This is the MMO we've been waiting for: great questing, stories, exploration, great graphics, flexible character development, great pvp, PUSH UPS, high fantasy, no cartoony stuff. etc.
But gaming media has already crucified ESO before it's even launched and they will nitpick every detail without realizing that every MMO since UO has had a disastrous, buggy launch. Expect a 7.5 and expect people to laugh and say "I told you so" "Ill play it when it's F2P in a couple of months". The same way that giving a Nintendo game less than a 9 even if it rehashes old formulae is sacrilegious in the gaming community, this same gaming community has decided that an ESO multiplayer game is equally sacrilegious. And they'll be damned before they'll let themselves look at all the things ESO does right and all the careful attention that has been paid to its design.
Sadly, this game has to be perfect, or it will get firebombed worse than Dresden. And let's face it right now even though ZOS has done an awesome job it's missing the polish. It needs 6 months, it's not ready
This lack of polish is most obvious in the grouping.
-Why can't I help a friend if I've already completed a quest?
-Autofollow where are you?
-Quest status for people in my group? I have no idea if the other people in my group have the quest im on...
-Why do I have to complete a task individually if im in a group, there should be group complete.
-Loot options should exist
-Why do I have to go into the main menu, go to the group section to join or leave a group?
Mix in the above, which are basic group functions in modern MMOs, with the fact that many quests bug or quest NPCs don't respawn for hours on end... and the same vocal people in gaming media that are sowing the seeds of doubt right now will key in on this.