...So...what? Esbern is who? I thought Esbern is the guy talking in the trailer and is the last member of the Blades or something to that effect? Where is it mentioned that Esbern is Talos or anything like that?
I know Alduin is Akatosh, but it's not like Sheo/Jyggalag. That relationship parallels Alduin/Lorkhan, but less of the sharing-one-body thing.
I don't know, on a fansite, I will find the link, right now, my brain hurts, im trying to play clue and chat on a forum and the same time and it isnt working

Well it'd make sense if Esbern was a nord. His name sounds Nord and he's a blade in Skyrim. But the Blades primarily worship Talos don't they? So how come the Esbern in Oblivion is a replacement for Hill the Tall who is a priest of Arkay? (Or Kynareth just in the wrong chapel) And about the connection with Esbern and the prophet, the prophet WAS Talos, yes? But then he dissapeared, and then Esbern started ranting about Talos and seems to know about all your holy exploits. So, is Esbern the prophet (I know they look nothing alike) and Talos?
~Mars of UESP forums