Epic battles and being force to attend such event? Hell no. Lacks the stealth/diplomat/bribing route, not to mention if there is an epic battles, the player would be force into that battle, one way or another.
I agree with you actually, but only sort of. See I prefer a thief/diplomat style character myself, which in Oblivion became highly based as more of an assassin unfortunately as that's all the game really allowed. However, its precisely as you said if such a system were put in the game, they would almost certainly force us to attend. None the less, wouldn't it be cool if you weren't forced to attend? If you could fuel and stoke the fires to the political tension that led to just such conflicts, and then as a thief take advantages of the lack of security in major cities, castles, or treasure vaults, or even to assassinate key political figures interfering with your progress in some way?
Of course this would also require radical redesign, as for the most part it was never really in your interest to kill key characters to advance your missions, the story lines were just never that deep, and the consequences of character loss were never really a large concern from one NPC to the next, so there was no benefit. The interactions among NPC's and the ranks in various factions, and royalty would have to be much more integrated, complicated, and interactive for such political intrigue to take place and be useful, thus the entire concept falls on its face, and we're back to square one with no real good reason to have massive battles, unless your a hack and slash warrior role-player..