» Wed Jan 19, 2011 3:48 pm
RANT TIME!!!! News flash ya'lls PEOPLE-ARE-DIFFERENT (typed as slow as possible on that one), We
are all....well most....are shelling out a sizable chunk of our hard earned dollars/euros/pounds/rupples/pesos/yin
and other currencies to buy Brink, A GAME, which is designed to ENTERTAIN us. I understand to a degree the
point people try to make about a code of honor. Now I don't glitch, I don't mod, I dont lag switch or turbo because
those are what I consider cheap tactics, taking advantage of, or exploiting, the hardware and software limitations
of a product to the detrament of others is cheap and uncalled for. But useing something THAT IS IN THE GAME
isn't being cheap or cowardly,it's being DIFFERENT!!!. The Weapons are there for a reason, to fill a role on a team
and to give people with different playstyles a way to find a place in the game. The weapons in Brink have been
balanced and tested ad nausium for months by people considerably more qualified than us. Maybe a player isn't
too good a shooting but wants to be a Medic, he(or she)'ll need to stick close to the action, which will make them
a target, give them a grenade launcher (aka noob tube) and they won't die automaticly, they wont be racking up
massive kill streaks (thanx to clever balancing by SD) but they'll be able to defend themselves while healing,
buffing and rezing, and over all aiding the team. Now say someone is a crack shot but they're situational awareness
ain't to good (they keep getting killed from the sides or behind), give them a Long Rifle and let them get an over view
of the battlefield and they can near-death any badys before they even get to you, also aiding the team. Finally,
on the subject of camping, people run straight down the middle of a firefight and complain when they get ventilated,
if you tryed to run and gun in real life you'd get 30 rounds heavier in seconds, IT'S BAD TACTICS YA'LL. Say it's
our job to gaurd an objective on the map should we all just run in circles while looking for enemys, NO!, we set
up shop in a deffensable position with our eyes on corridors and we wait for the attackers, in other words WE CAMP.
In conclusion why dont we just enjoy the game we paid for, if someone has a tactic that works a little too well for
them than just avoid them, don't make a big steam over it just move on to the next lobby (after the match, don't bail on your team).
*phew* think I gave maself a hernia :pinch:
Time for me to get hated upon, MWAHAHAHA :swear: