Which makes me feel compelled to hit someone over the head with a blunt object, though in the interests of not causing anyone undo pain, I will refrain from doing so. We've already seen a Dunmer in the E3 video, and it's not like I've ever been terribly worried about how Dunmer look to be begin with. On the other hand, I do very much care how Argonians look, so they should go ahead and show us. And saying that they'll post screenshots of the characters created by people at Quakecon without telling us when doesn't help much, I want pictures, not claims that we will get a picture at some unspecified point in the future.
And when did Bethesda overhype them? I don't recall them ever saying a single word about how Argonians look. If in the absence of a picture of what they actually look like people imagined their own which turned out to be much more impressive than the real thing, they have only themselves to blame for that.
Of course, if people aren't satisfied with how they look, they'll probably still blame Bethesda for overhyping them anyway, because it's easier to accuse developers of that than to admit that you are the one responsibile for setting your expectations too high.