Learning of a name does not always reveal its location.
Learning of a name does not always reveal its location.
No, the Forsworn never got into the Temple, they only get in the cave entrance, only Dragonborn blood can open the door into the Temple
there was a sense of humor in my words that might have been missed.
Though I'm pretty sure with enough thought, they could have simply climbed around the mountain and entered through the doors in the courtyard. (also said with humor )
I have never discovered any magical ability to find a place by merely knowing the name of what I am looking for. Esbern mentioning Sky Haven Temple is not going to tell anyone the location of their base unless they already knew where Sky Haven Temple was. I doubt the name meant a thing to Elenwen, and since the temple has not been used for so long, probably the Thalmor would have no record of it.
Yet another reason for me to skip picking a side in this playthrough and do Season Unending. This will be my modus operandi from henceforth foresooth.
Oh, you are joking?
If they can climb to the courtyard, then why they didn't live in the Temple, instead of live outside? There are nice beds in the Temple
Yeah, let's bring escorts of soldiers to a truce negotiation before we've negotiated the truce. That'll work well.
I always thought there should have been some stipulation that the sides arrive at different times as well.
Invisible, inpenetrable walls surround the Courtyard if a character tries to climb up from the outside. I tried to get in and borrow some Armor and Weapons early.
It is not a problem if the Imps win either, as the peace treaty never happens.
Unless the Blades are betrayed to the Thalmor in the interest of "extending the Peace brought by the White Gold Concordiat".
IF they knew where the blades were hiding. Completing the Civil War for either side forgoes the Peace Summit, which means no one but the blades and the LDB knows their hiding place.
It's quite likely the Thalmor had no idea that the Blades would be attending the meeting. By the time Elenwen got the chance to alert the rest of the Thalmor to gather a force to track or kill them, the Blades would be long gone.
Thing is though, Sky Haven Temple's location was lost, even most of the Blades didn't know where it was. Sure the Thalmor might know it exists but they probably don't know where it is in Skyrim. Even then, the Forsworn, the puzzles, the traps, and the blood seal may make it rather difficult for them to attack it.
Of course, at this point, I start to wonder why I care. The Blades are more interested in killing Paarthurnax and the rest of the dragons than actually combating the Thalmor.
That's if Esbern didn't casually talk about it to someone else earlier, and if he never mentions it again, to anyone else. The only way to be sure is to take off and nuke the entire site from orbit.
With those outfits they're wearing I doubt there's many virgins left among the Forsworn.
So it would seem, the magic of PLOT which places invisible restrictions upon the player, magically opening once inaccessible locations.