Reading over posts now, so I'll be editing my post in here later. Right now I have things I need to get done while it's still daylight, but if you could hold off for an hour or two Wednesday I promise I'll show up

EDIT: Here we go

Sorry about the lateness.
IC: Maglir turned the corner, going from one shady allyway to another, moving steadily closer to the main streets of the Imperial city. The sun was just beginning to peak over the city's walls, and the Bosmer realized that without his hat he would be very vulnerable to the harmful light. He had not fed in a couple days, so he could escape most citizen's notice, but if a Bloodseeker or other authority paid close attention he would have to flee once more.
The horn he had heard just after his escape from the rooftop frightened him at first, he had hidden in a nearby barrel in case it was a signal for reinforcements. After roughly half an hour he realized no one was looking for him any longer, and he decided to spend the rest of the night in a nearby empty apartment, using the time to take stock of what had happened the night before and draw out a plan.
Maglir stopped still, turning his head to the side to better listen. The scuffling sound that had drawn him out of his thoughts repeated, and he dismissed it as just another of one of the many rats that infested the city. He continued his deliberate pace, smoothing his long black hair down and re-tying the leather thong that held it in place. He dusted off his form fitting black shirt, examining the frills of his shirtsleeves for damage from the night before.
At last the ally opened up into a grimy city street, where a few frightened looking people moved about their morning business, with a few official looking folks cleaning up stains from the night before. They all had wide, shifting eyes, ever ready for the signs of the next riot.
'When will the fighting end? Why can't we stop this man quickly, without more civilian casualties?' Maglir shook his head, sighing at the events of the night before.
Across the street from him, a trio of shady characters conversed in sly voices. Maglir could not quite make out their words, but it was clear that the main conversation was going on between the cloaked man and the beautiful woman. The commonly dressed man off to the side had seemingly been forgotten, perhaps he was a beggar? Maglir watched with growing interest as the cloaked man led the woman away, towards a nearby inn. Just as he was thinking this woman was already taken, the buxom woman withdrew her hand and gave an excitingly sinister looking smile to the man.
'Maybe there's a chance yet.' Maglir thought, smiling at the idea of charming the woman. His hand found a rose seed within his pouch, and drew it into his sleeve for later use.
The two talked a little more, then entered the inn they had been heading for. Eager to follow the two, Maglir quickly composed himself, casting a spell to alter his features into a less noticeable appearance. His skin gained back some of its old glow, his eyes turning a dazzling blue within blue, and his face gained a healthy round look. He drew up one of his charming smiles and started for the inn.
'On second thought, maybe the gentleman that was with them knows something of use.' Maglir redirected his steps towards the strange looking man still standing near the wall, and thought up the framework of his question.
"Excuse me, kind sir, but do you know the couple that were just here? The man is a good friend of mine, you see, and I wanted to meet his new lady friend. If you know what I mean." Maglir ended the polite greeting with a small chuckle, his air a perfect mix of composed decorum and lightheartedness. His eyes sparkled as he assessed the man. A strange odor pervaded the Imperial's frame, but that simply strengthened Maglir's suspicion of his begging profession, rather than give him any cause for alarm.
OOC: Thought you looked lonely, Fang

We can meet up with the Dr. and Wednesday later, or go our own way, whichever you prefer. But be warned, Maglir is not likely to pass up a girl like that