[Relz] Essence Potions

Post » Thu Sep 29, 2011 12:12 pm

Link to Planet Elder Scrolls: http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View.php?view=Mods.Detail&id=7495

Brew your own exclusive potions. Includes a book with recipes for each potion.

Also brew strong multi-effect potions called "essence potions." They are similar in strength to something you could brew with excellent alchemy equipment and the listed ingredients.

Adds Daedric Potion Brewers to Wolverine Hall in Sadrith Mora. The potion brewers can make standard "exclusive" potions given the correct ingredients. They can also make "essence potions," multiple effect potions that are based around a particular ingredient, such as daedra skin. There is a book that has all of the recipes needed to use the Potion Brewer. The Brewers make 3 potions at a time so you'll need 3 of each ingredient required by the potion.

Iron (Alchemy 20+) - brews standard restore health and restore magicka potions with the right ingredients. You also have the option to buy single potions directly from it.
Copper (Alchemy 40+) - brews the "easy" essence potions (comberry, corkbulb, fire salts, moon sugar, scuttle, and sweetpulp). Alchemy 75+ lets you brew the stronger version of each essence potion.
Silver (Alchemy 75+) - brews the "advanced" essence potions (daedra heart, daedra skin, diamond, emerald, frost salts, and void salts). Only comes in one strength.
Gold (Alchemy 90+) - brews the "exclusive" potions you can find in stores (Exclusive Restore Health, Restore Magicka, Invisibility, Fire Shield, Frost Shield, Lightning Shield, Spell Absorption, and Reflection).

You can also find some essence potions as random loot.
Example essence - frost salts.
Frost salts have the following alchemical properties: Drain Speed, Restore Magicka, Frost Shield, and Resist Fire. You would need an alchemy skill level of 75 or higher to create this potion.

Essence of Frost Salts
(frost salts, fire petals, void salts, willow anther)
Weight 0.1, Value: 201
-Resist Fire 20% for 50 secs
-Restore Magicka 10 pts for 25 secs
-Frost Shield 15 pts for 40 secs
-Spell Absorption 10 pts for 15 sec
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Post » Thu Sep 29, 2011 12:51 am

Included a second esp in this release with retextured alchemy equipment. The vanilla alchemy equipment uses textures shared with many other objects. This esp gives each grade of equipment a consistent look plus matching icons. Now you can tell if you have an Apprentice or a Journeyman Mortar & Pestle in your inventory.
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