not that its
not retro fifties ~it is... It just seemed (personally I mean), seems that the FO1 people would always be influenced by the pop-50's aesthetics ~no matter what.
If they built an Ipod, it would be a 50's styled Ipod... Not that they'd never think to build one because it was not made in the 50's. I would fully assume they had a 60's, 70s, 80s, and all the way to 2077 when the bombs fell. (just not ours... No woodstock, no hair bands, no tearing down the Berlin wall... ~just my opinion here...)
yeah the op is right, their is a lack of combat and enemy encounters in the game, combat is pretty bad in this game, the lack of it, no enemy patrols, the factions really don't fight each other at all until the very end, and another thing, i think obsidian didn't give enemies good weapons because they didn't want us being able to use the weapons which is lame, they might as given all the enemies bb guns, thats pretty much what they did, and anyone saying the "the quality not quantity" well as far as that goes, a raider running at me with a pool cue, or a powder ganger with a 9mm or a ceasers legion with a machette is NOT quality combat and in FO3 the enclave at least had some firepower, plasma rifles, sentry bots with missles, etc so the quality combat is pretty much missing until the very end of the game at the dam, thats the only place ceasers legion is ok to fight, the only place. so i hope they don't make another fallout game. bethesda does a much better job in their games with enemies to fight.
On topic (as we should be). :tops:
I'm thinking (granted I've not played deep into it yet), that the weaponry is perhaps a bit more realistically distributed? That the guy with the pool stick, is glad to have found it, and replace his broken pistol with it until he finds another? I like combat in RPGs, I like combat in FPS shooters... but I like RPGs that use combat as an option, not as 80% of the game.