» Sat May 28, 2011 12:20 am
I'm going to say, HELL YES... However, I have sincere reservations. For one I'm not deluded and I know its not going to happen, and no one should kid themselves. The reason isn't because it wouldn't be cool, and they don't want to, or because their fan-base doesn't want it, its because its impractical considering system requirements. The TES series has remained near the forefront of graphics at least in the last two games, and arguably throughout its entire existence, the trade-offs for such battles would be too great. They would either have to make it a cutscene destroying the entire purpose, take you away from the actually world and put you in a closed off section of TES world so they could create invisible boundaries and create animations beyond those boundaries simulating hundreds or thousands of other NPC's fighting, which would be horrible, and completely out of place in the open ended TES world, or they'd have to scrap graphics almost entirely as previously mentioned and render the entire sequence with the clarity of a Medieval II total war battle, which from a first person perspective would look worst then Morrowind (Which at the time was great graphics, but today, lets not kid ourselves...).
So considering my reservations it would be much more reasonable to accept that they're going to improve combat AI, and maybe we'll have the pleasure of doing some 12 on 12 battle sequences with a much better streamlined engine, or if its a EXCELLENT engine, maybe a 24 v 24. However, even if they kept it to no more then 10 combatants on the screen for most of the game, considering the style of gameplay I wouldn't be too disappointed.
That being said, in future games, with another next gen console, or the next gen top of the line computers, I expect this sort of thing with landscapes being constantly rendered to rival lord of the rings scenery and indeed battles with thousands of people. But that's not for awhile to come. probably not til TES VI or possibly even VII, and I can wait, that's what I love about the constant improvement of technology, always something new to look forward to.