okay stop getting butt hurt over this. we are talking about a game. in truth probably none of us would survive in the wasteland. so calm down. its just a game. by the way someone should tell todd howard it is a game. i thank he belives its real....
Like I said. According to you.
You saying it is not a grey area doesn't make it so either.
Big ups for calling me an idiot, though. Class move.
This is where we agree to disagree and move on with our day(s).
You say "GOOD slavery" as if such a thing actually exists, just like there's GOOD spousal abuse and GOOD torture and GOOD murder. "Marginally more humane" slavery would be a better term.
You can't treat someone you claim to own the same as you treat your family, unless you also claim to own your family. In which case, you aren't treating them well either.
You can have a live in servant that's a free person. I doubt you'd treat them as your equal (you'd still expect them to follow your orders as your servant obviously, something you wouldn't expect from an equal).
Slavery strips a person of their identity as a person and grafts onto them the identity of an object. Of something to be bought, sold, and owned. Something that can never be equal to someone who is free.
in prison, they are not being abused (okay, at least not SUPPOSED TO BE), are not considered less then human, are the POINT of prison is to try and get them to better themselves, it does not work 99% of the time, but it is there. It also does not force them to do backbreaking work whenever or however you want nor are they forced to do anything inhumane.
That's how we treat prisoners in America. They do a crime they go to prison and work 8 hours for a $1 a day. I've seen a woman guard on a prison show tell a man that "if he didn't want to get [censored] he shouldn't have done the crime." A guy was [censored] over 200 times over check fraud and when he told the prison board they told him to "learn how to fight". Most of them haven't actually killed anyone. They haven't even committed violent crimes. 1/100 are probably 100% innocent.
Compare that to a raider. They are mass murderers.
These are active raiders mind you. If they have stopped raiding on their own then that's completely different.
The first option is death and if they really want to live that badly then I might consider alternative options if we actually had a need for something like that.
Lemme get this straight, your going to reform them by "At best they get the scraps that your actual citizens don't want to eat themselves along with the unclean portions of water and if even that sounds like wasted resources just don't feed them and let thirst claim them" yeah that sounds logical. Death via dehydration or starvation, thats a real reformer.
That much is obvious. Your hilarious "When there is a chance they can reform" thrown in was truly the icing on the cake that is this post.
Reality tv is not real life. Just an fyi.
How do you expect them to reform if you treat them in a cruel and inhumane manner? Letting their peers' wounds fester and get infected, potentially allowing for the spread of disease, all the while keeping them malnourished and unhealthy? That's the kind of treatment that makes someone become a nice person, I'm sure. You're certainly one for leading by example, aren't you?
At least I have the courtesy to just outright kill a hostile threat rather than let them die of dehydration or starvation over the course of days.
It is the lesser of two evils.
And Serfdom is only slightly better.
What is worse is watching people try to justify institutional slavery.
Once again a subject I'd rather Bethesda is careful with and lets the modders push the boundaries.
So your family consists only of people below the age of seven? Also, being responsible for someone is not the same thing as owning them. At school, teachers are responsible for their students. They do not own them. Even when they haven't turned seven yet.
Also, newborns do have have personal legal status. That's why when horrible things happen to them (which we can't get into on this forum), it is considered a crime.
A slave doesn't enjoy those same protections. You can shoot them in the face and suffer no legal repercussions because it was just a slave.
Oh, you are being to think that people aren't getting [censored] in prison's here in America. I can't wait for a raider [censored] mod to come out.
I'd say that viewing someone as a thing/making them view themselves as a thing is abuse in and of itself. And as slavery requires you to view a slave as something you can own, it is inherently abusive.