Modeller Wanted
Eternal Darkness A journey into madness.
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I. Introduction
I was working on this mod about 2 years ago, but quit Oblivion before it was finished. But now, I'm back at it!
Eternal Darkness is loosely based on a video game by the same title released for the Gamecube in 2002 ( The main concept behind the game was that your character had a "sanity meter" which increased and decreased as you encountered monsters throughout the storyline. As your sanity decreased, you would begin to hallucinate and eventually die.
Now, although the appearance of undead creatures in Oblivion is actually pretty commonplace, I always felt that fighting a Necromancer should have been much more difficult... and scary. Most of the time, undead summons could be ignored while you focused on eliminating the superior threat, the Necromancer. The aim of this mod is to make those Necromancers much more intimidating (or more accurately, their summons), while also adding a bit of fun to the game.
The mod will work this way: While in combat, it will count how many undead are within a given radius, and decrease your sanity accordingly. You only lose sanity while in combat, so if you manage to sneak by that Skeleton, or run and hide from him during combat, you're safe.. for now. You can regain your sanity while in combat only if there are no undead, and you always regain sanity outside of combat. Watch your sanity, as you will descend into the three stages of Dementia if you're not careful.
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II. Int, Will, and You
Your Intelligence and Willpower have a large impact on your resilience to the undead. Big dumb Orcs, this could be bad for you. However, this also means that Fortify Int/Will potions and spells will be much more useful while you go spelunking. Allow me to explain...
-Intelligence: This reflects your character's ability to rationalize what he/she is seeing, and whether it is a hallucination or reality. Therefor, a higher Intelligence will allow you to recover sanity at a faster rate. In the game, sanity is recovered at a very slow rate. Often, you'll be suffering the effects of Dementia even while you're shopping for a new sword hours after you leave a Necromancer's dwelling. Carrying potions/spells to buff Int will help you recover faster.
-Willpower: This reflects your character's mental fortitude. Although he/she may be terrified of those undead charging toward them, they will push the fear to the back of their mind. This results in a slower loss of sanity around the undead. Sanity is lost much faster than it is recovered, so in this losing battle, Willpower is your friend. Be sure to buff it up before you open that door.
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III. Dementia!
When your sanity dips below a certain number, you will enter the first of three stages of Dementia. You can see if you have been effected by Dementia by checking your Active Effects page of your journal... but, you'll probably know when it happens! Here's a short overview of the stages and some planned effects for them (but not all effects):
Stage I: A minor stage, with some SFX and light visual FX.
- Blood on walls and ceilings
- Sound effects like scratching, yelling, growling, door knocking..
- Creatures/NPCs disappearing momentarily
- Blurry vision
- Floating objects
Stage II: Stage with heaviest visual effects.
- More blood.. hehe
- Loss of control
- Loss of vision
- Demonic apparitions
- Frenzied states
Stage III: Light visual effects, mostly loss of health, stats, etc.
- Damage
- Permanent, damaging apparitions
- Bloodshot eyes
- Blinking lights
- Powerful demonic voices
- Collapse/Loss of movement
- Draining of stats
- and, eventually, death
This is not a full list! There's plenty of secret things I have planned

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IV. Progress
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Scripted detection of undead [check!]
Created 3 stages of Dementia [check!]
Effects for stage 1 scripted [check!]
Effects for stage 2 scripted [check!]
Effects for stage 3 scripted [in progress]
Prepare for Beta release [not started]