IC: Faolin let his arrow free and it stuck the fallen vampire in the head, which instantly burst into flames. The vampire screamed and slashed for a few seconds then lay still and motionless. (OOC: flame enhcantment, remember?) He quickly turned his attention to the werewolf only to be in awe and dumbfoundment. The werewolf hunter he had just met a few minutes ago was now missing his head and the werewolf's claws were layered with blood. The werewolf turned his head towards Faolin. Faolin had never been so nervous while fighting another creature of the night. What's wrong with me? I'm hesitating, this obviously isn't my fight. This werewolf must have a lot of experience to take down a skilled hunter so easily. Faolin slowly reached towards his quiver and notched another arrow. This isn't my fight but I have to avenge one of my fellow bloodseekers. Or am I being foolish? I have only fought a couple of werewolves, all of them weak. Should I run and let reinforcements take care of him? Faolin's quickly looked behind him to see if help was arriving, but didn't see anyone coming yet. His faced displayed obvious confusion as he waited for the werewolves next move.