Name – Fifth (Frequently referred to as “Lizard”, “Kid”)
Race – Argonian
Gender - Male
Role – Fifth is an indentured servant and “works” as a tavern custodian and on frequent occasion an extra farmhand.
Birthsign – The Serpent
Age – 18
Physical Description – To put it lightly, Fifth is physically gaunt in appearance. Despite being well-fed, it is fairly obvious to tell that the boy does not eat much for whatever reason. His scales vary from a hue of dark gray, to an almost onyx color that covers every inch of his form. Sections most exposed to light however, such as his facial region and chest are somewhat brighter in hue no doubt as a side-effect of remaining in the presence of the sun for too long. Fifth, suffice to say, is very dull colored as the scales lack the aura of personality that many other Argonians are known for. The only physical trait of his capable of conveying remotely close to interesting is his eyes. Large, yellow orbs capable of staring into the soul of those who are unlucky enough to address the lizard for too long.
A number of scars dance around his facial features, most notably in the mess of which are his “fins” placed where the ears would be on an imperial or elf. Fifth's fins are scarred quite horribly as a result of mistreatment from past owners. His tail is also fairly lengthy, fitted with a steady line of spiked ridges similar to that of a crocodile or dare it be said, a dragon.
Aside from that, Fifth follows the more reptilian strains of his people; toting fairly long bony fingers and equally as long claws that are luckily trimmed down to a harmless magnitude. His legs are slightly bent, akin to a distant variant of argonian that populates Morrowind. The lizard's feet are designed in such a way that boots (or shoes for that matter) are generally disregarded, forcing the young fellow to walk on his toes. Not that he minds the incentive, but the cold dirt against his hot scales on a warm day is generally greeted with positive thoughts. Despite that whoever, his beast-like appearance labels him more of an animal then a sentient being among others.
Skills – 7 max – A surprisingly well cook after a handful of years to practice and knows a thing or two about farming. His occupation as an indentured servant renders it difficult to make the lizard exhausted and from such, Fifth is fast on his feet and deceptively strong. Although, his strength is in no way comparable to an Orc. (TL;DR, Cooking, Farming, Endurance, Athletics/Acrobatics.)
Weapons/Magical capabilities – No weapons of any sort to name, nor any magical capabilities.
Armor/Clothing – The only spit of clothing Fifth wears is a measly rut-sack pair of pants cut down to the knees as a result of wear-and-tear and a green-stitched shirt. The shirt however, due to constant turmoil and torture under the sun is a more pale tan then green.
*Misc –
-Has no combat skills whatsoever.
Personality – Silent and observant, Fifth is probably a prime example of incurable anti-socialism. The lad rarely speaks, and utters very little when he does as he is afraid what he says will elicit a negative response from the receiver. Generally during most of the duration, he remains silent and hopes whatever happens will fix itself without his input. Years of strict slavery and ownership has rendered the argonian very obedient and loyal to those labeled his masters, often establishing himself as nothing more then a mindless drone then an actual being. He merely does this to avoid receiving any physical harm from an unhappy owner.
As another “side effect” from being born into slavery, Fifth also avoids staring at others. Into their eyes when they speak, or merely at them for whatever reason. Because of a brutal past, the dull-colored argonian views himself as an inferior acting disrespectful towards his masters by establishing eye contact. Again, Fifth conducts this as a method to deflect the chances of being beaten. Along with that, he can grow easily nervous when in the presence of those displaying a rather negative mindset.
History – Born into slavery, Fifth's life had already been planned and executed before the child was even birthed into what he would see as a hellish world. He never knew his true parents and was never granted the pleasure of ever contemplating on that matter. The lizard was never bestowed a name of any sort, often regarded as another slave among many and a name would only characterize him. At the time, slaves were identified with numbers as it rendered it much more easier to list and divide them when needed. Fifth's number quite obviously, was “Five” among the other children. Over time, his number would eventually evolve into what would be his name.
His life once entering his teens would be the equivalent of a common tool continuously being worked into turmoil and traded off to someone else. As that was Fifth's only purpose; he was a tool, a device. Something that could be bartered away and forgot about for a hefty handful of septims. Despite the argonian's attempts to please his masters, Fifth always found himself in a pool of self-disappointment as his owners would trade him off for something worth-while. In a streak of recent activity, the child's prior owner sold him to a small estate located within Cyrodiil that required able working hands. Though Fifth wonders how long it will be before he is handed away and disregarded once more like a stained rag.