to satisfy the need without ever reaching satisfaction.
~Erich Fromm~
I start with this because to understand we must dig deep into human psychology.You can also say "why the ****
should i care for a topic about games and psychology",no argue there my friends.
Well how is this quote relative?
"One more kill,one more kill,one more,awesome killstreak i have,i can spawn camp
and have eeeeasy kills and then brag..",the "bragging rights" thats why.
Now comes the part "which exhausts the person in an endless effort",here should common sense interfere
but we are not caple of understanding this.Example,u remember the movie "Pirates of the Caribbean"
where the cursed pirates couldn't satisfy their hunger?It's us,see the movie again and put yourselves in their place..
There should be ethical boundaries and unwritten codes of honor when playing a game as there should be in real life.
Cause it's something we share,real life and games both.
So games,i/we bought it,i/we have a right to enjoy it.
So every game have the rules it's Dev team apllies to it.
Still,these rules can be bend if we want to play "dirty".Why should we play dirty though?
The answer is on top,no?
So by playing in false terms,you cut the enjoyment from another player and i know most don't care about it since i see it
constantly in every Online game unfortunately.
In the end this is why we have laws in real life...we don't know what is good for our society?You think
an outlaw decide to go out of law by choice,or because the system created by some,give him few choices?
Well to be honest here i am a "conspiracy theory guy" cause i believe that justige is where the money goes but thats another topic.
Anyways,i shouldn't go deeper,all i want to say is plaese let me play.
A plea to gamers.You have "bragging rights" i have "playing rights",we're equal.
You don't have honor codes etc?fine,let me know to avoid you then,tell me wich servers you prefer to avoid etc ok?
I understand how u see things,i wish u'll understand how i see things too and find a common ground,avoid eachother that is yes?
I love teamwork,i'll do my best not to insult by saying or by the way i play the other players,u don't care?no problem,
just let me know.I know u don't care to let me know either but we should find a way to work this out,if
not for reason then for Einstein(?)...:
“Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity and I'm not sure about the universe.”
Thank you.
(Your thoughts would be appriciated.Flaming works too,go mental,it's so common nowadays.
Not a solution but whatever works yes?)
This is what i posted in another game forum and i'd like to see if u have an opinion in this.