I'm in the process of determining which mod(s) to use for enhancing dragon combat (to make them more challenging), and would appreciate some input.
There seems to be three main alternatives:
- http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/3829/?
- http://www.gamesas.com/topic/1471519-enhanced-mighty-dragons-by-erkeil-thread/
- http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/32597/?
I believe Deadly Dragons and Enhanced Mighty Dragons are mutually exclusive, in the sense that they both increase the raw power of dragons, such as their health, regeneration, damage output, etc. Both can potentially be used along with Dragon Combat Overhaul, which only (?) affects the dragon A.I./behaviour.
So far I only have experience with Enhanced Mighty Dragons. It's a great mod in the sense that it makes dragons much more diverse, both in terms of appearance and breath weapons, and definitely makes them much harder to kill. I also like that you can make the dragons unleveled, so that they don't scale to your level. However, they're still rather predictable, and once you've grown enough in power it's just a matter of waiting for the dragon to land, running up to it, and hitting it until it's dead.
I'm tempted to use Deadly Dragons instead of Enhanced Mighty Dragons this time, because Deadly Dragons seems to offer more in-game customization. Enhanced Mighty Dragons is configured when installing the mod, so if you choose a high mod difficulty setting (and unleveled), the first dragon Mirmulnir becomes nearly impossible to kill until you've reached a very high level. I definitely don't want to make ad-hoc changes to the esp's for certain fights, due to the risk that it might make the game more unstable - so, Deadly Dragon's MCM menu is appealing.
- Is there anyone here who have experimented with both Deadly Dragons and Enhanced Mighty Dragons, and if so, do you have any advice to offer?
Dragon Combat Overhaul is focused on making the behaviour of dragons wildly unpredictable, which is sorely needed. There's many impressive gameplay videos about it, as well. However, it sounds extremely script-heavy, and I've read that it can cause dragon scripts to get permanently stuck in your saves, which can cause the game to freeze or CTD more frequently. I'm also skeptical about a using mod that adds so much complexity all-in-one, because such mod are nearly always very quirky/buggy. The "documentation" seems very unprofessional, as well.
- Do you consider Dragon Combat Overhaul a must-have mod, or have you had negative experiences with it?
- Finally, which dragon mod(s) do you use, and why?
Thanks for your time.
P.S. Enhanced Mighty Dragons has been unavailable for a while, but according to its author, a new version will be launched on September 15th.