^ Would you be interest, if I tell you that
TLM mod adds a -100 sneak if you carrying a light source? thus I've never noticed that glitch?
Anyway, I'm facing a little bit of mystery here.. this mod adds a
restore sneak 100pt ability right... it shows up when you coming in to an interior or going out to exterior.. The mystery is.. it works ..
sometimes O_O'' .. for example, I could be in house A, then go out, that restore sneak shows up, and wont go away ... If I get inside again, it updates and
sometimes go away ... then out again, same behaviour, sometimes it stays, sometimes it just flicker once then gets removed (I assumed that this is what the correct behaviour - flicker once, then removed).. :unsure: So, sometimes, I dont get any penalty sneaking in broad daylight, the dynamic
drain sneak shows up, but its nullified by the
restore sneak ability =/