And now we shall finally meet, my fellow creatures of the night

IC: Maglir waited patiently by the door while Maelus went to the counter. At first the Bosmer thought he was ordering drinks, but he quickly realized he was finding the location of the beautiful woman.
'A harlet? Honestly, some women just don't know how to appreciate beauty.'The Imperial came back to where Maglir was standing, having finished his transaction with the barmaid, "I believe your, um, 'lady friend' is in the back room. Shall we?" He said, motioning to the door, "I never got your name either."
"Ah, my apologies, good sir. I am Maglir; just Maglir. Actor extraordinare, and hopeless romantic." He recited with a flourish, bowing low to the ground as he did so. He looked back into the Imperial's eyes with a large smile, "Well then, let us hope we don't intrude upon anything."
Just as Maglir was about to begin walking, an extravagently dressed man entered before him. After a short, muffled conversation, the cloaked man he had seen earlier walked back out, rushing past Maglir and his Imperial friend on his way to the street.
The Bosmer noticed that the blonde man had left the wooden door ajar, a perfect opurtunity to "accidently" step in. Struck with the idea, he turned to his companion, "Well, it seems a new face has made an appearance. Nonetheless, the seductress from the street is still inside, and thus I am compelled to carry on. Come now, before the window, or should I say door, of oppurtunity closes." He finished with a small laugh, the formal speech he usually reserved for woman tickling his tongue.
The elf once more began to walk towards the door, listening closely for any signs of danger within.
OOC: Any of you three can have us enter the room