Eternal Hunt, Part II: The Dawn of War

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:50 am

OCC: Bebop if you had been paying more attension, I said TRY to kill him, I did'nt say I cause so much damage he would'nt recover. And I dont see how tearing into Angorhn's stomach and cutting him up while they rolled down the hill, is any different really than bitting into his neck and cutting him up as well? And when have I ubered on this Rp... When?


Angorhn recovered from the toss, and saw several Blood-seekers charging down the hill, when Theslin broke into their ranks. Angorhn charged the Werewolf once more...

OCC: Was that ok!
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Doniesha World
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:23 am

OOC: You don't have to get ticked over it... the other time you ubered was when you murdered a Vampire at the start of last thread, without even having a real fight. Either way, don't do it again.

D'raziir reverted back into a Khajiit, smiling. He drew his magically enchanted Daedric claymore, and faced the Werewolf.
"It's over."
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:09 pm

Angorhn looked at the Blood-seekers as they stopped near their commander. Still in his Lycan form, Angorhn jumped into some nearby woods and into the night. He hurried through the snow as fast as he could, he needed to escape the Blood-seekers, he wanted to go back to Skingrad and learn about what was happening there...
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sam westover
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:01 pm


Eoin scrambled across the high knots of wood that rose from the undergrowth. The northern wolfwoods were thick with mosses and tough plants that grew in the cover of the trees. The howling winds danced through the canopy, whistling and keening. But Eoin could not feel the chill gusts and pushed onwards.
There was a path that turned from side to side and it was the path that Eoin was to follow to the Nordic village. Saarnt's directions were clear, but following the vague track in gristly undergrowth was altogether a different matter. In some parts of the forest, the canopy was so thick that the sky was invisible, but the path was clearer. In other parts, the trees were sparser but the path disappeared entirely. Young Cassivel passed through the woods, and as the hours passed, he set his jaw with defiance and pushed on.
Eoin stopped and reckoned that four to four and a half hours had passed by the time he stopped. The ground was gently rising, the trees were few, and there was a hubbub of noise in the distance. A slight scent of smoke was carrying on the wind. I am near... But... Fire?
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:55 am

"I can smell your fear.." She chuckled like a giddy schoolgirl, bringing her hand to her mouth and covering it for a moment. It was at that same time that more guards came running after her. A sigh escaped her plump, red tiers for a second before she raised her fingers. "Hold on a second, there's something that I have to tell you." The guards, oddly, stopped in their tracks. Her heels began to trek over the rubble, and she came closer to the guards. Her hand traced over their chins, and then a green glow overcame their bodies for a moment. The intensity in their eyes multiplied, and suddenly they weren't after her. "Go get me any fools that you think are worthy to join my army, and bring them back to the cave east of here. I want mages, too." The guards nodded. "So what are you waiting for? GO!" The guards turned tail and were gone from sight in minutes.

This was going to be an all-out war now. With a confident smirk, Jentina turned around only to be hit with an oncoming werewolf (NPC). The mut managed to lift Jentina off of her feet and throw her across town, her body eventually coming to a halt when her back slammed into the wall of the Trade Good's store there. "Ungh!" She screamed, her body peeling from the sides of the store and hitting the ground below her. She was there for a good minute or so, regaining her breath enough to heal herself. Her hands planted into the ground under her, and she picked herself up and looked to the werewolf. "Aah, coming to attack me are you?" She grinned, blood trickling down her chin from the wound on the sides of her lip.

"You really chose the wrong day to be a nuisance.." Her tongue creeped from her mouth and licked the open wound on her lip. She looked around for a moment, and then had a brilliant idea. With a flick of her wrist, wooden planks came tearing off of the houses and impaled the Werewolf on its way through the air. The wolf howled uncontrollably, before the last plank struck his neck and he was gone from existence. "Poor little guy.." Her body knelt beside it, her hand petting over his fur. "You could have helped me..but instead you'd rather fight me.." She shook her head, and stood up.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:14 pm

“I can smell your fear..” She chuckled like a giddy schoolgirl, bringing her hand to her mouth and covering it for a moment. It was at that same time that more guards came running after her. A sigh escaped her plump, red tiers for a second before she raised her fingers. “Hold on a second, there’s something that I have to tell you.” The guards, oddly, stopped in their tracks. Her heels began to trek over the rubble, and she came closer to the guards. Her hand traced over their chins, and then a green glow overcame their bodies for a moment. The intensity in their eyes multiplied, and suddenly they weren’t after her. “Go get me any fools that you think are worthy to join my army, and bring them back to the cave east of here. I want mages, too.” The guards nodded. “So what are you waiting for? GO!” The guards turned tail and were gone from sight in minutes.

This was going to be an all-out war now. With a confident smirk, Jentina turned around only to be hit with an oncoming werewolf (NPC). The mut managed to lift Jentina off of her feet and throw her across town, her body eventually coming to a halt when her back slammed into the wall of the Trade Good’s store there. “Ungh!” She screamed, her body peeling from the sides of the store and hitting the ground below her. She was there for a good minute or so, regaining her breath enough to heal herself. Her hands planted into the ground under her, and she picked herself up and looked to the werewolf. “Aah, coming to attack me are you?” She grinned, blood trickling down her chin from the wound on the sides of her lip.

“You really chose the wrong day to be a nuisance..” Her tongue creeped from her mouth and licked the open wound on her lip. She looked around for a moment, and then had a brilliant idea. With a flick of her wrist, wooden planks came tearing off of the houses and impaled the Werewolf on its way through the air. The wolf howled uncontrollably, before the last plank struck his neck and he was gone from existence. “Poor little guy..” Her body knelt beside it, her hand petting over his fur. “You could have helped me..but instead you’d rather fight me..” She shook her head, and stood up.


Looks like Saarnt was right about the skraelingjar and the witches! Eoin thought bitterly once he edged close enough to see and hear what was going on without being seen straight away. His eyes widened and his knees turned to jelly as he watched the battle unfold to nothing. The witch dispatched with a werewolf that he would not dare to fight... Without a single bead of sweat. Gods... Who is she? Her hair was coal black and her skin a soft olive that was completely out of place. She was a southern beauty it seemed, and fiery too.
What was that about needing an army? Slowly, with careful, measured steps, Eoin advanced towards her and moved away from the line of austere fir trees. "My lady," he said softly, but his trained voice carried over the noise that disrupted the air. "What was that you said, begging your pardons... An army? I have a bow and arrows." His thin, sardonic smile was resurgent and his voice dripped with confidence.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:44 am

A delicate hand pushed through her long, wavy locks. The village was in a complete state of disarray and the werewolves seemed to clear the area with quickness. She was through with being a victim. While she was walking, she heard a voice come out from behind her. Jentina stopped momentarily and looked over her shoulder, a red hue piercing through the man standing there. Her eyelashes fluttered in confusion ? was this man seriously coming up to start a conversation with her while she was in a primal rage? And then he spoke the bit about needing an army. Now that; was sweet music to her ears. She turned her body completely around and faced him with an unwavering confidence. She awaited for him to walk closer to her.

"Oh you have a bow and arrow, do you? Well so does everybody on this half of the island. What makes you so special, and even better, I want a reason why I shouldn't gut you where you stand." She gave him a cocky smile, and her facial expression lightened drastically. Her hand reached for her dagger that was secretly kept in her gauntlet. The sun shone upon the blade as it left its home within the leather. "Don't keep me waiting, good sir." She crept up closer to him, and placed the dagger lightly upon his Adams apple.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:59 pm

Marshall arrived on the scene of battle, and saw the hell that was before him. Hundreds, maybe thousands of Bloodseekers were storming the village, searching for their quarry. But their job was not the same as his. No, Marshall's superiors had given him a different, much more dangerous mission. And nobody was to know of it.

Marshall dismounted his steed and kept a low profile as he crept up a large hill overlooking the village. He lay down on his stomach and surveyed the area for his target. But he could not discern his target from the other werewolves scattered around the battlefield. Of course, he could decide just to kill them all, but that was too time-consuming. Marshall wanted to complete this one mission and get back home to his wife.

Then he spotted him. He was on the far side of the battlefield, fighting with another werewolf. Perfect, Marshall thought. I'll blame the other werewolf. Everything was going perfectly. Marshall's superiors had given him a simple mission.

He was to kill D'raziir.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:18 pm


D'raziir watched as the Werewolf escaped into the thicket of woods. D'raziir was now in Khajiit form, wielding his massive daedric sword.
"Find him! Give him no mercy!" shouted D'raziir in a primal fury unlike no other.
The Bloodseekers sped off into the woods, after the escaping Werewolf.
D'raziir worked his way back up the hill, as he poured several bottles of Healing Potions over his wounds.
"Bastard... I will make him suffer..."
D'raziir stopped on the edge of town, entranced by a woman, a witch it seemed, who had easily dispatched a nordic Werewolf.
"Who in the hell is she?"
D'raziir continued to gaze at the woman, as a man with a bow approached. The two spoke briefly. A smile spread across the woman's face.
"If there is anyone who is to slaughter these Werewolves..." began D'raziir menacingly.
"...It is I!"
He shot his palm outwards, firing a blast of searing heat at the woman, one large enough to demolish a three-story building.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:37 am

Lliryn walked swiftly through the streets, his hood covering his face as he avoided the larger crowds, as well as the occasional Bloodseeker. A man bumped him, and began shouting at Lliryn, telling him to be more careful, and the Necromancer had to use every ounce of self control to not turn the man into a walking corpse.

He simply walked away without a word, leaving the man red in the face, as Lliryn melted into the crowd again, watching for any sign of a familiar Bosmer. He turned left down a less busy street, and as he pushed past a Nordic man and his wife, he almost fell over as a wave of dizziness, and then pain took him, forcing him to stop and recover.

He gasped as waves of mental energy overtook his mind, messages relaying to powerfully through his mind for him to decipher. It stopped briefly, and he found himself sitting on the stone ground, holding his head, his hood dropped. He couldn't understand why he couldn't decipher the messages, but he knew they were coming in to powerfully.... And it hit him.

It was because he always kept his mental defenses up, never wavering with them so as to not invite any unwated visitors. Perhaps the unknown messenger was simply sending to much power behind his communication to push through the barrier of Lliryn obviously feebler mind. He took a deep breath, and mentally prepared himself, knowing at first, the messages would be almost overwhelming, because of the lack of resistance. But the unknown person would surely sense it, and would lessen the power...... either that, or Lliryn's brain would litterally be overwhelmed, and he would fall into madness.....

He released his minds defense, and immediately he fell backwards, the power of the telepathic communications surging through his head like electricity. The intensity continued however, and did not weaken, and Lliryn felt like his head was just going to explode any second.

But then he felt a lesseing, like an enormous weight was being lifted off of his head, and soon he could make out words. He could make out faint sentences, and slowly they became clearer until an absolute clear message came through.

And then he blacked out.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:58 am

OOC: Sorry for not posting for so long, I've been a little busy.

IC: Skingrad

Faolin opened his mouth to answer Thorin but was cut short by cold steel being put to his neck. Eager to not get his throat slit, Faolin shut his mouth and followed the mysterious person to an alley, a couple seconds away. Thorin soon walked in the alley before the stranger could say anything. Thorin cursed and asked what was going on.
"You tell me, I haven't even got a look at this guy yet." Faolin said almost laughing. The cold metal against his neck pressed tighter, drawing a drop of blood. Faolin dropped his smirk and listened to the stranger's voice. The stranger demanded that they lead him to the book. Faolin listened to the man's voice, it sounded so familiar. "Listen, we don't exactly know where this book is either. Maybe if you let me go we can help eachother." Faolin said, winking at Thorin.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:03 am

“Well, are you going to answer me?” She smirked as she looked at the man up and down. Not even a second after, she began to feel butterflies in her stomach. The scent of magicka was seething off of something to the side of her. She turned her head, and so the Khajiit was outstretching his hands out towards her. Jentina’s eyes widened, and she quickly pushed the Archer man away from her. The orange glow from the flames coming towards her illuminated her fair skin, the flickering embers dancing in the black of her eyes. She placed her arm out before her, and just as the fireball was about to come in contact with her, she waved her hand. The fireball (more like bomb) rolled off of her hand and then crashed into the building beside her, causing the structure to erupt in flames. Flaming pieces of wood planks and stone fell before her, and dashing flames swirled with the wind.

She shook her head side to side. Her finger rose up and shook with her head, and she merely let off a chuckle. “Meow, kitty kitty.” She had overheard him speak before he had flung the fireball at her. “I don’t want your precious little werewolf slaying rights, okay? But now you’ve…severely…agitated me. So you. Go. Away.” Her hand flung upwards, taking the cat off of its feet and flying through the air and into the building behind him. “And if you want to live to kill again, I suggest you back off.” She hissed, and then turned to the Archer once more. “Stop laying there on the ground like an ingrate, we have things to plan.”

[EDIT: My post was written a bit oddly. When I say the fireball rolled off of her hand, what it truly means is she deflected it with her telekinesis off to the side of her.]
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:14 pm

OCC: Whoops, my bad. I posted ealier but I forgot to post my char sheet. Here it is. I edited some things that have changed from the first thread. You sjouldn't have to read this if you have been reading my posts from the first thread.

General Information

Name: Faolin Mairil
Race: Bosmer (human)
Birthsign: The Thief
Age: 26
-Calm and collected
-good morale

Class Information

Class name and Description: Hunter
Specialization: Stealth
Skills: Marksman, Blade, Athletics, acrobatics, sneak, lockpicking


Height: Medium Height
Weight: Thin
General Appearance: He has a thin body but is still muscular. He has short black hair and brown eyes.


Armor: He has a suit of custom-made black thin leather,(without the leather helm) made to move around easily while wearing
Weapons: Silver bow, along with arrows to match, and a unique sliver dagger
Enchanted items: Bow has +10 fire damage (is this too much? if so you can reduce it), also has a special pair of goggles that detect life for 100 yards and they can tell apart werwolves, vampires, and Daedra


Towards the law: Thinks of them as corrupt, greedy pigs
Towards the Nine: Not sure if they are real or not
Towards the legal guilds: Thinks that they are trying to do the right thing
Towards the Empire: Thinks of them as greedy men who only step in when their own lives are at stake
Towards Vampires: They are nasty blood-svcking animals
Towards the Blood Seekers: Used to be a bloodseeker, (ran away after killing commander due to morale-related reasons in first thread) but he now is trying to work against them.
Towards Werewolves: They are un-tamable beasts who have lost all humanity (obviously his opinion has changed over the course of the first thread.
Towards Necromancers: They are stupid and foolish and will destroy the world if not stopped
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:55 am

" I will make suffer beyond your weak minds until you find me this book. Also, don't call fo anyone or you wont be seeing your freind anymore. Now you must hacve an idea were this book is. Oh and my name is Synthius Darius, proffesional necromancer and torturer in case you wanted to know. So once we find this book which you show me I may just let you be." Synthius was having trouble from carving up the weak worthless wood elves were they stand, but finding the book would be alot harder. He never had the chance of this easy of chance to inflict so much pain this easy. He cut just a little more just a small sample of what they will have to endure.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:35 am


D'raziir watched angrily as his massive fireball was deflected with minor ease by the woman. It slammed into a house, which promptly burst into flames, sending fragments of wood and brick flying across the snowy field. The woman spoke in an agitated tone, and twirled her hands, which magically lifted D'raziir off of his feet and sent him flying off into the distance. He crashed into the snow, tumbling down the hill and slamming into a wooden building. His body crashed through the wooden walls, and he was sent tumbling into the living room, mounds of snow coming after him.
D'raziir growled as he stood up, ripping shards and fragments of wood from his spine.
"She'll pay..."
D'raziir mumbled an incantation, and suddenly melded in with his surroundings. He used another spell to conceal his magical aura, so nobody could sense his presence. He groaned as he walked out through the gaping hole in the house, knowing full well his back was drenched in crimson. He lumbered up the hill, and disappeared behind a building adjacent to the woman. Moments later he was atop it, a Daedric Claymore resting in his hands. Silently but swiftly, he soared through the air, his blade heaved high over his head, and a ball of magical energy twisting in the other hand.


"I will not take you to the book. No matter what. Thousands, no millions of lives are at stake. I cannot risk that for the life of a man I met a week ago. Goodbye, Faolin."
And with that, Thorin leaped into the air, disappearing atop a building. But while the confused Necromancer was left alone, a blade to Faolin's throat, Thorin lurked stealthily atop the roof, waiting and watching with an Elven bow in hand.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:26 pm

Son of a... I made myself a fugitive for him. This is how he repays me?
Faolin looked in the general direction Thorin had disappeared to and yelled, "I'll make you pay, creature of the night!" His breathing was heavy and hard. "Synthius, I have no idea where this book is. Let me go know and we won't have to cause any trouble amongst ourselves and draw attention." he said as calmy as possible. "Let me go, now, please." he said in a cool tone.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:40 am

" Coward" Synthius said as the other wood elf jumped up the building." I don't think I should let you go, you may be to much of a threat to leave now. You are with the blood seekers aren't you , you probaly would go get a group of your freinds and track me down. You could come with me to my lair and then you would be screaming out were the location of the book is. It is a rather distance away so you could just come with me and find this book now or else." He took the blade from his neck and got a spell in mind just in case. " Don't think just because I don't have you hostage dosen't meen you can just ecscape. I can kill just as fast as slitting your throat" He left the ally with the wood elf pushing him with his staff.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:30 pm


With the blade no longer to Faolin's throat, and the Necromancer's back to Thorin, it was the perfect opportunity for attack. Thorin drew back his bowstring, and fired an Elven arrow, enchanted with paralyzation. It whizzed through the air, straight towards the Necromancer's neck.
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Jaylene Brower
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:24 pm


As Synthius was walking out an came and peirced somerwere near the neck. He couldn't tell were it struck as blood seeped down his robes. He soon grew dizzy and couldn't move. He fell face first down into the street with blood pouring out. He couldn't move at all even if he tried. He soon got frustrated that he must be so close to the book but unable move to and a wound.

Edit: OOC I changed it from neck to the arm. I supose it would of instantly killed him. Edit: Oh I changed it but should I change it back. Never mind changed it to the neck again.
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Dan Stevens
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:17 pm

Faolin watched, stunned as an arrow hit Synthius' neck. Synthius fell to the ground hitting his head, paralyzed. Faolin looked up at Thorin. "Damn, you had me going there Thorin. I had doubts wether you were going to come back or not." Faolin looked back at Synthius. "Quick we have to hurry before he gets back up." Faolin climbed up a wall in a flash and dashed from one building to the next, heading towards the castle.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:52 pm

Her hands rose to her hips as she saw the Khajiit fly down the mountainside. She smirked softly and turned on a heel to make her way down the street. "Now there are many things we need to accomplish.." She began to speak to one of her new guards. "We're going to need to eradicate a threat. A big threat." Her ears perked when she heard a light thud on the roof above her. Kohl-lined eyes looked up towards the sky, but when she saw nor sensed nothing above her, she shrugged it off and then looked back to her guard. "So you see over there.." She rose her hand and pointed to a building that was still standing. She began to walk towards it, and then a loud thud on the ground behind her was heard. She quickly turned her head and looked behind her, seeing the very same Khajiit on the ground, the invisibility wore off as he began to stand up.

She looked in a bit of disbelief. Normally people who fell down mountainsides and through houses died ? but then again, who was she to talk? A feral growl emitted from her throat, and she was not pleased the stupid cat was back to bother her again. Her hand rose, and her middle and index finger squeezed the bridge of her nose in obvious annoyance. "Okay." Her hand left her nose, and rose before her. "I'm going to give you three seconds to get out of my sight before I slaughter you and turn you into horse feed." The look in her eyes indicated that she was not to be messed with. "Two, three.."
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Nicholas C
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:21 pm


Synthius laid on the ground leting blood pour out into the street. As the paralyze wore off, he tried to gain himself. His hand began to glow bright blue and touched his neck. The skin healed slightly but luckily it slighly missed the bone. He got on his feat with his head low. He pulled his hood up and staggered down the street. A few citizens stared at him as he walked down the street. He made his way into and alchamest's shop and walked to a counter. He heald out a bag of coins to the merchant.

" A healing potion, now!" He said

" Are you okay." The alchamist said.

"Yes, give me the potion now." The alchemist hnded Sythius the potion and he drank it down as he walked out the store. He then went back into the crowd even though he was still badly injured.

Synthius just finished his potion and tossed it on the ground when two blood seekers came into his veiw. They came closer as he began to walk away. He was in no condition to fight yet. He went into another alley and sat down against the wall.
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Chelsea Head
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:09 am

Set-Ra watched a Man storm into the alchemical shop he was browsing through, the man demanded a potion then fled outside, watching him turn down an alley and two men began to follow him. Set-Ra drew his blade and sticking to the shadows He cast a minor incantation making him nearly invisible. He stalked the two men as they followed the injured one.
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Mario Alcantar
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:28 pm

Faolin quickly dashed from roof to roof, with Thorin trailing behind. Then suddenly something caught Faolin's eye, an arrow in midair. He jumped to the left but it nicked his side, scraping his rib-cage. He stood up on the roof and looked around for the predator. A couple buildings ahead of him was a group of bloodseekers, one with an arrow notched. "Damnit! We have company, Thorin let's get to ground level." Faolin slid down a wall hitting the ground in an alley. He started to run towards the street in an effort to blend in with a crowd, but just as soon as he reached the exit, three bloodseekers stepped into view and blocked his way. He turned around, pushing Thorin the other way. Bloodseekers blocked his path on the other side, surrounding Thorin and Faolin.
"You," one said pointing at Thorin, "leave here immediately. We have strict orders to capture a certain Faolin Mairil. I don't care who you are. The leader of the vampire hunting division in the bloodseekers gave us directions to capture this skilled ex-hunter." Faolin looked at Thorin.
"Thorin, continue to look for the book without me. We don't have time to lose. I know you were just pretending earlier, but there is thousands of lives at stake. Go."
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Maria Garcia
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:26 am

OOC: It seems after my last message with Bebop, that he has been really busy lately and may not be able to take care of this Rp. I don't want to see this Rp die, and he has offered me the chance of taking control of this thread. I asked him if he was sure he wants to do this and I am currently awaiting his reply. Managing this Rp will be a lot of hard work, and I wanted to make sure you all still want to keep this Rp going.

If he replies and says he is sure, I will take control of the thread most likely, and be controling many of Bebop's characters. Hopefully that won't have to happen. ;)

But like I said I want to make sure you all still want to keep this Rp going.
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