I believe you can safely use the male imperial voice if you prefer that one. And I still think that as you are only using one teenager character, it's easier for you to simply grab the meshes and textures than to make your whole mod dependant on COM.
Admittedly, I have spent more time in the Oblivion section for quite some time, as Companion Vilja has been my main project. Now I'm working on a Skyrim companion, it's quite a challenge.
Modding for Morrowind has however been the most fun and easiest to do - already the full voicing is a pain for TESIV and TESV, and now we have the Papyrus scripting for Skyrim - yikes!!
Strange, since Skyrim arrived, the Oblvion forum appears very silent, whereas the Morrowind forum is still pretty active. Maybe it is simply because Morrowind is the easiest, most rewarding, game to mod. And by far the easiest and most rewarding to make quest-mods for. There are so many new mods that are reaching a standard much higher than what was possible back in the "old days" (I released my first Morrowind mod in august 2002). Your project sounds very interesting, and I wish you all the luck with it.

(P S There is a "trick" that always work if you want me to read your thread. Simply make a post in it where you say that you want to get in touch with Emma, and I'll be there

. You see, I make a search on my name every day, to try to catch if there's someone who needs to reach me).
EDIT: I'm positive that there are some good short hairs for male redguard teenagers included in COM, which will fit Robert's meshes. You might want to recolor them, though, as I think they are all black.