However, I've pretty much, based on what I know about Skyrim to date, created my main quest character and given him a backstory, so here goes.
His name is Brajik, he's a Nord soldier who serves in the Imperial Leigon. Stationed in Skyrim. His platoon are ordered to travel to a seemingly neutral village and discover if any of the anti-imperial rebels are using it as a supply depot. On arrival, he and his comrades search the village. They find no evidence of rebels there. Brajik searches for his Commander, an Imperial (who he doesn't like nor likes him) he finds him in a house where he, and three other Imperials are interrogating a widow and her two teenage daughters. Brajik is ordered to wait outside the house. He complies, after he leaves, the commander raqes the daughters one at a time. Brajik knows this is going on and it enrages him, but his duty prevents him from preventing it. He hears the words 'Bring out the youngest' and he hears one of the soldiers doing so. He hears the widow pleading with the commander not to harm the youngest (she has three daughters) as she is only a child. Brajik's rage is now at boiling point and he storms the house, kills the three imperial soldiers, fights the commander and after a vicious fight slays him. The other Legionares force Brajik to the ground and arrests him for treason. He is quickly and unfairly tried and sentanced to death.
I'm hoping, you get to somehow choose and influence either the Pro-imperial and anti-imperial factions (your choice will decide who wins the war at the end of the game). If thats the case, I will choose the rebels and carry on fro there.
Comments and constructive criticism welcome