I don't know what to do. I svck. I'm level 6 and where ever I go I'm getting killed. It's getting frustrating. Maybe I should try a different difficulty mod like Skyrim redone.
Vanilla Sky is just to easy. Anyone got any tips?
what difficulty to do play on?
I was thinking about trying that one
I think when you install these kinda mods
its best to play on normal difficulty
Personally, I found SkyRe both frustrating and boring on lower levels, at least when it comes to melee fighting. It took perhaps 20 hits to bring down a bandit - but it took bandits perhaps 3 hits to kill my char. So both frustrating and a boring grind at the same time. Note that I have only used it between Lvl 1-10, so I can only speak on how it plays out on lower levels.
I'm playing it right now
its nothing like that for me
I'm level 19 I have been dying quiet often
but I still got the crappy thieve guild armor & none of my weapons are forge or enchanted lool
I play on Adept and I don't want to go any lower. What I like about it is the slower leveling where SkyRe or Vanilla you level so quick it seems unfair.
But I just may return to SkyRe because it's not fun dying all the time.
its not that hard with followers
there are pretty much meat shields when you shoot at enemies
I'm playing skre on expert & its not bad at all
but I'm dying alot cuz my gear is really low level 19
& I got like 8 unspent perks
I really don't know what to invest in
Well, as said, I'm talking about low levels. You're talking about Lvl 19 and playing with followers as meat shields. Of course it's different.
the lower levels were actually not that difficult
followers are everywhere in skyrim
like faendal in the beginning of the game
not like they are to hard to get
in the beginning
it did take me like 10 tries to ambush of legion 3 legionnaires
with an iron sword & clothing
so i can at least have something decent to wear
& run away from bears cuz they are brutal
I tell ya I'm going to delete skyrim and start with a fresh install. Maybe I do have other mods interfering with ERSO but then again like I said I svck.
TY all for you're replies. I'll bug ya again if I have more problems.
Whatever. I actually think I'm in a rather good position to compare SkyRe with vanilla (on lower levels, with melee chars as said). ALL my chars (I'm on the 8:th now I think) start out with Embershard Mine and then Bleak Falls Barrow. All my chars play on adept. All my chars use 2-handed weapons primarily. But whatever as said - I'm not going to waste time debating this with a random dude on internet.
Also, I didn't say it was difficult so you're using a straw man argumentation - I said frustrating and boring.
I agree mostly. I tried ERSO unscaled and found it a bit maddening in two ways: high level starting enemies which were frustrating and random high level loot available too early. Example: I went to Ironbind Barrow (my secondary "starting" dungeon) and found two Deathlords. I had Stenvar with me, fortunately, so we were able to win after an epic battle consisting mostly of kiting. At the end I had two ebony weapons and an ebony shield at level 6. I really didn't feel like continuing after that.
I feel that minimal scaled play requires sensible hand placement of enemies and loot and that true completely unscaled may be unworkable.
Good examples of games with an unscaled feel are Morrowind, Gothic 2, and Oblivion with OOO. They all share a few common qualities like relatively safe starter areas, hand placed enemies and loot, and a very limited scaling mechanism.