missions in Haldenshore. Are you working on anything else in the future?
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