[Relz] Enhanced Stealth (MWE)

Post » Mon Mar 21, 2011 11:36 pm

Over the years there were many great mods that added to sneaking, but none of them combined all aspects. This is my attempt to combine the mods I used into one single script, using MWE. The main goal was to minimize scripting overhead, the mod consists only of one global script, and it does virtually nothing unless you're sneaking, and even then, most of the stuff is done just once.

Enhanced Stealth combines the ideas from the following plugins (I even stole the well-tried values used by those mods for bonuses and penalties, but the implementation is different):

Thief Experience Overhaul - Stealth Enhancements by LDones

Armor Effects-LD v2.0-WD by LDones and WDog

MWE Crime Enhanced - Light-Based Stealth & Sneaking by Aerelorn and Tonto

ACE Addons - Backstab by Hitto

Kirel's Sneak Attack by Kirel

The mod requires Tribunal or Bloodmoon and MWE.

Aerelorn's Morrowind Enhanced is required to use this mod!!!!

Download Enhanced Stealth v1.2:



This plugin adds some new features to your sneak skill:
  • Lighting-based modifier
    You will be given a bonus or penalty to your sneak skill depending on lighting in interiors and time/weather in exteriors
  • Armor-based penalty
    Wearing medium or heavy armor adds a penalty to your sneak skill. (can be turned off)
  • Sneak-Attack bonus
    When using certain weapons you will get an attack bonus after a short time of sneaking without attacking or being attacked.
  • Assassination
    A critical hit with short blades or using your fists, may kill the opponent instantly when you're lucky or well-trained.
1. Light-Based Sneak-Modifier

Weather and time of day now give cumulative sneak bonuses and penalties in exteriors. In interiors, the modifiers are determined by ambient lighting, and the player's distance to light-sources. The effects are added as magic effects (curses) when you start sneaking, and removed again when you stop sneaking.

Exterior Cells:

This part of the script script runs only once when you press the sneak key, and again when you stop sneaking to remove the bonuses to avoid any negative influence of the script on your frame rate.

The sneak skill is modified depending on weather and time of day:
Time/Lighting effects:						  Weather effects:----------------------------					-----------------------06:00pm - 07:59pm: Sneak +5					 Foggy:		Sneak +1008:00pm - 09:59pm: Sneak +10					Rain:		 Sneak +1010:00pm - 11:59pm: Sneak +15					Snow:		 Sneak +10 00:00am - 00:59am: Sneak +20					Thunderstorm: Sneak +1501:00am - 02:59am: Sneak +15					Ashstorm:	 Sneak +1503:00am - 04:59am: Sneak +10					Blizzard:	 Sneak +1505:00am - 06:59am: Sneak +5					 Blightstorm:  Sneak +2010:00am - 10:59am: Sneak -511:00am - 11:59am: Sneak -1012:00am - 12:59am: Sneak -1501:00pm - 01:59pm: Sneak -1002:00pm - 02:59am: Sneak -5

Interior Cells:

In interior cells (including quasi-exterior cells like Mournhold) the bonus is calculated dynamically by the ambient lighting and the distance to light sources, and updated 5 times per second. The value can range from about +50 (in utter darkness) to -50 (next to a lightsource in a cell with bright ambient lighting) usually it ranges between -25 and +25, though.

2. Armor-Based Sneak-Penalty
Medium or Heavy Armors will now bring a cumulative Sneak Penalty, with different parts of the body receiving varying penalties.
				 Medium   HeavyHelm			  -2	   -4Chest			 -5	   -10Left pauldron	 -1	   -3Right pauldron	-1	   -3Greaves		   -4	   -8Boots			 -3	   -6Left hand		 -1	   -3Right hand		-1	   -3Shield			-5	   -10

3. Sneak Attack Bonus
When you sneak for 10 seconds with a weapon drawn, and without attacking or being attacked, (or otherwise loosing health or fatigue) you get an Attack Bonus (Fortify Attack "Curse") depending on your Sneak Skill and the weapon you use:
Unarmed		  + 1/2 Sneak SkillShort Blade:	 + 1/2 Sneak SkillMarksman/Thrown: + 1/3 Sneak Skill1-Handed Axe:	+ 1/4 Sneak Skill1-Handed Blunt:  + 1/4 Sneak Skill

These bonuses base on your base-sneak-skill. Lighting and worn armor only affect your skill to hide and move silently, while the sneak-attack-ability is your character's skill to disguise an attack, and thus deny the opponent the chance to parry it.

4. Assassination
When you score a critical hit (opponent didn't detect you, damage x4) and had a sneak-attack bonus, you may kill the opponent instantly, if you also used a short blade or your bare hands for the attack. The percentile chance to perform an Assassination is the sum of your base-sneak-skill plus half the used "weapon skill".

If you have a short blade skill of 40 and a sneak skill of 35 for example, your chance for an assassination would be 40 / 2 + 35 = 55%

A Luck score above 40 increases this chance even further, with 50 Luck your effective chance for an assassination would be 55 * 110% = 60% with 100 Luck it would be 55 * 160% = 88%. Luck below 40 reduces the chance accordingly.

Short Blade:
You kill your enemy by puncturing a vital organ, (or disabling an important magic rune or device in case of an undead or construct). Death comes in an instant. Once the sum of your sneak skill and half the shortblade skill is 100 or higher, you will always perform an assassination when you score a critical hit.

Hand to Hand:
You sneak upon your opponent, grab his head and snap his neck, breaking the cervical spine. Your strength needs to be at least half as high as the opponent's or he may resist this attack even when surprised. So you may constantly fail on some strong opponents, even when the sum of your sneak skill and half the hand-to-hand skill is far beyond 100. When your strength is more than twice the opponent's he has no chance against the attack and the assassination-attempt succeeds automatically.

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Markie Mark
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Post » Mon Mar 21, 2011 8:51 pm

Very nice! I always found Morrowind's stealth system lacking and anything that improves it is always welcome. Instand download from me.
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Post » Tue Mar 22, 2011 1:45 am

Amazing! This is exactly what we've been needing for a long time now. A nice, tight package that efficiently combines the best stealth elements...

Instant DL. ^_^
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Alba Casas
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Post » Mon Mar 21, 2011 7:02 pm

So effectively, those mod wasn't needed anymore right? or you'll get twice the script...

And I used TEO complete ._.

:D .. good job, those mod is in my list ... substituting yours would be a natural choice then ^^
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Robert DeLarosa
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Post » Mon Mar 21, 2011 11:05 pm

Cool, Sam Fisher comes to Vvardenfel. :ninja:
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Clea Jamerson
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Post » Mon Mar 21, 2011 6:38 pm

Wicked! Thanks for putting this all together :nod:
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Post » Tue Mar 22, 2011 4:05 am

how do I use Morrowind Enhanced? I never heard of it (but I have 60+ mods in at a time....)
so do i use the included icon to play morrowind or what? If i can, snapping necks will be be awesome
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Alex Vincent
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Post » Tue Mar 22, 2011 8:11 am


Very good mod JOG. :)
Thanks a lot!
how do I use Morrowind Enhanced? I never heard of it (but I have 60+ mods in at a time....)
so do i use the included icon to play morrowind or what? If i can, snapping necks will be be awesome

You should really take a look at the others mods.
Install Enhanced Stealth as usual (esp files in the Data Files folder). Download MWE (latest version: v1.6), and install it directly in the Morrowind folder: Morrowind Enhanced.exe / .dll in the Morrowind folder, esp files it the Data Files folder. Launch Morrowind Enhanced.exe. Launch the Morrowind Launcher and activate the mods MWE_base.esp and Enhanced_Stealth.esp.

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George PUluse
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Post » Mon Mar 21, 2011 7:58 pm

Good work!
Assassination part is great :D
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Claire Mclaughlin
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Post » Mon Mar 21, 2011 10:11 pm

Downloaded, and installed.

Thank You VERY much.
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Cameron Garrod
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Post » Tue Mar 22, 2011 3:52 am

Looks good, whhere can i find the latest version of morrowind enhanced? Every link i looked at leads to thelys ( which is closed down).....please help. Anyway looks like a great mod and i look forward to playing.
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Paula Ramos
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Post » Tue Mar 22, 2011 10:25 am

Looks good, whhere can i find the latest version of morrowind enhanced? Every link i looked at leads to thelys ( which is closed down).....please help. Anyway looks like a great mod and i look forward to playing.

There's a link to the latest version of Morrowind Enhanced in my first posting, the only line in red and white (white=link).

There's also a link in the readme.
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Amy Cooper
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Post » Tue Mar 22, 2011 6:55 am

I like the look of this, but I'm currently using The Lighting Mod which also has light-based sneaking. Can I get away with using both at once, or am I going to have to hunt down the modular version of TLM?
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Caroline flitcroft
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Post » Tue Mar 22, 2011 7:26 am

MY copy of TLM came with Modular packaged in. SO NEH! :P

Looks good. If I could find a link to the MWE download.
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Angel Torres
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Post » Tue Mar 22, 2011 1:02 am

Sounds fun. I've downloaded, and am about to go try it out! I'm excited.. more reason to pick a stealthy class!
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Post » Tue Mar 22, 2011 1:43 am

Sounds great. Always good to see more extended mods coming out. Thanks for sharing! :goodjob:
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Steven Nicholson
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Post » Mon Mar 21, 2011 10:37 pm

Ok, downloaded, installed, and PLAYED!!!!! Works great, as advertised, no problems that I have seen (other than the "features" mentioned in the Readme... yes, I actually DO read them....) A great Mod!!!!

Again, Thank You VERY much JOG!

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Richard Thompson
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Post » Tue Mar 22, 2011 5:46 am

Sounds great. Always good to see more extended mods coming out. Thanks for sharing! :goodjob:

Yea.. Wished I could get Pursuit Enhanced to run on my comp tho.. it keep crashing after ever batle ._.

Or I would have been running every enhanced mod (except combat enhanced) on my game ._.
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Post » Mon Mar 21, 2011 7:34 pm

Nice one, JOG, thanky you very much indeed.

Glad to see new MWE plugins. :)
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Vickytoria Vasquez
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Post » Mon Mar 21, 2011 10:44 pm

This looks like a good mod, JOG you have my most esteemed stamp of approval.
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Emily Rose
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Post » Tue Mar 22, 2011 4:22 am

Just one word of caution I forgot in the readme:

There's a bug in Morrowind that doesn't take fortify-enchantments into account when stats are restored after removing a drain-effect. You experience this for example when you had an attribute raised by an enchanted item and were diseased and cured, your attribute is only restored to the normal value, when you take off the enchanted item your Attribute is lowered again even without an active drain attribute effect.

The same happens with Enhanced Stealth when you wear an item with Fortify-Sneak effect and get a lighting penalty while sneaking, the bad thing is that it's not as easy to fully restore a skill ingame as it is to restore an attribute. So better don't use items with Fortify Sneak enchantments.
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Monique Cameron
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Post » Tue Mar 22, 2011 9:51 am

Well, the problem was worser than I realized, as you had the same effect after sneaking at noon in an Ashstorm...

So here is v1.1:

v 1.1 (01.April.07):
  • Fix: When you got a weather-bonus and an armor or lighting penalty at the same time, your sneak-skill was lowered (drained=red) when you stopped sneaking.

  • Your sneak skill still gets lowered when you get a penalty while your sneak-skill is raised by a spell or enchantment, now you just need to remove that enchanted item and when you stop sneaking the next time your skill will be restored to its normal value.
This should take care of both issues, even when your skill is damaged before installing v1.1 it will be restored as soon as you press and release the sneak key.

For those that don't read original postings, here's the link to v1.1: http://home.tiscali.de/jo.ge/mw/dl/enhanced_stealth_v1.1.rar
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katsomaya Sanchez
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Post » Tue Mar 22, 2011 4:13 am

ur site doesnt work for me. I dunno why, i get stuff like this
�������szt �4�?��?A��D????��65� ��Enhanced_Stealth.esp?S??LK ? ?I�?&|-���?��???'??
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Joe Alvarado
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Post » Tue Mar 22, 2011 1:34 am

ur site doesnt work for me. I dunno why, i get stuff like this

Use "save target as", get Winrar, and read here: http://www.gamesas.com/bgsforums/index.php?showtopic=646037
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Charles Mckinna
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Post » Tue Mar 22, 2011 7:35 am

ur site doesnt work for me. I dunno why, i get stuff like this
???????szt ?4?????A??D??????65? ??Enhanced_Stealth.esp?S??LK ? ?I??&|-?????????'??
??"i??D?q?j??e???w???n? ?18t????g?ζ?G/a!?8??z?`?mZ?z ???#?FB??h?jG??J:?
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That's the RAR file being rendered in your web browser. Nice. Right click on JOG's link and choose "Save Link As..." or similar.

[Edit: Yeah, what JOG said :) ]
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lucile davignon
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