For an online game only, you could argue the initial price is extensive.
Imagine you spend $60 on the game find that you don't get to play enough. You then rely on paying $15 monthy yo get the value from the gameplay.
You cannot put this $60 to the side & wait until you have more time to get the value from your you are basically paying through the teeth after paying such a large sum before hand.
Is it worth it? Only to those who have the time and enjoy playing it.
I mean, there is no issue paying $60 for a game you can play at any time......take Skryim for example. You can create your character, run the tutorials, blast away for a weekend and put it to the side to live your life. But the investment is still there 3 months later to play whenever you want. But to pay $60 initially & then have to subscribe for every little bit of free time you might have may be a little too much.
But then, a counter argument is....why buy a time-absorbing game if you have no time to put into it?
Its a big investment to make for the early adopters...really big in terms of being a gamer.
If the game gathers pace, and proves itself down the line where people can see the entirety of what to expect via videos or Free Trial periods, then they can make a more informed choice.
Like I've said many times...Im kinda torn.
I always wanted a TES MMO, but it seems they come with restrictions or design choices that may not have been expected for a TES fan.
I'll keep watching it for a while yet. And while Im watching ESO, I'll also watch for the next TES game & wonder if they will add a co-op functionality dso you can explore the realms with your friends. 
Its a tough one. Tougher for console players who will undoubtley have 2 subscription fees to pay regardless what good intentioned deals have been made.