EoS temperingenchanting service price

Post » Sun Jun 23, 2013 11:50 pm

Hey all. So I've been playing with Economics of Skyrim for a while now, and I have only found one issue with it.

The tempering and enchanting services offered are WAY too cheap. I feel like I have no need to level my enchanting and smithing level, because the services are just so cheap. I mean, 2000 gold for a grand enchantment?! I'm usually hauling around 5-10k at a time (due to EoS allowing greater vendor money pools), and getting crazy good enchants on my gear for that cheap feels exploitative.

I've tried to edit this in the creation kit, but I'm a total newbie with that and wouldn't know what to do even if I found the dialogue (?) options.

I'm totally lost here. I feel like the services should be upped, at least for enchanting. Perhaps a 30k price mark for grand and similarly upped prices for the others. Any ideas?

EDIT: I also had the sudden idea that perhaps there was a .ini file I could manipulate, but alas, there isn't. :(

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Clea Jamerson
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Post » Sun Jun 23, 2013 11:03 pm

I had a quick look at EoS. You need to modify some condition functions in the dialogues in a quest called EOSTKEnchantingServicesQuest and a few variables in a script called aaTKEconEnchServiceBaseFunctions.

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