This is an RP that I have chosen to resurrect with the previous owner's, BebopMagnum's, permission. BebopMagnum has also greatly contributed to the resurrection of this RP. Thanks.
Three years have passed since the reclamation of Cyrodiil from the hordes of Oblivion. Through the acts of a lone hero, Mehrunes Dagon had been defeated. Cyrodiil, for the most part, had reached a time of peace. But a darkness brewed in the heart of the Mage's Guild. An esteemed mage of the Arcane University, Arden L. Rosewood, made a case to the council against the existence of various lifeforms he deemed threatening to the Empire.
He compared the once invading Daedra to the Werewolves, Vampires, and Necromancers inhabiting Tamriel, and called them an even greater danger. Rosewood, and his faithful servant and master-at-arms Kane Martir successfully rebelled against the Guild's council, and overthrew the Archmage, who happened to be the same lone hero who had stopped the Oblivion Crisis, as well as Mannimarco, the King of Worms.
Rosewood and Kane grabbed Tamriel and slowly began to rule it with an iron fist. They established the Bloodseekers, an ironically-named faction of witchhunters seeking the destruction of Vampires, Werewolves, Necromancers, and their horrid spawn.
A decade had passed since the Bloodseeker's branch from the Mage's Guild, and Rosewood was now rubbing shoulders with the very leaders of Tamriel; Ocato, the Kings and Queens of the Illiac Bay, and the Great Houses of Morrowind.
But the Bloodseekers were not the honorable organization they seemed to be. The public grew weary of their shady actions, and soon they became another corrupt hand of the Empire. Bloodseekers had the right to burn towns to the ground if they even smelled like they housed "darkspawn".
Rosewood had become corrupt and greedy, and his slave Kane, now commander of the Bloodseeker army, would do anything he said. Vampires fled to their lord, the esteemed Ferin Dren of the Imperial City. The City became a hive for Vampires, and slowly but surely collapsed from rioting and constant combat in the streets.
Werewolves similarly tried to protect their only remaining land, Solstheim, from the invading Bloodseeker Armada.
Necromancers, now weakened from the death of their leader, Mannimarco, had begun to disappear into the underground... and would have stayed that way if they had not learned of the Book of Ages, a tome from the very depths of Oblivion, one that could resurrect Mannimarco, and bring him back to his full power.
It became an all-out clash between the Vampires and their rampant crime streaks in the Imperial City, the loyal Werewolves defending their homeland, the cruel Bloodseekers, and the vengeance-seeking Necromancers.
The main idea is that you can choose from numerous factions (e.g. Necromancers, Bloodseekers, Vampires, Werewolves. Though you are among different groups, you have common enemies. Vampires hate werewolves, Bloodseekers hate all, and necromancers have no real enemy besides the Bloodseekers. The consequences and results all depend on your character, and his actions. You may choose any faction of those listed, but NO DAEDRA. Hopefully we'll get enough for each faction. We need teamwork just as much as we need player versus player content.
Okay, so naturally there's a lot of plot there, but really it will begin quite linearally. You choose a faction (Werewolves, Vampires, Bloodseekers, Necromancers) and then you make an opening post in your corresponding location. It begins in the Imperial City during a civillian riot against the Bloodseekers. If you're a Bloodseeker, you're naturally attempting to stop the riot. A Vampire would be causing havoc somewhere in the city, under the name of Lord Ferin Dren. A Werewolf would be in or near the town, doing whatever a Werewolf would do in said situation. A Necromancer might be blending in during the riot or in an underground sewer planning something. It's up to the roleplayers, but this is how I want the plot to begin. Advancement does not matter to me, I'm just setting a template. However, some key events to expand upon later in the RP would be the invasion of Solstheim, the search for the Book of Ages, or the inevitible societal collapse at the hand of the Bloodseekers.
1) No mind reading or all knowing characters
2) No god mode or uber playing
3) No bad language, other than the words not starred out already
4) Be realistic with your posts, this is strongly player versus player so do NOT try and be invincible. Players can and will die. It is suggested to submit a second character after your death
5) If you are traveling long distances, actually travel. No instant travel, please.
6) You may start with good equipment, but no full enchanted daedric with a plethera of kick ass weapons. Keep it simple. Enchanted equipment is allowed but nothing complex.
7) Use good grammar and spelling
8) Post as often as possible, RPs aren't an obligation but certainly require you to post. No double posts are allowed, but as long as someone posted after your last post, you can post again.
9) PM me all Character Sheets, just let me approve first. No posting character sheets, just describe your character like a real writer would.
10) Use OOC brackets when speaking out of character
11) If you feel like you cannot post often or as often as others, contact me so that I can possibly control your character for a short while
12) Most importantly, Have fun!
General Skills:
General Appearance:
Accessories/Enchanted Items:
Race: Bosmer
Gender: Male
Age: 132 (appears 27)
Sign: The Thief
Faction: Vampires
Class: Vampire
Major Skills: Athletics, Acrobatics, Hand to Hand, Illusion, Alteration, Stealth, Mysticism
Appearance: Slim and gaunt, Maglir has all the typical vampire features: pale skin, red eyes, and sharp fangs. He tries to feed regularly to lessen his chances of being spotted by the Bloodseekers, but with the current conditions of the city he is having trouble finding victims at times. He has taken great care, and more than a bit of magic, to make himself as handsome as he can.
Hair: Long, silky black strands of hair that fall past his shoulders. He usually keeps it in a ponytail fashion, but frequently forgets or loses the silken strap he uses to keep it in place.
Eyes: He has the typical bloodshot red eyes of a vampire, sunken and cast in shadow. His pale skin has caused dark circles to form around his once alluring eyes.
Mental: He is very critical of himself, and rarely gets angry unless it is at his own mistake. His primary goal is the future safety of his clan, and frequently undergoes dangerous missions and arduous training to help them. He has a romanticized view of the whole situation, as he fancies himself a noble hero. As such, he tries to be gallant and chivalrous, but usually ends up looking somewhat foolish.
He is very distrusting of his fellow vampires, but grudgingly allies himself with them for protection from the Bloodseekers. He believes only in violence for the sake of peace, and refuses to do anything out of spite or hate.
Weapons: He has no weapons, but his black leather gloves have metal studs on the knuckles
Clothing: He usually wears an eccentric and classy outfit, with rich colors and a long flowing cape that fits perfectly with his view of himself. His coats primarily have frilly sleeves, and he frequently wears a goofy looking top hat. All of which he thinks is the height of fashion.
Miscellaneous: He has a small pouch of rose seeds, which he enchants into blooming flowers to be handed out to various ladies at the earliest possible moment.
History: Maglir grew up as heir to a small court of Northern Valenwood, his less than affluent father a lord of a long forgotten castle. His father hired many tutors to teach him in the ways of politics and administration, but he would much rather try to charm young ladies in the estate's garden than study, a frequent cause of debate between his parents. His mother claimed he would grow out of it, and that he would eventually settle down with a nice Bosmer girl from another family, but his father insisted his actions would be the death of him.
One bright spring day, Maglir was at his usual antics when, to his surprise, the maiden agreed to his suppositions. They made off for a nearby bedroom, but, much to his surprise, the girl's beauty melted away with the sunlight, and she was revealed as the monster she really was. As he lay unconscious with her bite marks on his neck, she took her time butchering his parents and much of the castle staff. When he finally came to, he found an empty and bloody castle awaiting him, with her situated on his father's throne.
He tried to attack her, but his attempts were useless. She laughed as she nearly killed him for the second time, and told him he would be cursed forever to wander the land, hunted and alone, just as she was. Maglir never saw her again after that day, but ever since then he has had a deep seated distrust for vampires. His antics with women, however, seemingly remained intact.
He lived out his days in gloom and solitude since then, but the recent Bloodseeker hunts have driven him to joining the vampires in the Imperial City for protection. He doesn't have much respect for Ferin Dren, but believes he is far preferable to Rosewood. As such, he trains himself to his limits and does everything he can for the clan, not out of loyalty or pride, but to end this conflict as quickly as possible.
Gender: Male
Race: Imperial
Birthsign: The Warrior
Age: 31
Faction: Bloodseekers
Personality: Is very serious and hardened, showing little affection or emotion. Logical and has decent morals. Does not kill for fun by any means and takes his work very seriously. He is kind however to his fellow bloodseekers while showing a little less respect for lower ranking members. He is extremely hateful toward vampires and all the other deadly night creatures.
Specialization: Combat
General Skills: Marksman, Blade, Light Armor, Block
Height: Average hight, not towering, but not short.
Weight: Very well built.
General Appearance: Has a small attractive face and short, cropped, black hair. Average brow, small nose, slight cleft chin, flat cheeks.
Armor: and a red cape, but without the helmet.
Weapons: Silver short sword on belt with sheath. Also keeps a crossbow slung along with bolts.
Accessories/Enchanted Items: None.
Background/History: His family brutally murdered by vampires at the age of 19, he trained extensively to become the ultimate vampire hunting weapon. Before that however, he was part of a respected noble wealthy family and had an easy life. After repeated refusal to be let in, he was finally let in t the Bloodseekers at the age of 22. He was noticed quickly by high ranking vampire Bloodseeker specialists and has grown greatly in his nine years of Bloodseeking experience. He is now a high commander and chats with the likes of Kane and Rosewood.
He is very proficient with a crossbow with almost perfect accuracy. He is also one of the best duelists in the Bloodseekers.
Gender: Male
Race: Vampire/Imperial
Birthsign: Ritual
Age: 180
Personality: Cold, calculating, and all while such a Gentleman. Hermann is a bit of a loner, and can at times be very vicious and deadly to those who get on his bad side. He has a temper, which can go from being very calm and relaxed, to outraged and wanting blood within a second. His temper towards of Vampires however, is well received and he rarely lashes out at his fellow kin, preferring to just walk away than to do anything else. Hermann, has a very large ego of himself and at times can be a bit too egotistical for his own good, which makes him not wanted by some when around.
Specialization: Stealth
General Skills: Blades, Light Armor, Acrobatics, Athletics, Marksman, Mercantile, Speech
Height: 6'
Weight: 190lbs
General Appearance:
-Blondish Hair well kept hair, which reaches to his shoulders
-Strong body, and well toned muscle.
-Chiseled face, and powerful look about him
-Several scars around his back and chest.
-Pale skin, but still has some very diluted tan color
Armor: N/A
Weapons: Silver Dagger, Silver Short Sword,
Accessories/Enchanted Items: Several small books, Quill & Paper, "Wine" bottles, Whet Stone, Healing Potions, Small poison bottles. Simple Silver handled walking cane.
Background/History: Hermann, was like any young noble growing up in Cyrodiil. He had a family that took good care of him, and a family estate large enough to keep him entertained with the wildlife and other things. After years of learning the nobleman's way, Hermann took a long trip from Bruma, down to Layawiin. During the trip, Hermann's small little envoy of servants and assistants were attacked by highwaymen just looking for someone to rob clean. During the fight, Hermann was injured and was left to die in a small open field where he lay dying for nearly a day. On the second night, a mysterious man came across Hermann and his destroyed envoy; giving Hermann the wish to die or live. At first, Hermann was unsure and did not know why this man was helping him. But Hermann, being a man at that time of weak will and easy greed asked for life. And so, within minutes Hermann became a vampire.
The following years, Hermann and the man who had changed him; now know to Hermann as: Louie, went into seclusion and were never heard from again. For those few years, Hermann learned of his new strengths and powers, his Vampire life had given him. Louie taught Hermann, how to hunt and kill their prey without remorse or much trouble from the victim or the guards. Hermann quickly took to the teachings, and gradually became a very skilled vampire.
Following the years after, Hermann came out of hiding after learning that it was his step brother who had payed the highwaymen to attack and kill Hermann. Why this was, is simple. The want of power over the Von Kesselring name, over came Hermann's brother who was two brothers down the line to take head of the family name. Hermann's other brother, the one before him had been killed some years back while Hermann was still in hiding. And so when Hermann came through the doors of the main hall, drenched from the rainstorm outside; Hermann shocked his younger step brother, and before anything could be done. Hermann killed the step brother, and took the head of the family. Most of the family Hermann had once known, was now long gone and dead from either age, disease, or murder which his younger step brother had done to Hermann's own parents.
After the Oblivion Crisis occurred, and Hermann stayed hidden for the most part in his castle. He felt it was time to come back into society again, and become apart of the fight his fellow Vampire kin were doing. When Hermann reached the Imperial City, and met many Vampires who introduced him to their Vampire Lord, Hermann took up the fight in the Imperial City. Causing mischief and death where ever he set foot. Herman von Kesselring, now resides in the Imperial City, hunting when needed and most often fleeing to his castle if the pressure on the Vampires becomes a bit to much for him.
Birthsign:the serpent
Age:98 (looks late twenties)
Personality:Cruel and proud,but also some what lazy.He has a habit of just watching to see how things play out for his own amusemant although he cant contain himself for long.He is extremely proud of what he is,going so far as to have a near constant grin simply to show off.He has no intention of blending in.Despite his pride he doesnt have anything against using stealth to kill or even simply to hide if he feels threatened.
Specialization:hand to hand
General Skills:marksman, short blade, axe, acrobatics, dodge
Height:6 foot 6
Weight:200 lbs
General Appearance:He is tall and well built with long blond hair that stretches just past his shoulders.His eyes are red as blood and his skin is pale as ash.He is clean shaven so he can feed as cleanly as possible.
Armor:no armor but he wears a mix of deer and bear pelt and has a belt made of human skin with with a human skull (minus the bottom jaw)as the buckle
Weapons:He has a steel shortsword and axe as well as a bow carved out of bone and a wolf skin quiver stuffed with steel arrows
Accessories/Enchanted Items:none
Background/History:As a child Threng grew up a village ten miles south of solitude.The constant bandit raids in the area taught him how to fight and kill from an early age.As a result he is quite socio-pathic.When he was 25 he killed half of his village including his own parents before being chased away by bandits who were seemingly there to the same thing.He wandered for days in the cold dark forests of skyrim until he came across an unarmed man alone in the woods.Driven mad from hunger Threng had every intention of killing and eating the man,but as he attacked the man simply back handed him knocking him unconcious.He awoke three days later with a strange,soothing pain in neck and a very different hunger.Since that day Threng has stalked and hunted his quary in every part of tamriel but never had a reason to visit the imperial city....until the recent events provoked a reaction.
Preferred Name: Jentina.
six: Female.
Race: Imperiton (Breton/Imperial)
Age: 22
Birthsign: The Lady
Character Focus: Alterior motives to gain the throne and rule Tamriel.
Skills and Abilities: Highly powerful witch/sorceress. Skilled hand-to-hand combatant.
Powers, Magick and Otherwise: Active Telekinesis and Astral Projection powers. Incantations for other spells memorized.
Class: Custom Sorceress Class.
General Physical Appearance: Toned, lithe body. Olive complexion. Busty.
Facial Appearance: Plush lips. Flawless, matte skin. Larger, almond-shaped eyes that give her an innocent, baby-faced look.
Hair: Softly wavy, raven-coloured. Reach just a little bit below her briasts.
Eyes: Tiger-eyed. An intense green mixed with blue.
Weight: 116 lbs.
Height: 5'7
Tatoos/Scars+Any Other Distinguishing Features: One tattoo above her right eye, and a matching one below it. "Flamma Saeva" tattooed on her right hip.
Power(s): Jen is able to manipulate the weather and create catastrophic weather and atmospheric conditions. Also, although not a power, Jentina is an incredible combatant.
Weakness(es): She often becomes unfocused and carried away in a blind insane rage while fighting (mental instability) and becomes drained if she uses her powers for long periods of time.
Weapon/s: She usually only carries a dagger, but will sometimes take weapons off of fallen enemies should the need arise.
Clothing/Armor: The only true piece of armor that Jentina wears is the gauntlet on her left arm. She often wears an enchanted, custom made dress that shows off her 'assets' (as shown in the picture) The dress itself is enchanted with mysticism properties that absorbs some damage that is thrown her way.
Inventory: She'll sometimes carry around an enchanted bag (bag of holding oblivion mod) with her witchcraft items inside. This includes her spellbook (although she rarely uses it, she memorizes most of her spells) her ritual book, candles, potions, scrolls, knives, etc.
Short Bio: Jentina was born the bastard daughter to a Breton waitress and the Imperial, Corvus Umbranox (before you all knew him as the 'Gray Fox' and his marriage to Millona.) When Jentina was younger, she was always fascinated by the works of Magicka. She always frequented the Arcane University (since she lived in the Waterfront District) and it was the Arch Mage who Jentina acknowledges as her "true father". When she turned 15, she officially joined the Mages Guild and was promptly allowed access to the University to study further. When this happened, this opened up a whole new chapter in Jentina's life - she was always told that dark magicka would be the downfall of the Empire, and that it's practice was forbidden throughout the land. Throughout the years of her studies at the University, Jentina had always secretly studied Witchcraft on the side. She never cracked open a book about Necromancy, however, because she felt the manipulation of dead bodies was disgusting and that there was no honor in not letting the dead rest. Her days were filled of innocent studies, and her nights were filled with witchcraft rituals and the practice of the dark arts. Throughout this, though, she never considered herself tainted by the dark arts because she only necessarily practiced so she could protect herself and become one of the most powerful women in the world. On Jentina's 18th birthday, she came home to find her mother's lifeless body sprawled out on the floor, surrounded in a ritual circle with candles on the five points of the pentagram. That's when the guards busted into her home, and arrested her for the murder of her mother and the practice of the forbidden arts. Even though she pleaded that she would never harm her mother, the fact that she was a witch faltered her pleas, and she was sentenced to be hanged after serving 5 years in jail. The night she was thrown into jail, was the night everything was changed for her. One year passed - and after dealing with that cruel-mouthed dunmer in the cell across from her - Jentina broke herself out of the jail. She summoned powerful, dark energies that blew apart the iron doors that held her for so long. Every single guard that came at her was killed, and hanged from the ceiling, their own intestines wrapping tightly around their necks. Nobody has heard from her since then - Jentina built her own house in the middle of the thick forest so that she could live in peace and continue her study. People mistake her to be a villain - she is not. She only does things that she feel are the right moves for her OWN benefit; she is selfish.
Gender: Male
Race: Imperial
Birthsign: The Mage
Age: 34
Faction: Necromancer
Personality: Maelus is quite simply, a sociopath, and a psychopath. His posh, friendly guise is nothing more than masking the sick, twisted mind in his head. He is also horrible at deception.
Specialization: Magic
General Skills: Necromancy, Conjuration, Destruction, knows some survival skills.
General Appearance:
Armor: Traditionally wears Necromancer robes, he has them hidden in his house. His disguise is a brown wool jacket over a white top. He was green leggings, and gold trimmed shoes.
Weapons: A silver dagger
Accessories/Enchanted Items: A golden necklace that bears a Shield enchant, as well as a ring that enhances his magical skills.
Background/History: Maelus was born in the Imperial City Waterfront, the son of two theives. His mother died from childbirth, so he grew up with a grieving father. Maelus coulden't get into the theivery buisness, he wasn't exactly the best at sneaking. Instead, he managed dealing bribes, and collecting 'goods' as a runner. When he was 15, his father was brutally murdered by an Imperial Legionairre, tough murder was not nescesarry, as he only stole an apple from the market. So he lived on the Waterfront for two years, avoiding criminal dealings, though he occasionally helped the Thieve's Guild. But one day, he was scouted by a mage from the Arcane University, and there he trained, and lived. He specialised in Destruction and Conjuration from the start, summoning Scamps and even Clannfears from the start. Yet he needed more. He found an old tome on Necromancy, and the power it held. He gathered all his belongings, and joined a known Necromancer cult north-east of Cheydinhal. He studied all corners of the dark arts, a devout follower of Mannimacro. Sadly, he once returned to the hideout, and all the cultists were slain. By the Mages Guild. He fled to one of his friend's lairs, between Bravil and the Imperial City. There, he plots many things with the cult there...
Gender: Male
Race: Dunmer
Birthsign: The Lord
Age: 102 (looks about 60)
Faction: Necromancer):
Personality: Being separated from society and living amongst the dead has given Lliryn a bit of a sadistic streak, and if he can get his hands on a person, he would rather have them alive to bring home. He is still well-spoken and even polite at times when he is required to make trips into the cities, and can even crack a joke or two given the situation (the jokes are usually sadistic and involve his targets slow death). He is controlling however and when he works with other living people, he must be the leader of the activities unless it's the King of Works himself beside him. The only thing that beats his sadism, is he extreme thirst for knowledge and lust for power, especially immortality.
Specialization: Necromancer (Magick)
General Skills: Necromancy, Destruction, Mysticism, Illusion, Alchemy
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 155 pounds
Eye Color: Dunmer Red
General Appearance: A rather skinny and frail mer, he can show great bursts of youth and energy when it comes to certain things, though he always walks with a slight crouch, and must use his staff if he is going long distances. His pure white hair grows down to his neck, and is kept tidy and well groomed and his eyebrows might as well be as long, as they are thick and bushy, and angled down-wards to give him the look of always frowning. His teeth are yellowed and more than a few are missing or chipped. The most notable feature of the man is that the entire left side of his face is burned and scarred from an alchemical experiment and this leads to poor eyesight in his left eye.
Armor/Clothes: Black Robes. Red tunic underneath with moderate Resist Fire enchantment beneath. High (mid-shin) tan leather boots.
Weapons: Silver ceremonial dagger. Walking stick/enchanted staff, stands about chest high, made of smoothed black wood with a fist sized gem set on top. Those who have gotten close enough say you can see shadows moving inside and hear anguished whispers of unseen voices.
Accessories/Enchanted Items: See above for Tunic. Silver Amulet with moderate Resist Frost enchantment.
Background/History: Growing up around the Mages Guild gave him a fondness for magick and its unfound secrets, and he studied intently for many many years, falling deeply into Necromancy and the secrets of immortality. He was alienated from many friends as his studies took every second he had and his friends and family attempted to discourage him from his path. He killed his mother and two brothers when he was 26. He killed two of his friends the next year. He worked diligently for the Mages Guild after that, being the young, talented mer that had lost his family and friends mysteriously and he rose in ranks in the Guild, allowing him access to the University and the Mystic Archives where he had learned of great tomes of knowledge that were not available to the public.
Over nearly six decades many of his teachers and peers noticed a slow and subtle change in Lliryn. He smelled of dirt often, and his fingers were always dirty, and when he attended lectures in the morning, he was weary and had dark bags under his eyes. Finally, a month after his 90th birthday, a group of his peers finally happened upon him digging in the large graveyard in the Imperial City, with two corpses already lying beside him. The men and women were never heard from again, and nobody knew that they had become Lliryn's first "fresh" victims.
As a few years passed, Necromancy became more and more frowned upon on Cyrodiil, so he moved out of his residence in the City and basically vanished from civilization to live in a small cave on the other side of Lake Rumare, not far from the small town of Weye.
He commands a Skeleton that contains the soul of a long dead Redguard warrior named Sorian. He fights with an iron longsword and shield, and dons a cuirass and helmet, as well as boots. A loyal servant, though he has no choice, the connection between Lliryn and Sorian is a mental one, and will due its masters bidding with a thought. Due to the extreme skill that the body was put back together, and strengthened with strips of leather and bolts, and imbued with a dozen different enchantments to strengthen the bones, increase speed and become more resistant to the elements, the skeleton is almost as agile and strong as it had been in life as Sorian.
Race: Imperial
Birthsign: The Ritual
Faction: None, atleast for now
Personality: Grim and distrusting, he is always on the look out for anything unnatural. With high zeal and faith he suspects everyone of treachery.
Specialization: Combat
General Skills: Swordsman, marksman, athletics, acrobatics,
General Appearance:He has dark eyes, that are usualy covered by his long brown hair. There are numerous scars that mark his face.
Armor: A large hat that usualy covers his face. He also wears a long dark brown coat to his feat. Other clothing would be gloves and boots
Weapons: a long silver sword and crossbow with silver bolts.
Accessories Enchanted Items: A ring of resist magic and a necklace of resist disease
Background/History: Born into a rather wealthy family in the imperial city, he was well educated and taught the faith of the nine. He would commonly hear stories of evil creatures and dark magic. From all the stories of evil things he soon grew to feel it was up to him to stop them. One day he met somone who hunted these dark things. He asked him if he could follow along. He accepted him to follow along and taught him important lessons of hunting vampires, werewolves, necromancers, rogue mages, and witches. When he was ready he left on his own. Soon growing a reputation among small villages he was asked to join the bloodseekers many times. He denided them many times, prefering to work on his own.
Gender: Male
Race: Dunmer
Birthsign: The Serpent
Age: 120 Looks to be in his 30's
Faction: Bloodseeker
Personality: Old, dark, and full of mystery and wisdom. Fyr is an old and pious Dunmer who is stubborn and set in his ways. Quick to get angry and yet also quick to help a person in need, and always, always fearless in battle against the things he deems evil.
Specialization: Swordsmanship
General Skills: Long Blade, Archery, Pole-arms, Alchemy, Destruction, Restoration, Survival
Height: 6'5"
Weight: 130 lbs
General Appearance: White Hair with a long top knot on his head, Dark Skin, a thin beard with a single braid on the tip of his chin. Holy tattoos on his face and chest, along with countless battle scars, including one across his left eye.
Armor: Silver Knight's Armor on top of a Black Silken Robe. The armor is in a common Dunmer style with a touch of Imperial craftsmanship from who made it. A red cape is worn on the back.
Weapons: A Silver Claymore with Ebony inlaid into the blade and guard, its sheath is black wood. A Steel Halberd 6 ft tall. Nelos also carries a Silver Crossbow and Bolts.
Accessories/Enchanted Items: The Silver Crossbow, aptly named Truesilver, is a crossbow that is capable of firing 2 bolts separately, and was blessed by Holamayan monks to be able to cast any unholy soul in the fires of Oblivion.
Background/History: Nelos was born into a life of piousness, raised by a father who was Knighted by Almalexia herself. He was trained in every conceivable warrior art, from archery and swordsmanship to simply being honorable. He was also taught by the monks on how to destroy evil.
When he was in his 30's, Nelos went on an expedition into the deep ashlands, there his party was beset by Aundae vampires. The battle lasted for 5 days, during a horrible ash storm that masked what little sun there was. Only 4 Knights, including Nelos, walked out of the Ashlands.
He was awarded for his bravery, but he was forever scarred, and he vowed retribution and vengeance for his fallen brethren. Which inevitably lead to even more battle with Vampires, Necromancers, Werewolves, and all other sorts of Hellspawn.
When the Bloodseekers rose up from the Mages Guild, Nelos saw the perfect opportunity to lend his vast experience to the cause of the just.
Please make sure to PM me your char sheets for approval. Do not post your char sheets I will be editing this topic and posting them here. Failure to follow rules will not be taken lightly. Lots of credits to Bebop and others who contributed ideas.

Your first post should be your starting point. I will post up my char sheet shortly and my opening post. Make sure to start in the Imperial City during the riot.