Black Moss: This is a small-Argonian Village Located within the Bitter-Coast. The Village is called Black-Moss in Common tongue, although, the Argonians naturally see at as Riv-Eei in their language. It was founded and built by slaves who were Taken from the Black-Marsh and who had managed to escape their masters. Over-the-years, it grew into a small-but successful town that eventually formed their own little governing system. They have their own guards as well. And their laws are different. [the Citizens of Black-Moss do not have hardly any visitors. And, they are keen to acquiring resources from to time by acting as bandits, so the village, contrary to it's poor condition, is materialistically wealthy.
There will be some side-quests involved and a small-main-quest as well; However, initially the first release will only be the city itself and a small-poor home the player can acquire.
Here is a couple videos detailing the WIP:
As you can see, there is allot that needs to be fixed and worked on, however, I think this is going by smoothly.

Well, the title pretty much explains it: This mod is aimed at recreating Dagoth Ur in Better-Body Format. Also the way he is depicted is more closer to the original Concept art of him rather then in the game.
I am aiming for something similar to this concept: [img][/img]
So far I have modeled quite a bit of the mask itself, though I added a little of my own unique flavor to it: Also I will be releasing multiple versions of Dagoth Ur.
1 - Half-Mask version and fully clothed
2 - full-mask version and fully clothed
3 - half-mask version and half-clothed
4 - full-mask version and half-clothed
5 - Tentacle-version of Dagoth Ur
6 - non-Tentacle version of Dagoth Ur
I will also be releasing a playable race based off of Dagoth Ur [it too will be customizable] Along with playable clothes, armor, and both versions of the mask.
Currently I have modeled much of the half-mask version:
Mod Name: Ahsi Shadae: Revelations.
1 – Discerning Dreams.
Discerning Dreams: Let's begin this with a simple thing. First-of-all, to begin this quest, you must be level fifteen. The Reason I decided for such a thing is due to the difficult level of the Main Story-Line. Therefore, to begin it, all you must do is sleep for 24 hours at level 15 or higher.
At some point, while your sleeping, you will be transported to a small pocket-dimension, which just happens to be the dream world. There you are to control your character. However. There will be heavy restrictions to your path-movement. Therefore, it's going to guide the player mostly to the main points of the dream and until it is finished.
The beginning of the dream starts within a forest; The season is Fall, and there is a thin pathway that leads straight ahead. From the tree-tops is a constant raining of dead-leaves [orange, red, yellow leaves] and the sky is ablaze with the beautiful fiery composition of dusk. On the ground, there is a thin layer of mist. Not far ahead rests a massive, wooden built mansion, carved with stone at it's base. The mansion's roof reaches the Tree-tops.
Once inside, the hallway entrance is massive. The floor is cold, wooden. Aligning down the center of the Entryway-hall are massive trees, that don't have leaves, and their branches wind out all-over the ceiling and interconnecting with one another. The floor itself, like outside is blanketed in a thin layer of mist. And Also like outside, the within the mansion is the same as Dusk's fiery glow. The Mansion is empty, besides the architecture, windows, and doors, there is nothing in it.
(WIP) [only one pic which the looks are subject to change] [img][/img]
[I am going to have to recalculate some things with this, due to a slight-lag when in the interior, however, what you see is the basic design of it. I should have more uploaded some-time soon.
The Black-Moss Mod will be released before the other two; Then BB Dagoth Ur, and Finally, Ahsi Shadae: Revelations. Unlike the other two mods, Black Moss has a due-date, so expect it anytime before the 23rd of this month. However, If I for someone reason cannot release it before the 23rd, I apologize ahead of time, but it will be released! Mark my words!

Thanks to everyone who has supported me and to those who have helped me and have been nice to me.
As for everyone else, thanks for taking your time to at least read this,