OOC : Actually I just watched "from hell" and one of the dudes in that had a smiliar contraption

IC :
"Been bleeding...eh?" Flynt said with a scowl , running his reptilian-like tongue over his teeth in an aggressive manner , not taking his eyes of the man's .
He maintained eye contact as he knelt down , touching a small pool of blood on the floor before the man with his gloved hand before standing back up . He rubbed the sample between his index finger and thumb , smelling it . It was old , almost scabbed-over .
He licked it , letting out an excited gasp before licking his lip's . He devilish grin crept across his age-cracked face and his eyes lit up with anticipation and excitement . He could taste the taint , a disease of sorts . It had taken him years of training to hone such a skill , but the taste was there .
But was it Lycanthropy? Or was the man merely sick with some other illness?
"I am an officer of the blood seeker's...and you had better hope that your not part of the plagued blight that infests this province . Werewolves . Witche's Vampire's . Necromancer's . I wouldn't suppose you had seen any around...have you?"
He gave the man a angered and somewhat stressed glare , a way of saying "Im suspicious, and I think you know what you are , and if im correct , your in trouble"
Suddenly a voice rang out from behind him...a female voice . The elderly man spun around on his heel's and faced the woman . Now he was between the two , blocked .
For a moment he wore an expression of suprise and anger . His eyes beamed and he snarled . He knew he was at disadvantage , but he maintained his stern , hissing tone .
"How did you get past Mr. Scol....."
Before he finished his sentence he decided to take another approach . He recollected himself , clearing his throat before standing straight , his arms behind his back . He ever so subtley flicked his wrist , sending his small glass dagger springing out . He covered it in the palm of his hand and looked at the woman with a wry smile .
"Friend of your's , Nord?" He spat , his eyes fixated on her's . "This is none of your business harlet , so you had better get back into the main lobby where my Lieutenants will look after you...."