OOC: I had a great post set up, and my gosh darn internet lost it

Sorry, but I lost half an hour on it, and now have to leave. Perhaps tonight I'll finish, but please don't post until I do. Thanks.
EDIT: Alright, this is the third time I've written this, and it is starting to become frustrating. Sorry to make you wait, but I think this could be a fun conversation

IC: So, shall we introduce ourselves? I'll try not to charm her too much." Maelus chuckled softly, then proceeded to tidy himself up for the coming encounter. Just as Maglir was about to reply, the Imperial walked straight into the room, without waiting to hear any of the conversation inside.
Maglir, on the other hand, was not so rash, and decided to wait outside the door frame for an oppurtune time to go in. He smiled, raising an eyebrow at Maelus' attempt at subtlety, "Oh, I am very sorry to intrude, I did not know this room was taken. Maelus Harrismar, professional-" The Imperial fumbled for words, he was obviously not as skilled in deceit as Maglir.
"Ugh, I really need to work on my deception. Look, I am just a simple man, needing information. Oh, where are my manners," Maglir heard small swishing sounds, and had to stifle a laugh when he realized the man tried to give a gallant bow.
'He simply doesn't have the right attitude. Bowing when not a gentleman simply leads to obvious attempts at flattery; it just doesn't seem natural. Furthermore he should straighten out his alias before intruding upon a conversation.'"Now, please miss, and you good sir, can you tell me what by Mannimacro happened out there?"
'What? Mannimarco? The evil lich? Who in Tamriel is this man?' Maglir did not rightly know what his companion was doing, but it was obvious he needed the Bosmer's help. He spent a moment preparing himself, then strode into the room confidently, brushing past the Imperial and putting on a charming face.
"Good day, my friends. I apologize for my, ah, friend here, he was simply trying to strike up a conversation with you both." He turned to the woman, who had stood up out of her chair, a knife in hand, "My lady, forgive me for the intrusion," his eyes lingered on the woman for a brief moment, but he eventually found himself staring into the steady maroon eyes of the blonde Imperial on the other side of the room, "And to you, my good sir."
As he glanced back and forth between the two characters, he began studying them intently for any sign that could help him. His eyes naturally were led to the woman first, and after he tore his furtive glances away from her full chest and innocent face, he began to notice several oddities. Her eyes, for one thing, gleamed with a deadly seriousness, a blue-green stare that told Maglir not to mess with her. A curious tattoo wrapped itself around her eye, its intricate patterns meaningless to the Bosmer, though he might inquire about it later. Finally he noticed a strange gauntlet on her left arm, and it being the only form of protection on her body Maglir assumed it must be enchanted. Which could mean one of two things: she was rich enough to afford enchanted armor as a fashion statement, or, more likely, she was some kind of mage.
Having deduced the woman's occupation, he turned his focus to the smartly dressed man on the other side of the room. The first thing Maglir noticed was his outstanding taste in clothing, though a cape would make the suede outfit so much nicer. The clothes and suave bearing with which he held himself contrasted sharply with his muscular appearance and rugged good looks. As Maglir inspected his face further, a peculiarity attracted his eye: the kind of gauntness known only to his kind was also in this one, and a closer examination of his eyes revealed a shade he had previously suspected.
'Ah, how interesting. I haven't seen him at Ferin's meetings.'"You see, we are in a rather precarious position," he gave a small pause, not because he did not know what to say, but to add effect, "a position in which knowledge is key to survival. My friend here was only asking this of you because I suspected you too were in such a position. Instead of working independently to bring down the same enemy, I believe it would be mutually beneficial for us-" with this last word Maglir dropped the spell that concealed his appearance, making his crimson eyes and sharp fangs visible with a hearty smile, "to share our efforts." He finished with a twinkle in his now scarlet eyes, his silver words dropping like honey from his lips.
He fingered the rose seed in his hand, but decided to wait until a later moment to use his old tricks on the woman. Business first, after all.