no BLTD was terrible at spawn camping or atleast the last time i played it. the other team had killed off most of my team then camped right in front of the spawn exits. we couldnt even leave the dang spawn areas cause the whole enemie teams sites were aimed at them.
i personally lik the sound of section 8 prejudice way of spawning. u drop from the sky to the battlefield.
We need more games with original respawns like that. Shattered Horizon had you jetpacking into the battlefield.
A point on gaming ethics, I always found that when playing splitscreen off-line (aside from the occasional screen staring) there was generally a very strong ethical code. If you saw a guy spawn in front of you you bolted and they let you, if you didn't spawn with a weapon (or a strong weapon in certain games) we waited for you to get one before engaging you in combat, maps were smaller so camping was accepted (including weapon/armor camping).
On-line has changed a lot of that, in part because people are faceless and many don't care what they do to faceless people, but also because everything has sort of changed over the years. A lot of players would rather have the game changed to fit them than have to learn how to change to fit the game and that seems to happen a lot.
I remember 4-player split screen on Delta Force: Black Hawk Down a few years back. We made an entire section off limits so players could go to the weapons room and resupply.
More recently, at a LAN party some of my friends decided to have a sniper duel in Urban Terror, no armour and no automatic weapons.
My code of honour:
1. No glitch exploits.
2. No hacking, even if I could.
3. Noobish weapons are only permitted if everyone else is using them.
4. No teabagging unless the recipient is in the same room as you.
5. No insulting other players over the mic or text chat, unless it's "friendly" or 1v1.