There are some screenshots of it on their Facebook site that you can get to from their main page there. I don't know who is making it but it looks interesting.
There are some screenshots of it on their Facebook site that you can get to from their main page there. I don't know who is making it but it looks interesting.
I'm getting ready to setup my youtube account for eso videos. I like to spread the word, record some cool footage that some of you might be interested to see. The bad news is I can't do livestream. I wish I could, but the connection seems pretty bad.
I was looking at their facebook profile. One of their pictures has a list of the vampire and werewolf ability trees. Where did they get this information?
Good question, it might be NDA break but if so they have access to lower level testing.
It could also be fake/ placeholders, you have both bat form and mist form.
The pictures are from their coming website not the game.
Maybe its made/supported by Zenimax/Bethesda?
It says Bat Swarm not Bat Form
Bat Swarm, not form
Tho be nice to have castlevannia sotn powers ^_-
I realize it's from their website and not the game.
Although they could be placeholders, they look pretty convincing.
I believe you meant 'Bat Swarm' which wouldn't overlap with 'Mist Form'.
I think you're correct in saying they do have information that the general public does not have.
probably the same guys that do WOW head and Torhead
I think it would be promoted by Curse/Zam is that was the case though
To each his own . I personally like to theorycraft my character then practice what I've learned. Not sure if you've seen my previous posts but I've been trying to collect as much information as possible (within NDA limits, of course).
I found the crafting shot interesting. nine materials, five qualities, 13 styles, look depends on quality or materials I as I understand from review.