This is one of the most ill-formed criticisms of Bethesda I've ever seen. You obviously don't understand what he meant with those comments. I'm sure it was something like "We'll fill them with more and more detail", not " lets make them smaller".
For example, Skyrim has more content than Oblivion, despite being technically smaller.
You don't seem to understand that Bethesda is not making the game for you, they are making the game for gaming at large.
You OBVIOUSLY don't understand what I meant, deary =3
No need to get offended! n.n
The point I was making, and the point in the quote was that they are focusing on making things more
visually enjoyable, while neglecting the vast explorerable worlds us old-school players were use to.
You don't seem to understand that I'm not asking Bethesda to make a game for me. Nor am I saying I don't like the game for being small.
Like almost all gaming companies, Bethesda is only concerned with making money, and getting their new game out in time for xmas.
Not hating on them for that. That's just the way it is. That's capitalism.
So calm down now. It's not serious business =D