You guys are completely overreacting to even the smallest ideas you dont like.
"Do you guys think it would be cool if we went to another continent is a TES game"
"Ugh, no, that would obviously be a bad game. Im not buying TESV if it's in another continent."
"Would you buy TESV if it was on windows live?"
"No, definitely not. Bethesda doesn't make good enough games for me to buy unless I can mod them."
"Do you think it would be cool if TES had an option to trade weapons and Items with other online players?"
"No, that would ruin the game. I would never buy it then. An additional feature that doesn't affect other aspects of the game would obviously ruin it. duh."
I'm tired of seeing this stuff guys. It seems like every time someone proposes an idea that you dislike, you try to make your opinion more important by threatening not to buy the game. Don't buy the game then! Millions of other people will be having the time of their lives playing a great RPG and you'll be sitting at home, replaying the same quest in Oblivion for the 40th time, because bethesda added a co-op OPTION into TESV.