Ok, so here's the deal. This takes place during the oblivion crisis, so oblivion gates and daedric creatures are commonplace. The main idea is that you can choose from numerous factions (e.g. Necromancers, Witchhunters, Vampires, Werewolves (yes, even in Cyrodiil but note: we might visit Solstheim or even Vvardenfell, this isn't just an Oblivion RP, it just starts in Cyrodiil). Though you are among different groups, you have common enemies. The Vampires and Werewolves are in a war, but they both hate Daedra. The Witchhunters are seeking to destroy the Necromancers, but may even side with a vampire if they so choose. The consequences and results all depend on your character, and his actions. You may choose any faction of those listed, but NO DAEDRA. Hopefully we'll get enough for each faction. We need teamwork just as much as we need player versus player content.
This RP is all about the wars waging between the Werewolves, Vampires, Witchhunters, and Necromancers. The story is as follows:
A group of anti-necromancer, anti-werewolf, anti-vampire sorcerers have split from the mages guild. They are known commonly as Witchhunters, but their faction is entitled "The Blood Seekers". They have made many strides to seek out and destroy the dark cultures of Tamriel, going so far as to invade Solstheim in an attempt to slay every Werewolf. The Werewolves have blended in with society, and even began hiding amongst the commonfolk in Morrowind and neighboring Cyrodiil. The Blood Seekers have split into several small companies, such as the Werewolf Hunters and Vampire Hunters, and the Deathbringers, the company seeking the deaths of Necromancers. The Werewolf Hunters have just begun to invade Solstheim, while a similar foray into the Black Marsh has begun by the Vampire Hunters, after recent reports of vampire activity in the area. The Deathbringers have even made riots in the Imperial City, for certain Necromancers have secretly wormed their way into the mages guild.
It is an all out war between the various Witchhunters and the dark societies of Tamriel. The Imperial Legion is doing their best to keep the armies at bay, but a full-out battle is being planned just outside of Anvil. Blood Seeker ships have appeared off coast, while Necromancers and Vampires have allied in that area. At the same time, a vicious trench war has begun in the snowy mountains of Solstheim, as well as an invasion on Raven Rock. The Nordic culture of Solstheim has vowed to defend the Werewolves, for many of them are their leaders. The only way to resolve this conflict, seems to be with bloodshed. Where do you fall in this all-out war? Are you a vampire? A nordic werewolf defending his village? A greedy Witchhunter of the Bloodseekers? Or are you just a Necromancer, wishing you never joined the dark cult? Your fate will be decided here.
Rules and Guidelines
1) No mind reading or all knowing characters
2) No god mode or uber playing
3) No bad language, other than the words not starred out already
4) Be realistic with your posts, this is strongly player versus player so do NOT try and be invincible. Players can and will die. It is suggested to submit a second character after your death
5) If you are traveling long distances, actually travel. No instant travel, please.
6) You may start with good equipment, but no full enchanted daedric with a plethera of kick ass weapons. Keep it simple. Enchanted equipment is allowed but nothing complex.
7) Use good grammar and spelling
8) Post as often as possible, RPs aren't an obligation but certainly require you to post. No double posts are allowed, but as long as someone posted after your last post, you can post again.
9) PM me all Character Sheets, just let me approve first. No posting character sheets, just describe your character like a real writer would.
10) Use OOC brackets when speaking out of character
11) Most importantly, have fun!
Character Sheets
All credit goes to Morty14 for his character sheet setup.
General Information
Race: (Also tell if you're a vampire or werewolf)
Birthsign:(We're going by Oblivion signs for this)
Class Information
Class name and Description (custom, if you wish)
Specialization: Magic, Combat, or Stealth
Skills:(PICK ONLY THREE. No more is allowed. I will not accept character sheets with any more than three.)
General Appearance: (consider race/gender when describing)
Armor:(Again, no uber stuff please...)
Weapons: (See above)
Enchanted items: (Same as above, keep it simple. None is a perfectly legitimate option here)
Towards the law:
Towards the Nine:
Towards the legal guilds:
Towards the Empire:
Towards Vampires:
Towards the Blood Seekers:
Towards Werewolves:
Towards Necromancers:
Thanks, have fun. I expect this to last much longer than my last thread

I will be posting as my character shortly, likely after a character sheet or two is submitted.