Equiping FollowersWivesStewards

Post » Thu Apr 25, 2013 11:12 am

ok first i want to pose a question:

Companions will equip better weapons and armor if given to them

what is this in reference to? are they speaking about "the companions" as in the faction, or "companions" as in followers? im a bit confused by this line

ok now onto the next portion of my question, is there any way to get followers/wives/stewards to continue to wear what you give them after you dismiss them? heres my situation

i have Jordis as a my wife, i wanted to equip her in stormcloak officer armor, after improving it at a work bench i still couldn't get her to wear it, im assuming because she favor's heavy armor over light, however ive found that if i can improve an item enough they will usually equip it over their default even if its not their preferred armor. well i wasn't able to get her to equip it using this method.

i remember reading somewhere that you can purchase their default armor from them at their shop(in a discussion about equiping aela) it will force them to wear whatever they have, even if its just clothes. EUREKA!!! it worked.. by purchasing her default steel armor i was able to get her to wear whatever i wanted her to..... until i purchased the last piece of her default armor, once i did this she instantly restocked her default gear. no biggie i reloaded a save only this time let her keep her boots, and gave her a heavy armor set that she would favor over the default and boom she is wearing what i want.

well then i dismissed her and this is where things got for lack of a better word...sixy. when i walked into my house there was jordis wearing nothing but her underwear and boots(SHWIIIIIING!!!! :banana: ) unfortunately this doesn't lend well to me having a productive gaming session as ill likely end up spend more time following her around the house gawking than actually getting anything done.

so heres my last question, is there anyway to make her keep her clothes on after i buy her default gear and dismiss her?
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Charleigh Anderson
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