And what were the best and worst results ?
I like to give Boone an AMR and an LMG, he's skilled with both, but he'll eat up your ammo like candy. So you have to keep taking it away to keep him from wasting it.
And Veteran ranger armor.
I give Veronica Pushy and a Gauss rifle. She Loves Pushy , She'll complain about the Gauss rifle but she's really good with it . Sometimes I give her an incinerator so she can light up targets for me.
I know she can wear power armor , but she looks too good in metal armor for me to allow that.
Cass will tell you that she's good with dynamite , but don't give her any if you value your life . She's good with revolvers and repeaters of various calibers, decent with hunting weapons.
And she looks good in Raider Blastmaster armor .
Raul is like Cass with weapons except I usually give him power armor so I don't have to look at his ugly mug.
I don't use Gannon much, pre-patch all he did was complain.
And Lily's voice is like fingernails on a chalkboard to me .
I've learned the hard way never to give a loaded Fat Man to any companion.
So, Thoughts ?