This is so annoying, possibly my favourite follower in the game has seemingly vanished.
I was around level 30 when I dismissed him, he was in my company for about 10-15 in-game days, so I decided to give him a few days off from dungeon delving ..
Anyway.. he said he'd be in Rorikstead should I again need his assistance. ''No bother'' I thought. So a few levels pass, and I realise it's been far too long since I've been exploring the plains of Skyrim and crushing skulls with my partner in crime! So I make my way to Rorikstead and into the Inn.. and he's not there.. so I start to freak out, like I'm some sort of dog owner who has lost a much loved pet
Anyway I looked online and learnt that it's proved quite a common issue for TES players. I read that he often glitches out once dismissed and somewhat ''loses his way'' back to Rorikstead. Other players who have also experienced this problem have seen him stood around Gjukar's monument appearing lost and confused, so I headed there first, but to no avail.. >.<
So I kept searching, across the vast tundra in Whiterun hold and the hills of The Reach, but I've found no such luck.
I'm level 50 now, and I still can't find him. I'm starting to think I should just give up and come to the realisation that my dear old friend Erik is lost and will never be found.